xvii | going into labor

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[preface : this will be the fem!s/o's first birth! nothing graphic so no trigger warning (unless you have a phobia of childbirth)

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[preface : this will be the fem!s/o's first birth! nothing graphic so no trigger warning (unless you have a phobia of childbirth).]

Bakugo Katsuki

Katsuki had just left home and was currently at his agency, he had offered to stay home with you, considering you could pop at any moment, yet you brushed him off and sent him to work. Big mistake. Not even three hours later and you were stood in the kitchen, knees buckling and struggling to reach your phone when you felt a slight pop and fluid soak your leggings. With a curse you lunged for your phone and called for Katsuki, begging him to come help you through curses and grunts. Since his agency wasn't far at all from your place he was there in less than five minutes, throwing off his mask and gauntlets to pick you up. Once you and your prepacked bag were in his car, he raced off and alerted the hospital that you'd be there shortly. As soon as you arrived you were greeted by nurses who ushered you into a wheelchair and into your hospital bed. Katsuki is there through everything regardless how gruesome it is. When your son is finally born and placed in your arms he doesn't know what to do. He just stands there frozen until you grab his hand and place it over your sons back. His smile when he realizes is absolutely priceless.

Midoriya Izuku

Do not argue with him, he's staying home at least a week before your due date. He was in the kitchen fixing you up some strange combination of ingredients when he heard you curse from the living room. When he walked in he didn't expect you to be holding a towel to your crotch but when he caught on to what you were doing he ran upstairs to get your hospital bag. Ushering you into the car he drove you both to hospital which was father away than either of you would've liked. When you did manage to arrive, he walked you in and let the nurses wheel you into your hospital room. The sight of all the needles, medical equipment and doctors wearing their face masks made him feel a bit light headed so he had to sit for a moment to which you teased him for. But when the time came he didn't leave your side at all despite how wide his eyes got or how close he was to fainting. The moment he heard your little girl cry for the first time, he burst into tears and when he saw her already wild mane of green locks he felt his heart squeeze.

Todoroki Shoto

You had been staying at Fuyumi's place while Shoto was at work, all in case something happened to you while he was out. You were currently at 35 weeks and, considering you were carrying twins, it was likely you'd be giving birth sooner. It was anticipated to happen at 37 weeks but when you suddenly felt your loungewear flood with what you assumed was amniotic fluid, you knew it would be now. Fuyumi has been quick to dial an ambulance to drive you and once you'd been settled in your room, Shoto burst through the door, hair askew and hero costume still on. He was quick to look over you, making sure that everything was alright before he finally let himself relax a bit. One the time came to push your babies out, Shoto was right there, asking the doctor to walk him through what was happening as he was curious to learn. Before you knew it, both your babies were set on your chest with their father already fawning over them. He could immediately tell which would have the biggest personality considering your son continued to cry and move around while his younger sister just looked around with big doe eyes.

『 𝙗𝙣𝙝𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙨 』Where stories live. Discover now