~Chapter 6~

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"Home sweet home!" You collapsed onto the couch in your living room, throwing your shoes aside.
Loki still stood, looking around.
"Aren't you tired?" You asked.
He shrugged. "Not very."
You muttered something about 'gods' before sitting up, reaching for the remote. "Then let's watch something."
He watched the TV curiously. "What is that?"
You gasped. "You don't know what a TV is?? Oh my gosh!" You chuckled. "People film things and then play them through the TV."
You were never the greatest at explaining things. He didn't look any less confused.
"Here, just sit down and watch."
The Walking Dead came on and you left it on, walking into your kitchen to grab some snacks before coming back.
"What is this?" Loki stared at the TV in disgust as a zombie tore into a dying humans flesh.
"A zombie tv show."
You had to pause it to explain zombies to him. Finally, 5 minutes later, he seemed to somewhat understand.
You sat back, a few inches between Loki and yourself.
You shivered, reaching for the fuzzy blanket you knew would be folded neatly beside the couch.
You wrapped up in it, glancing at Loki. "Are you cold too?"
He shook his head slightly, not taking his eyes off the TV. He didn't seem to mind TWD.
You didn't take no for an answer and reached out, wrapping your hand around his arm. He looked over at you, surprised.
"You are too cold." You fussed, tossing the left side of the blanket over his lap.
He didn't move to fix it so you leaned over, making sure it covered his long legs all the way up to his stomach.
"There." You laid back, satisfied.
Loki hadn't moved the entire time. He seemed to be frozen, his eyes fixed on the TV, but he didn't really seem like he was paying attention to it.

30 minutes in, your head began to feel heavy. You blinked slowly, your head lowering till it was stopped by Loki's shoulder.
You sleepily moved further into his side till you couldn't push any closer.
You woke up, yawning as you glanced around you. You slowly sat up, realizing where you were. You must've fallen asleep on Loki's shoulder last night.
He hadn't moved, his legs were still stretched out, his head tilted back, resting on the back of the couch exposing his sharp jawline, his eyes closed, a peaceful expression on his face.
He really was a beautiful person. You couldn't help but reach out and brush your fingers through his hair.
He stirred slightly as you sat up further but you quickly regretted your decision as the cold air swept under your blanket.
Loki's POV~
The warmth from your side lifted, and you almost shivered, surprised. The cold had never bothered you before, given what you were.
You held your breath as you felt Y/N reach out, lightly brushing her fingers through your hair. You fought the urge to lean in to her touch, but you couldn't resist fidgeting.
Her fingers pulled away and you couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed.
Seconds later she cuddled back into your side and you bit the inside of your cheek, trying not to blush. Thankfully she didn't seem to be paying attention to you, as she flipped the TV on, finding something to watch.
You closed your eyes again, slowly drifting back to sleep.
Y/N's POV~
Without thinking, you dove back, nestling into his side, your head back on his shoulder. You sighed in relief as some of the warmth returned.
You turned the TV on, careful to keep the volume down, so as not to wake Loki. You put on a recording of The Office, your favorite show.
Just as it was ending, he woke.
He folded his legs in before stretching them out again. You didn't move. It was still cold and you didn't really care what he thought right now.
"Are we going to stay here all day?" He chuckled, his shoulders shaking.
"If you insist." You pulled the blanket over your shoulder. "It's freaking cold."
He laughed again, remaining where he was. Your stomach growled and you sighed.
"I guess I have no choice." You grumpily pulled the blanket off, tossing it aside before walking into the kitchen.
Loki followed. "What are you doing?"
"Making breakfast." You felt goosebumps up your legs and it was then that you remembered you still had no pants on. "But first, pants."
You ran upstairs, into your room, throwing on a sweater and pants.

