Chapter 8

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Y/N's POV~
You groaned, opening your eyes, slowly becoming aware of your surroundings and the feeling of Loki's bare chest against the side of your face.
You smoothed you're hand up to his neck, reaching up to brush your hands through his hair, your head resting on his shoulder, looking up at him.
"Mmm." He shifted, his eyelids lifting sleepily revealing his gorgeous emerald eyes.
"Hi." You greeted shyly, pulling the blanket further up over your own bare shoulders.
"Hi." He smiled and you felt butterflies in your stomach. How could one person be so perfect?
You brought your hand back down, watching your finger trace over his chest and defined abs in no particular pattern.
Your stomach growled. "I'm hungry..."
"Why am I not surprised?" He chuckled, his chest vibrating.
"...But I don't want to get up..." you finished, pouting.
Knock! Knock!
You both jumped, Loki jumping out of bed only in his boxers.
You slipped your undergarments and sweater back over your head, not bothering with bottoms.
You followed him down the stairs as you both tip toed towards the door, glancing through the peephole.
Abi stood on the other side, her eyes wandering around your porch impatiently.
You held in a gasp as she reached under the special rock you hid your extra key.
"Run!" You hissed, pushing Loki back towards the stairs. Panic flooded your entire body as you heard the locks clicking in the door knob.
"Wha—?" He turned around just as Abi walked through the door.
She stopped short, her purse falling off of her shoulder a moment later, breaking the awkward silence as she glanced from Loki, back to you.
"Do you think it's too late to change to my disguise?" Loki leaned towards you, whispering in your ear.
You shot him a glare before slowly approaching Abi.
"I know what you're thinking, but it's not what it looks like." You couldn't think of a possible way to explain this without her freaking out.
"What it looks like is Loki is in your house, no pants or shirt, and you're with him, no pants either..." she raised her eyebrows. "I think you two—"
You rushed forward, clamping a hand over her mouth. "Don't you dare finish that." You threatened with your eyes.
Abi licked your hand and you jerked away.
"Disgusting!" You gagged, wiping it on her shirt.
She wasn't paying attention, as she was too busy staring at Loki's chest.
"You know, I always thought you were hot." She twisted a strand of hair around her finger innocently.
You didn't mean to sound so harsh but you growled, stepping between them, hiding him from her view.
"Go put clothes on, Loki." You ordered.
He chuckled and when you turned around he was fully clothed.
"Thank you."
"Um, Y/N, can I talk to you." By the look on her face you figured the reality of this situation was sinking in.
"Come here." You pulled her into the kitchen.
"Why the heck is Loki in your house?? Naked??" She nearly exploded, a little too loud.
"Shhh!" You hissed.
She scowled, crossing her arms. "I was worried sick about you! I thought he had kidnapped you!"
"He did..." you shrugged, trailing off. "It's a long story."
"I have time." She seated herself on a barstool. "I want all the details."
You sighed. "Fine."
For the next 5 minutes you explained everything from start to finish. "...Loki isn't what he seems." You ended, hoping she would agree.
If not, she could go straight to SHIELD and tell on you.
Abi glanced in the direction you had left Loki.
"Please, don't tell SHIELD." You pleaded.
She bit her lip unsurely. "If we got caught we would be in huge trouble. Like jail for life trouble..." She sighed and your heart dropped. "...but it doesn't feel right to leave him with them either..."
You brightened. "I know, I was trying to think of some way we could come to understanding."
"I don't see Fury doing that." Abi reasoned.
"I know. But there is no way I'm just giving him back up." You crossed your arms stubbornly.
"Chill, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying we're gonna have to have a really, really good plan."
"For what?" Loki interrupted, walking in.
You leaned against the counter, chewing on the inside of your cheek. "To talk to Fury, get him to be ok with know, not being locked up."
"If we could bring you in, and to him..."
You could already tell he wasn't happy. "There is no reasoning. I'm always the bad guy, always will be. If you're trying to take me back thinking your just going to 'reason' with him, that's not happening." He snapped, his eyes turning more blue the angrier he got.
"But I can—"
"You seem to forget that I kidnapped you. You can't just go around doing whatever! I don't know if you think you can just fix me or something and everything in life will be magical and peaceful and la dee da, but your wrong."
"I never should've met you in the first place." His spit out, eyes now turning from blue to a red, his skin becoming paler by the second.
He was unrecognizable.
Abi was gone, she must've walked out when he came in.
Loki pushed closer and you crouched trying to pull away but he had you trapped between himself and the counter, cold washing over you making you shiver.
Was this his frost giant form?
You swallowed, taking a deep shaky breath. "L-Loki, your scaring me." You couldn't stop your hands from trembling.
Suddenly he pulled away. "I told you I'm a monster." His voice broke. "I'm leaving."
With that he walked up the stairs.
You collapsed in a heap on the floor, a small sob escaping your lips as you gathered yourself together.
No. You can't just let him leave. He's not a monster. You have to prove that you believe that to him. You resolved, straightening your shoulders.
You pushed yourself up, towards the stairs, clambering up them clumsily, partially blinded by your watering eyes.
Swinging his door open, you glanced around the room before your eyes came in contact with his form standing next to the window.
You ran to his side, grabbing his hand. "Loki, I—"
He looked down at you, his eyes still carrying a hint of red before jerking away, walking over to the bed, sitting with his face in his hands.
Almost as if he was trying to hide it from you.
"Loki! Please don't leave." You followed him, standing directly in front of him, taking his hands and forcing them down. "Please. Don't leave me."
The red in his eyes was completely faded, and his skin color had returned to its normal shade.
He looked up at you, his facial expression blank, but his now green eyes were glossed over with unshed tears.
Without thinking, you stepped between his legs, wrapping your arms around his neck, his face buried in your sweater. "Please." You felt desperate.
A few moments later he brought his arms up to wrap around your waist, pulling you in tighter, burying his face further into your sweater, gathering the material in his fists, gripping so tight his knuckles were turning white.
In return you hugged him tighter, resting your head on the top of his, running a hand through his hair.
"I'm so sorry." You murmured, not being able to stop the tear that slipped out, falling down your cheek into his hair.
Loki didn't respond, but his grip somehow tightened even more.
You weren't sure how long you were like that before he finally pulled back, his face still down.
"Loki?" You sat, folding your legs under you, resting a hand on his knee.
He looked broken.

