xiii | where you like to kiss each other

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Bakugo Katsuki

Him: Katsuki likes kissing you right on the corner of your lips. It drives you mad and he earns a few extra smooches that way.
You: You like kissing Katsuki on the temples. He gets headaches pretty easily with the all heavy training he does so your kisses ease the ache.

Midoriya Izuku

Him: Izuku absolutely ADORES kissing you on the cheek. He finds it cute how you smile after he does it so be prepared for lots of little pecks when you least expect them.
You: You wanna get him flustered and red? Kiss him right behind the ears. He's gonna tug on your sleeves until you apologize by giving him a proper kiss. He'd never admit that he likes them.

Todoroki Shoto

Him: It might be simple but a kiss on the lips is his favorite. It's traditional, intimate and he likes looking at your little grin when he makes that first move.
You: Ruin his calm composure. Kiss him on the neck, right on the Adam's apple. He will set off fire alarms and accidentally freeze himself to the floor. Either way, he can't focus now.

Kirishima Eijiro

Him: Eijiro loves kissing you on the forehead. Your pout when he refuses to give your lips attention makes his heart feel all cozy and soft.
You: Please kiss him on the cheek! He will melt and turn red and bubbly if you do! Eijiro May act tough and manly but he just wants all your love.

Kaminari Denki

Him: He loves to kiss your jaw. Watching you get red from your cheeks to your neck makes him feel proud for getting that reaction from you.
You: Kiss him on the nape of the neck and you have him spluttering and flushing. He doesn't know why but he just can't seem to handle you kissing him there.

Iida Tenya

Him: He's traditional and gentlemanly so his favorite place to kiss is your knuckles. He loves treating you like royalty so even your hands get special love to.
You: You know he loves to come off as calm and composed. But when you kiss him where his jaw meets his neck, he breaks. He's red, jumpy and can't seem to keep his hands to himself.

Shinso Hitoshi

Him: Loves to watch you gets embarrassed and turn red. When he kisses you on the collarbones, that's the only reaction you can give. He's got a smirk on his face all day after that.
You: He's a tough but to crack, not much flusters him. But kiss him right by the ear where he can feel you breathing and he'll be GONE. There's absolutely nothing else that makes him turn that red.

Tamaki Amajiki

Him: Amajiki is way too shy to do anything bold or risky. A simple kiss on the cheek makes your heart flutter to to no end. You've never wanted to squeeze him more.
You: A lot of the fun in kissing Amajiki is seeing how red you can make him. The top spot is kissing him on the ear. They're not just for show, those pointy ears are sensitive.


Him: He finds it hard to choose but he'd have to go for behind your ear. Something about the way you shudder makes him chuckle. He gets a kick out of seeing you so flustered.
You: You're his polar opposite. You love kissing Dabi on the forehead. He thinks you're too tame but it isn't your fault as you're not a villain like he is. He still thinks it's adorable.

Aizawa Shota

Him: Whenever he's hugging you from behind, expect a ton of kisses on your shoulders. He likes seeing you shudder, goosebumps on your arms. He genuinely smiles for once.
You: He can't handle himself when you kiss him at the base of his throat. He's holding back from just squeezing the life out of you and peppering your face with kisses.

Shigaraki Tomura

Him: Tomura generally dislikes kissing anywhere that isn't your lips solely because his own are chapped to the max. Besides, traditional kisses are the nose romantic.
You: He never stops scratching at his neck so in order to force him to stop, you kiss his it. It's an anxious act so the fact that you're there to help him really decreases his scratching.

Sero Hanta

Him: Sero loves kissing by your eyes. Watching the cute little crinkles that form when he does it makes his heart skip a beat. You say you hate it but you're over the moon when he does it.
You: Hanta is such a cutie so you prefer giving him kisses on the head. He feels really validated when you come up to him and give him a lil smooch on the head for a good job in training.

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