Chapter 13

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Authors note: fyi, this chapters gonna be shorter than rest...sorry ʕʔ

~A few days later~
"I'm going to miss you too." You hugged Abi back tightly, what belongings you had decided to take with you to your new home in a large suitcase beside you.
She pulled away. "You better have a room set aside for me, because I want to visit. A lot."
You chuckled. "Of course. It will be right down the hall from my own."
"Good." Abi stared at you for a moment before pulling you into another hug.
You heard a small sob escape her lips and you patted her back. "Abi, we'll still see each other."
"I know..." she still didn't let go.
Loki called you from behind and you gently pushed Abi away before squeezing her hand.
"I'll see you soon." You smiled.
"You better not forget to visit me too." She roughly wiped the tears off her face.
"I won't." You promised.
Abi let go of your hand stepping back.
Loki grabbed the suitcase with one hand and your hand with the other, giving Abi a small nod good bye before leading you onto his spaceship.
You waved as the ramp rose, till it closed the gap completely and you couldn't see her anymore.
"I'm really going to miss her." You sighed softly, moving towards the control panel, seating yourself in the seat next to Loki's, leaning back.
He quickly put the ship on autopilot before turning to you, sliding off of his chair to kneel in front of you. "You'll see her often." He laid his hand over yours, smiling comfortingly.
"Y/N, I will do everything in my power to make you the happiest woman alive." He raised your hand, kissing it.
"I already am." You leaned forward, pressing your lips to his, bringing your hands up around his neck, burying them in his hair.
He slowly brushed his hands up your thighs before gripping your hips, picking you up and turning around before sitting down so that you were straddling him.
"Loki." You breathed, pulling away just enough to look him in the eyes. "I love you."
He smiled, moving in to kiss up your neck, stopping at your sweet spot. "I love you too, my queen." He gently bit down and you gasped, your fingers wrapping around his hair as you gently tugged on his strands.
He moaned against your skin, sucking then kissing, making his way up your jaw.
"Take off in 10, 9, 8..."
A voice over the intercom interrupted.
Loki grunted in annoyance before standing with you, setting you back in your seat, and pulling the buckle harness over your chest and between your legs.
"We'll want to be buckled for this." He moved to his chair doing the same.
"4, 3, 2, 1. Take off."
You were pressed back against your seat from the speed as his ship shot straight up into space.
You gripped the arms of the chair tightly, closing your eyes.
"Almost there, Y/N." Loki assured, noticing your nervousness.
You nodded in reply.
Just as you opened your eyes, a bright light shone in front of you as the ship zapped through it, everything covered in a blinding white light for a moment until the ship broke through.
It slowed to a smooth pace as you flew over your new kingdom.
Already you had made several changes, and everything had taken on a brighter look.
Fields of green speckled with various colors flowers stretched over miles and miles of land and hills.
Your home, the palace sat on one of the largest hills overlooking the surrounding city below.
"I can't believe I live here..." you breathed.
"You rule here." Loki smiled. "My queen."
You blushed, but loved his new nickname for you. "Who ever could've known this is how my life is going to be?"
"I never imagined my life as it is now either." He pursed his lips in thought.
"Is something wrong?"
"I've just....I've always wanted to be king, nothing has meant more to me than to rule a kingdom. I couldn't even imagine a life without me on a throne." He paused and you waited patiently for him to continue. "But now, that''s different. I could live happily and contentedly without a kingdom as long as I had you by my side." He finished glancing unsurely at you as if he was worried you wouldn't understand what he was trying to say.
You smiled, unbuckling to walk over to him. "Aww, so Loki does have a soft side." You teased before resuming a more serious face. "Loki, that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I couldn't even get a guy to stay loyal to me, let alone have one that would give up a kingdom for me on earth."
He unbuckled, standing, towering over you.
"Thank you." You tiptoed, giving him a small kiss before pulling back.
"Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you. And I hope you know I mean what I say." He stroked you face.
"I do." You smiled, closing your eyes as he leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead.
This was a life worth living. A life you could see yourself being nothing but content and happy with Loki by your side.

The End!
A/N: I'm sorry, that was probably a lame ending but I didn't want to prolong the story and I was running out of creativity.
I'm not very good with the sweet scenes either. 😓😓
But I hope you enjoyed and I do intend to write another but it may take longer because I want to put more thought into it (where as this one was written with no plan or plot in mind)
As usual, feel free to comment or message me! ❤️❤️

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