Chapter 11

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Days later~
You dragged yourself out of bed, readying for the day. You weren't going back to work till next week, leaving you to fill your time with other things.
You tried to keep yourself busy and keep your thoughts off of Loki. But there was a constant tug of guilt no matter what you did.
The day bore on for what seemed like forever.
Finally night came and you went back to your room, digging through your drawers for comfortable pajamas.
Loki's shirt came into view and you stopped, picking it up. You hesitated before changing into it, pulling on a pair of shorts.
You stared down at the shirt. You couldn't wear it. It felt wrong, no matter how comfortable.
Just as you went to pull it off, you heard steps behind you.
"Hello, Y/N."
You jerked around. An older man stood there, in your doorway, arms crossed.
"Wh-who are you?"
"Apparently if you want something done, you have to do it yourself." He stepped forward.
"Wha...what?" You backed against your dresser.
"I've sent many to find you. Not even the god of mischief could bring you to me...although I suppose he got a lot closer than any of the others I sent for you."
"What do you want?" Your voice trembled.
"Is it wrong for a father to want to see his daughter?"
Your eyes widened as you leaned more of your weight against the dresser. "I-I'm"
"Yes. You're coming with me." He suddenly lunged forward, grabbing your arm before everything went black.

~Loki's POV~
He sat on the small bench inside of his large glass cage, his face in his hands.
His mind wandered back to the time he had tried to leave Y/N.
"I will always trust and believe you." Y/N promised.
He stood, angrily slamming his hand on the glass. He had been lied to. Again.
Just then the doors opened, Thor coming in.
"What do you want?" Loki spit out, turning his back to him.
"He escaped. He's gone. And he took Y/N with him."
Loki never though three sentences could scare him so much as he turned around, his heart sinking to the floor.
"We don't have much time, brother. I'm going to let you out, but only because you know where he is."
Loki's thoughts whirled in a haze as he thought of what that man could be doing to her. He angrily clenched his fists, attempting to steady his heart rate.
Thor opened the glass doors, reaching out to click a pair of handcuffs over Loki's wrists.
"We don't have time for those! Y/N could be hurt!"
Thor watched him for a moment before setting them down. "Let's go."