"You ran upstairs, into your room, throwing on a sweater and pants

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Running back downstairs, you handed Loki his shirt. "Thanks for letting me borrow it."
"You can keep it." He handed it back.
"Oh. Um..ok. Thanks." You smiled, taking it and laying it over the couch before returning to the kitchen.
I haven't bought my groceries for this week yet." You commented. "I'll have to do that today."
"But what if they see you?" Loki asked.
You cracked 4 eggs into a bowl, beating them before adding some milk, stirring them again and  putting them into a pan, turning the heat on.
"There's a small market down the street I can go to. They won't be looking there." You mixed some water into some pancake mix, getting out a large flat pan. You set it on the stove, turning the heat on under it.
Using a measuring cup, you poured 4 pancakes onto the pan.
"You can just stay here." You flipped them over after they cooked a little, stopping to flip the eggs as well.
"I think it's impossible for anyone to not recognize you." You looked up at him.
"Darling, you forget." He smiled.
Suddenly his entire appearance was changed. His soft raven hair replaced by shorter, dark blonde hair. His emerald eyes turning to deep blue ones.
Even his clothes were changed too. You wouldn't have known it was him if he hadn't changed right in front of you.

 You wouldn't have known it was him if he hadn't changed right in front of you

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You blinked in shock. "Oh, um, yeah. Ok." You stuttered turning your attention back to the food.
Anything to distract you. How can someone be so attractive in two completely different looks???
"Why didn't you do that when I had to leave the spaceship to get food?"
He shrugged, a smug chuckle came from him as he walked away.
You quickly finished the food, finding some bacon and cooking that too.
Setting it at the table, you called Loki in. He hadn't changed back to his normal appearance and it almost felt like you had a stranger in the house.
What are you talking about, Y/N? You've been living with a convicted criminal, the god of mischief no less. You should still feel like a stranger's in your house whether he looks like Loki or not.
"Y/N? Are you going to eat?" Loki sat a across from you, eyebrows raised.
"Oh, yeah. Help yourself." You added when you noticed he was hesitant to serve himself food.
"You midgardians have such odd food." He commented after watching you pour syrup all over your pancakes.
"Is it not good?" You asked, glancing at his plate.
"No, no. It's good." He shook his head, taking a bite of eggs. "Just different."
You smiled. Loki really is sweet.
You both finished breakfast, and you ran upstairs to throw on some makeup, shoes, and a bag.
You glanced at your phone, which you'd finally had the chance to charge. There were literally hundreds of notifications from Abi alone.
"Do you think they could track me phone?" You asked as you walked back into the living room.
Loki looked up, alarmed. Before you knew it, his hand was up, and your phone was in the air.
It suddenly burst, shatters of it falling the floor.
"LOKI! What the heck?!" You gasped, looking at the remains of your phone in horror.
"They can track us with that!"
You threw your hands in the air, flustered. "Unbelievable." You grumbled.
He eyed you before biting his lip. "Sorry."
Was that an apology? From the god of mischief??
You sighed, hating that you couldn't stay mad at him. "Let's just go."
He followed you out of the house silently. Crap. My car isn't here. You scowled.
"We'll have to walk." You locked the door before walking to the sidewalk.
<<time skip>>
Hours later, you and Loki sat, watching TV. He had taken a liking to TWD so that was playing. You searched around the room, bored.
You liked the walking dead ok, but after a little, all the gore and violence got sickening.
Loki noticed you weren't paying attention to it and turned to you. "Is something wrong?" He asked.
"No," you stood, stretching before glancing over at the clock. It read 8:30 pm.
You yawned. "I'm gonna get ready for bed, I'll be right back though and then I can show you your room."
He nodded, watching you as you left.
Once upstairs, you glanced at where Loki's shirt was laid out on your bed. It was one of the most comfortable things you'd worn.
Quickly you changed into it, and as you slid it over your head you breathed in. It smelled like him, and that was oddly comforting. Creep. You shook off those thoughts, sliding on a pair of comfy shorts.
If only he knew what you thought of him.

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