His face was stained with the tears he had silently shed just moments ago

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His face was stained with the tears he had silently shed just moments ago. "You're not safe with me." his voice was lower than usual and husky.
You reached out with both hands, wrapping them around one of his much larger ones. "I trust you. With my life."
He looked unsurely at you. You stood on your knees, letting go of his hand with one of yours, bringing it up to cup the side of his face, tracing your thumb across his sharp jaw.
As if proving your point, you leaned in, softly pressing your lips to his. He gave in almost immediately, his lips molding with yours perfectly, his hands coming up to your waist.
You broke away, leaning your forehead on his. "No matter what happens, I will always trust and believe you."
Loki pulled you into another hug and you lost your breath from how tightly he was crushing your much smaller frame. "L-Loki, I can't breathe."
"I'm sorry." He jerked back, his hands folded in his lap.
"It's fine." You smiled.
Abi's voice could be heard from downstairs.
"She's still here?" You glanced towards the door.
"Y/N!! Are you ok?!" She continued shouting, and you could hear her steps as she thumped up the stairs. "Did Loki kill you??"
"Oh my gosh." You dropped your forehead onto his chest in embarrassment, but Loki didn't seemed to be upset about the last question.
"I'm in here!" You grumbled, pissed at her for ruining the moment you were having.
"Thank heaven, you're alright!" Abi swung the door open, "For a second I thought—" she stopped short once she saw Loki.
"Um, never mind...sorry about that last question..." she sheepishly grinned. "Please don't kill me."
"Abi." You gasped, pushing yourself up to stand.
To your surprise Loki chuckled. "I'll try not to."
Abi watched him to see if he was serious, a note of concern in her eyes.
"Abi, he's joking for crying out loud." You walked over pushing her out, into your room, shutting the door behind you.
"Why are you still here?"
Abi put a hand over her chest in mock indignation. "Well excuse me. I was checking on you before I left. You need to figure out this situation and fast, you know it's only a matter of time before Fury finds you."
You sighed. "I know. Just...just give me some time, we'll work something out."

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