x | cuddles after a hard day

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[my hiatus is over and i'm back to writing my guys! feel free to request any scenarios or characters you'd like to see added! catch-ups for Tamaki Amajiki, Dabi, Shota Aizawa, Tomura Shigaraki and Hanta Sero will be done *hopefully* by today! as of now, enjoy this new chapter!]


Bakugo Katsuki

School was tough. New subjects, upcoming midterms, three essays due and very little sleep due to and overload in homework. Katsuki knew UA would be fast paced but he never expected for every teacher to be puking homework all at once. When the day was finally over, the blonde busted into your dorm, slamming the door shut and throwing himself on your bed beside your crossed legs. With a grumbling he tugged your arm and brought you down beside him as he demanded to be cuddled. Katsuki would never let anyone see him like this except for you. So as you you press the softest kiss to his head and ghost your hands over his shoulders and down his back, you relish in moments of vulnerability.

Midoriya Izuku

Overexertion was common for the freckles boy as he often pushed himself too hard while better his use of One for All. Battered and bruised from a personal training session, Izuku staggered back to the dorms, yours to be exact, and weakly knocked on the door. When you answered and saw his dilapidated form stood there, you quickly ushered him in and laid him down on your bed. With his arms extended towards you, you situated yourself into his warm embrace and before you could ask what happened to him, Izuku was out, his snores resonating around your dorm.

Todoroki Shoto

He had another fight with his dad, hero work was burning him out but he didn't make any effort to let off that steam other than annihilating a punching bag with the simultaneous use of both of his quirks. Shoto was exhausted mentally and physically. In a puddle of shame and tiredness, the heterochromic boy walked to your dorm and slowly opened the door to see you on your bed with a soft lo-fi song playing from your speakers. With no words, Shoto slithered in between your arms and laid down on your chest, feeling the weight of the last couple of weeks melt off as he listened to your heartbeat. Please run your nails through his scalp and caress his scar really gently and just give him really tender and tight hugs.

Kirishima Eijiro

You had been away for family issues for about two weeks and in that span, Eijiro's cuddle surplus had depleted and that didn't leave him too happy. Contrasting his normally cheerful and gentlemanly attitude, he was left grumpy and easily peeved which the rest of his classmates didn't appreciate it very much. When you returned, Eijiro ran as fast as he could, despite Iida's screams of disapproval, to your dorm and straight into your arms. Refused to let you out of his arms all night as he hugged you and told you how much he missed you and how this was "the only way he could recharge his surplus." You spend the night tangled in his arms and buried in his scent of cinnamon.

Kaminari Denki

Denki was clingy, he never wanted to be away from you. But it always seemed like schoolwork and friends and family managed to get in the way of spending quality time with you. Anytime where he'd ask you if you wanted to hang out, the 1-A girls were always there to drag you away. Similarly, the bakusquad always took Denki away for something when you were free. But now, with the weather getting cold and rainy, nobody wanted to leave so you both took the chance to catch up on cuddles. Your positions changed every hour or so but for the most part you were the little spoon and Denki satiated himself by combing through your hair with his fingers until you both fell asleep.

Iida Tenya

He had never had a cuddle before. So when you texted him asking him if he could come cuddle you he responded with "is that some type of sexual act?" That had you on the floor laughing but you still explained so you wouldn't leave him with questions. When he found out what a cuddle really was, Tenya was more than excited to do it and brought his favorite book to read while he was with you. You both laid down on the beanbags you had in your dorm and laid a blanket over you both as you settled down between his arms and in his broad and warm chest. Tenya held you close and began reading his book aloud until he was taken over by sleep, leaving you to admire the way his dark hair fell from its done state and over his closed eyes.

Shinso Hitoshi

You were supposed to be playing video games together, as the date was set up to be that way. But of course the insomniac's eyes were drooping terribly and every now and then you felt his head fall onto your shoulder and quickly snap back up. Pausing the game you turned to catch Hitoshi mid yawn with bleary eyes from lack of sleep and seven shots of espresso. You told him he could catch up on sleep and that you wouldn't mind. With a delirious smile he agreed and you kept playing the game. Shortly after you felt his arms snake around your waist tightly and his face nestled into the crook of your neck, his snoring taking a chuckle from your mouth as Hitoshi drifted into sleep.

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