~Chapter 7~

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You skipped down the stairs, Loki right where you left him. "Are you ready to go to bed? Or do you want to stay up later?" You asked.
He smiled at the sight of his T-shirt on you.
"Well?" You raised your eyebrows, trying not to blush under his intense gaze.
"I'm ready for bed." He answered, still smiling.
"Follow me." You walked back up the stairs, stopping at the door across from yours.
"This is where you'll stay." You opened it, waving him in.

He stepped in, his eyes wandering around as if examining every detail of the room, his hands clasped behind his back

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He stepped in, his eyes wandering around as if examining every detail of the room, his hands clasped behind his back.
"Is it to your liking, my king?" You asked sarcastically.
"Very much." He nodded decidedly.
"I was being sarcastic."
"I know." He smirked.
"Well, the restrooms over there, and that door is the closet. And if your bored, the TV is right there, remotes in the dresser drawer, and I'm right across the hall."
"Is that in case I'm bored too?"
You hated how easily he flustered you. Pulling yourself together, you smirked. "Yes."
You left him standing there, confused, as you shut the door, walking into your room, shutting your door behind you.

Middle of the night~~
"You can't escape..." An eerie voice called after you as you stumbled over rocks and dirt, trying to run away.
Something tightly wrapped around your waist and you gasped. "No! Nooo! Let go!!" You screamed twisting and fighting as it lifted you in the air, bringing you towards its blood dripping, sharp teeth lined mouth.
"NOO!!!" You jerked up screaming, tears streaming down your face.
You glanced around fearfully, only to realize you back in your room.
That was the 3rd time in two weeks that you had had that dream, each time you were able to run further, but it always caught up to you.
Loki burst through the door, "Y/N?"
You glanced up at him, bursting into tears afresh.
He moved closer, sitting at the edge of the bed watching you unsurely for a moment before crawling closer, pulling you into a hug.
You wrapped you arms around him tightly as he settled next to you, burying your face in his chest.
It didn't take long for you to calm down, but you still didn't let go.
Loki brushed back some of your hair, moving down to rub your back in small, slow circles.
You wished you could stay like this forever.
"Y/N?" Loki whispered into your ear, his breath washing over your neck. "Are you ok?"
You didn't reply, just hugged him tighter.
He returned the tight hug, resting his chin on your head.
You stayed like that till scariness of your dream wore off. You slightly loosened your hold, feeling embarrassed.
Pulling back you rubbed you arms sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
He smiled softly. "It's ok. Are you ready to go back to sleep?"
You silently nodded, laying back down, pulling the covers up over you.
Loki watched you before standing up, turning to walk away.
"Loki." You bit your lip.
"Hm?" He turned back around.
"C-can you stay?" You looked down at the sheets, ashamed for being so babyish.
He nodded, crawling under the sheets into the bed next to you.
You were feeling oddly brave, so you scooted closer on your side, wrapping one arm over him, resting your hand on his solid chest, your head on his shoulder.
You could feel his heartbeat, surprisingly fast, under your fingertips. He slid an arm under your neck, wrapping it around, his hand resting on your shoulder.
Closing your eyes, you focused on his steady breathing, the feeling of his chest rising and falling with each breath till you were lulled to sleep.

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