~Chapter 1~

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You jumped slightly, glancing up at the barista who had called your name just moments ago.
"Your order's ready." She gestured to the 4 cups of coffee in a drink holder, sitting on the counter.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you." You gave a slight nod as you grabbed the coffee, ducking through the crowd of people, making your way to the exit.
The cold, sharp wind greeted you as you walked out, making you shiver and wish you'd put on a thicker coat.
Moving quickly you walked down the street, stopping in front of your car. Finally, some warmth. You thought to yourself as you climbed in, setting the coffee in the passenger seat.
For whatever reason, SHIELD chose to hire you, of all people, to work at their New York headquarters. You had always been fascinated by the work the Avengers did, wishing to yourself that you had been born with special gifts.
You pulled into the parking lot of their headquarters grabbing the coffees once more before sliding out of your car, pacing quickly towards the door, eager to get out of the cold.
Sliding your keycard, the door beeped before unlocking, granting you entrance. You rocked back and forth on your heels as you waited impatiently for the elevator to open.
Once in, you pressed the "3" button.
Stepping out of the elevator, you slid your keycard yet again, turning around to push the door open with your back.
"Good morning, Y/N." One of your coworkers, who had become a close friend, greeted.
"Morning, Abi." You set the coffee down on the desk.
"Coffee's here!" Abi waved over two other  coworkers, Josh and Alicia.
"Thank heaven!" They rushed over, taking their drinks, eagerly lifting them to their lips, only to yelp and jerk back.
"Watch out, they're still really hot." You commented dryly, smirking.
"Thanks for the warning." Josh glared at you before returning to his desk along with Alicia.
Abi raised her eyebrows at you. "So how's school?" She asked.
"Don't even ask." You sighed, slumping into the chair at your own desk.
"That bad, huh?" She turned to her computer.
Life had been hectic lately. You were trying to balance your time at college, studying criminology—you were hoping one day you could work as an FBI field agent— and your time working at SHIELD.
You leaned your elbows on your desk, massaging your head for a moment before sitting back, setting to work.
4 hours later~
"Lunch! Finally!" Abi jumped up.
You rolled your chair back, stretching your arms upward. Standing, you made your way out the door, to the lunchroom.
On your way, you passed two agents, guns out.
"Is something wrong?" You turned to Abi.
She shrugged, watching the agents as they disappeared down the hall.
"Loki's coming today." Alicia whispered from behind, making you jump.
"Gosh, Alicia! Don't do that!" You scowled.
She didn't respond, but instead slowed down to continue walking with Josh.
"You've got to be kidding me. Loki's coming?" Abi elbowed you. "Can you believe it??"
You frowned slightly. Just a couple weeks ago, Loki had destroyed nearly all of New York. Everyone was still recovering. Thankfully you lived on the outskirts of town, and your house hadn't been touched.
"That's not good." You shook your head.
"You have to admit he's kinda hot." Abi giggled, elbowing you again.
"Abi, he killed hundreds, maybe thousands of people." You entered the lunchroom, grabbing your food out from the refrigerator.
"That doesn't really change his facial features." She pointed out, grabbing her lunch and sitting at a table.
I guess he is kinda hot.... you thought to yourself silently. But you'd never admit that out loud.
The day went on as usual, until it was time to go home. Abi, Josh, and Alicia has all already left, but you'd stayed behind a moment to finish up some work.
As you say at your desk, the door opened, and none other than Nick Fury stood in the doorway.
You jerked in your chair, crumpling the near empty bag of Hot Cheetos into a drawer.
You stood silently waiting for him to speak, not really sure what to do.
"Agent Y/L/N." He started.
"Yes sir?" You almost felt as if you should salute.
"Come with me." He turned sharply on his heel, marching out.
Stunned, you hesitated a moment before following him out. What on earth could he want with me??

Thats it for this chapter, guys. Sorry, I know it's starting off kinda slow, I promise Loki will be in the next one. ☺️

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