Chapter 10

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Loki ran a hand through his hair, walking into the kitchen, placing his hands on the counter, leaning over as you and Abi followed him.
"Thor will find us, it's only a matter of time."
"How much time?" You asked.
"If we're lucky, maybe a day."
Your eyes widened. "What the heck? What are we supposed to do??"
Abi bit her lip anxiously. "I lied to him. If we get caught...we're in really really big trouble, Y/N."
"You lied to him?" You turned to her. "When did you talk to Thor??"
"Fury brought me in to his office....they knew I was close to you. They asked me if I knew anything." She hesitated a moment before continuing. "I think they know that you are helping Loki."
You frowned. "As far as Fury knows I'm a hostage."
She shook her head. "I don't know... I feel like somethings off...the way him and Thor were acting...and that old man they brought in...there's something that Fury isn't telling us."
"Old man?"
"Yeah, Thor brought some strange guy down from Asgard...they have him locked up right now. I'm assuming he's not a good guy."
Loki's head jerked up, his face somehow paling even more.
"Loki?" You placed a hand on his arm. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing. It's fine. I'm just worried about Thor is all." He covered up, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ok..." you had a feeling he wasn't telling you everything but you let it go. I'll talk to him later.
"There's no way around this. At one point in our lives we're gonna have to confront them. We can't hide forever." You sighed. "Maybe we should just let him find us."
"And do what?" Loki asked incredulously.
"He's your brother. If he finds us before SHIELD, we might be able to work something out with him."

Hours later~~
Abi had left a while ago, and you and Loki were in your room, readying for bed.
"I don't see any way around talking to Thor." You slipped into your comfy pajama shorts and matching top.

" You slipped into your comfy pajama shorts and matching top

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"We can't reason with him." Loki pulled the covers of your bed back as you grabbed the remote from your dresser, slipping into bed and turning the TV on.
You were quiet for a moment. "We should talk about this in the morning. We've been discussing this all day and our brains need a break." You propped a pillow behind you as a cushion, leaning back.
Loki nodded, slipping into bed next to you.
A few minutes into the TV show, he scooted closer, hooking one leg over you, wrapping one arm around your waist, coming under to tuck it behind your back, his other arm wrapping under your waist as well.
He rested his head on your chest, a deep sigh escaping his lips as he relaxed, his full weight on you now that he was completely on top of you.
You chuckled. "Loki, what are you doing?"
He grunted in return, not moving.
~Loki's POV~
He leaned his full weight against Y/N, wrapping his arms tightly around her warm, small frame.
Breathing in her sweet familiar scent, he closed his eyes contentedly.
"Loki, what are you doing?" She chuckled.
He grunted lazily, never wanting to move.
Y/N wrapped her hands around his neck, her hand coming up to run her hand through his hair—his weakness.
He couldn't hold in the hum of pleasure as he attempted to hug her even tighter, her returning the gesture.
Never in his life had he imagined himself feeling so content and happy.
~Y/N's POV~
You smiled, bringing your arms up to hug his head to you, running a hand through his hair gently.
He hummed, pushing closer to you, wrapping his arms even tighter and you did the same.
Never in your life would you have imagined that you would be in the place you are now.
You burrowed down so you were further under the covers, Loki's head in the crook of your neck.
He turned so he was facing your neck, his chin resting on your collarbone.
"Y/N?" His breath washed over your neck and you shivered slightly.
"Hm?" You kept your eyes glued to the TV.
"Your heart is beating really fast, it's hard to fall asleep." He ended, smirking.
You glanced down at him. You had half been expecting him to say something sweet. "Fine then, sleep on a real pillow." You attempted you shove him off of you but he might as well have been glued to you.
"Do I make you nervous?" He brushed his lips across your collar bone.
You froze, your hands still on his shoulders from when you had tried to push him off. You held your breath, waiting for him to continue.
"Hm?" He suddenly bit down, causing you to gasp, your fingers digging into his shoulder blades.
He smirked against your skin before softly kissing the sensitive area.
You shut your eyes, melting in to him.
"So easy." He chuckled, kissing up your neck.
You didn't care.
Moving your hands, you carefully scraped your nails up the nape of his neck, gently tugging on his hair, knowing exactly what his reaction would be.
He moaned into your neck, pushing himself up on all fours before bending down to swallow your lips with his own.
You hungrily returned the kiss, already reaching for his shirt. He let you take it off, but as you reached to smooth your hand up his chest, he grabbed both of your wrists, pinning them down.
You wiggled till you were flat on your back, still trying to pull your wrists out of his grip.
But it was useless. Loki traced his tongue across your bottom lip and you opened your mouth slightly, knowing what he wanted.
He slipped his tongue into your mouth, fighting with yours for a moment before you gave in.
He let go of one arm so he could pull you closer by your waist.
You didn't waste a moment, eagerly reaching out, trailing your fingers up his abs, earning a shiver and moan from Loki, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He lowered himself on to his elbows, kissing up and down your neck, hooking his finger around the gathered waistline of your shorts, brushing his knuckle against your skin back and forth teasingly causing you to suck in sharply.
You pulled him closer with your legs, your lips coming in contact with his muscled shoulder, gently biting down, scraping your teeth across it before following the trail back with open mouthed kisses, Loki moaned, growing more impatient under your touch.
You felt a rush of cold air, and looked down. Your shirt and shorts were gone, leaving you in your undergarments.
All of Loki's clothes had disappeared as well, excepting his boxers.
"Wha—?" You couldn't finish as Loki attacked your lips again.
You buried your hands in his hair, molding your lips against his, breathing in his masculine scent, letting his intoxicating presence take over you.