~Y/N's POV~
You struggled against the man who claimed to be your father's grip. "Let me go. I'm not your daughter." You slumped as you realized how useless it was to fight.
He had been holding you in a cell for at least a few days now and had only been fed one meal since then. You felt weak and dehydrated.
If only you had followed your gut and believed Loki. If only you hadn't let SHIELD take him.
He probably hates me now. Your heart sank in realization.
He shoved you into a room with a large glass window, a chair in the middle.
Everything was dark and decayed, just like the hall and the throne room.
Seating you, he tied restraints around your wrists and ankles.
"W-What are you doing?" You watched him fearfully as he rolled a large machine over, the top coming over your head, two arm like pieces on either side of your head.
He didn't answer as he lined up the ends of the arms with your temples, pushing them in till the cold metal made contact with your skin.
You shakily breathed in, gripping the arms of the chair till your knuckles turned white.
"I suppose it doesn't hurt to tell you..." he came around in front of you. "I'm stealing your powers."
You stared at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter. You felt like you'd gone insane from the past events in your life, but this one took the cake.
"I don't have powers."
"Your mother really told you nothing of me?" He smirked, leaning toward you.
You frowned, trying to pull away. "M-my mom died when I was little."
"Ah...that really is too bad. She was fun." The closer he came the more evil you could see shining through his eyes.
You spit, aiming for his eye, but it missed, falling into his cheek.
He chuckled, but moved back. "Well, you'll believe me soon enough."
You glanced around the room, confused. Maybe he was telling the truth. Was he really your father? Did you have powers?
No, there's no way you could have gone your whole life without accidently exposing them.
"Actually, yes." He spoke up.
Could he read your thoughts??
"You see, you have to be here in order to harness your powers and use them. Then once you have become stronger you can use them on other planets."
"You're lying." You felt like it all made sense, like it was true, but you refused to admit it.
A loud crash came from the hallway and you both looked at the door.
He cursed. "I don't have much time." He moved quickly, connecting himself to some wires before sticking them on you, reaching over and pressing a button on the machine.
You gasped as the arms of the machine tightened on your head, pain surging through your skull.
You struggled against the restraints, jerking in your chair as the pain spread through your nerves down to the rest of your body.
A bright blue light shone, surges of electricity flashing around you as you squeezed your eyes shut.
Loki? You forced your eyes open, searching for him through the brightness. It was too good to be true.
You heard something crack behind you and suddenly the light began to fade.
Thor came into view, as his hammer retracted back to his hand from the machinery behind you. Loki had your father pinned against the wall, a dagger to his throat.
"Loki!" You immediately regretted shouting when your head pounded, your vision blurring.
"Y/N?" You heard quick steps towards you and you looked up.
"L-Loki... you're here?" Your eyes filled with tears
Before he could do anything the door burst open, and what you assumed were your father's soldiers barged through.
They lunged forward, Loki and Thor tensing as they ran towards them.
You turned, making eye contact with your father as he glanced to see if Loki and Thor were paying attention before running towards you.
You pulled against the restraints, shaking the chair as you jerked around trying to get out.
He carried a dagger in his hands, holding it to your throat as Loki and Thor fought, their backs to you.
"If I can't have your powers, neither can you." He hissed against your ear.
You gripped the chair.
Suddenly, the weakness from the lack of nutrition began to fade. The pain in your head slipping away.
You felt a small zap in your fingertips.
Stunned, you glanced down at the light blue hue around your hands.
You looked back up at your father before lifting your hands with force, the binds snapping. Your hands flew up from the momentum, a flash of blue and yellow flying from them, crumbling the wall behind you.
Turning you shoved your father away, much harder than you had intended, your eyes widening as he was thrown across the room, falling through the wall into another room.
He pushed himself up, dusting off his legs as you charged for him.
You still had no idea how to control your power as you threw your fist forward, the blue surrounding your hand as it came in contact with his face and he went flying again.
Before you could continue, he got up, disappearing.
You glanced around, searching for him.
Suddenly a sharp pain slammed into your back and you fell down, your father standing over you.
You flipped onto your back, bending your leg to kick up but he grabbed it forcing it down, slamming his knee into your stomach.
You gasped, reaching up to punch him again, buy he dodged, holding your wrist down. He lifted his other arm, dagger in hand.
You winced as he brought it down, plunging it into your chest.
Your breath caught in your throat, your hands falling to your side.
Seconds later he was thrown off of you, across the room.
Loki stood over you, Thor rushing past him to grab your father.
"Y/N." His voice wavered as he knelt, pulling you into his lap, your head falling onto his chest.
"Loki... I'm sorry..." Tears blurred your vision. "I should have believed you...I'm so sorry."
"No, I'm sorry. You had every reason not to trust me. It's ok," he tucked stray pieces of hair behind your ear as you choked, coughing up blood.
He pressed his forehead against yours, continuing to stroke your face. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." His tears fell onto your cheek.
You blinked slowly, Loki becoming a haze in the darkness,
"Y/N, stay with me. Please, Y/N." He pleaded, holding you closer.
~Thor's POV~
He watched as Loki cradled Y/N in his arms.
He had seemed genuinely upset when they had found her in the condition she was, and he began to wonder if Loki really had changed.
Loki told him he loved Y/N, but he had brushed it off  as one of his lies.
Now as he watched him, he became more convinced that he had been wrong, and that Loki did care.
~Loki's POV~
He watched in horror as Y/N's eyes drifted further shut, till eventually closing all the way, her body going limp.
"Y/N? Y/N! Y/N!" He refused to believe what had just happened right in front of his face. "No, no, no, no, no." He held her tight, almost crushing her in his arms.
"I'm sorry brother, there's nothing we can do." Thor's voice broke into his thoughts and he looked up.
"This is my fault. This is all my fault! I killed her!"

Woah, so dramatic! 😂😂
Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger, hopefully the next chapter doesn't take long to write 🙃🙃

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