~the next morning~
You woke up sore, but you'd expected that. Loki had not gone easy on you and you hadn't really wanted him to.
You turned over, watching Loki as he slept. A calm, peaceful expression softening his features. He really was the most beautiful person you'd ever seen.
You reached out to trace your finger along his sharp cheekbone.
"It's creepy to stare." He murmured sleepily, his voice low.
You squeaked, starting to retract, but he grabbed your wrist, pulling you into his side, both of his arms wrapping around your shoulders, his chin against the top of your head.
You could feel your face warming.
A loud bang at the door jerked you both up and you glanced at each other in horror.
Before you could even react, Thor burst through your bedroom door, it flying off its hinges across to the other side of the room.
You gasped pulling the sheets up to your shoulders.
Thor's piercing eyes made contact with Loki and his shoulders rose in anger. "LOKI!" He boomed, crossing the room in two steps.
Without thinking, you pushed yourself in front of Loki. "Thor, wait!"
He paused in confusion, his arm raised, hammer in hand. "What is going on here? What did you do to her Loki? Did you trick her?" His eyes shifted from you to Loki.
"No, he didn't." You didn't give Loki the chance to answer his brother. "Just wait. I can explain."
Thor seemed unsure of what to do. "No. My brother is evil, and cunning and will stop at nothing. I'm taking him."
He reached out past you to grab Loki by his collar.
You blinked, slightly shocked at how loudly you had just yelled. Thor froze for a moment. And in that moment he noticed neither of you had clothes on.
"Where are your clothes?!"
A small gold light flashed and you were back in your pajamas, Loki in his.
"You can't take Loki." You crawled over, practically sitting on his lap.
"Love, I don't think you should interfere." Loki spoke quietly from behind.
"I don't care." You scowled at Thor. "Will you at least let me explain?"
Thor's face didn't soften at all as he glared at Loki.
"Please." You bit your lip, hesitating a moment before continuing. "...and if your not satisfied when I'm can take us in."
"I don't think this is a good idea." Loki warned.
"Fine." Thor stood to his full height, crossing his arms.
Just as you opened your mouth, several agents burst through the door, Fury in the front.
"What is this in front of me?" He glanced from you, in Loki's lap, to Loki, back to Thor.
"Sir, please, just let me explain." You slid off of the bed, realizing your we're in your pajamas.
You tugged at your shirt, embarrassed. "C-can I get dressed first?"
"No." Fury spit out.
He was angry. That was for sure.
You breathed in deeply. Starting from the beginning, you explained everything that had happened. How you were going to come to him, how Loki wanted to make things right, not run and hide like he could've done.
"Nobody's perfect." You gestured to Loki. "We've all made decisions we regret. I-I think he deserves another chance." You finished.
Fury and Thor were silent for a moment.
You waited anxiously, wringing your hands together.
"Agent Y/L/N." Fury started. "Are you aware of what Loki's intentions were when he came down to earth?"
You frowned, glancing back at Loki and he met your eyes, his own green ones laced with guilt. "W-what?"
"Agent Y/L/N, Loki came down here, only because a man had paid him to come find you and bring you back to him."
You blinked, confused. "B-but he could have taken me a long time ago. Why would he stay here on earth with me if that was what he was planning to do?" Your heart rate began to rise.
"He was only waiting for the water to settle. For Thor to return to Asgard. And for us to stop looking for him." Fury concluded, his gun still raised, pointed at Loki.
"That's not true." You looked back at Loki and he looked down, refusing to make eye contact with you. "Right? Loki, that isn't true, right?" Your voice shook and you felt tears pooling at the sides of your eyes.
He sighed deeply, and that was answer enough.
"So none of this was real?" You felt like a fool.
"No, that's not true." His head jerked up. "The one thing that was real was how I feel when I'm around you. I promise, Y/N, you have to believe me."
You faltered, shutting your eyes tight, the tears spilling onto your cheeks.
"I did come here with those intentions, but then I...I actually met you, and I got to know you...and everything changed. Y/N, look at me."
You forced your eyes open. Loki was moving to stand, coming closer.
"Loki, stay back." Fury ordered.
"Y/N, please believe me." He raised his eyebrows in sincerity. "B-but if you don't... I'll let them take me. I won't fight."
You took a small step back as he stepped forward again, more tears falling down your face.
Fury took that as your answer and stormed over to Loki, using power blocking handcuffs, pinning his arms behind him.
You watched helplessly as Fury led him out of the room, his agents right behind him.
"You did the right thing." Thor places one of his hands on your shoulder gently.
You felt regret rising the more you stared at the empty spot on the bed Loki had been occupying just minutes ago.
You slumped onto the floor, hiding your face in your hands as your tears streamed down freely. "It-it doesn't feel right."

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