~Chapter 3~

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Your hands came up automatically, holding Loki's arm as he brought his other arm up, knife in hand, as he pressed the blade lightly against your neck.
You tilted your head back, trying to pull away from the knife.
Loki tightened his grip, pulling your neck closer to it.
"Loki, let her go." Fury held a gun steady, pointed straight at him.
"I'm afraid I can't do that just yet." He shifted slightly.
Fury stared silently for a moment. "What do you want?"
Loki chuckled and you could feel his chest vibrating against your back. "I want you to leave. I want you to go back into that building. Before I kill this mortal."
You scowled at the word.
"Ok. Fine. Just don't hurt her."
"I won't." Loki promised, but his voice held a smug tone.
Fury slowly backed away, his gun lowering as he turned and walked back into the building. You could see how angry he was, just in his walk.
So that's it? They're just gonna let Loki escape? You felt like it was too easy.
"Get in the car." Loki let go, pushing you towards the car.
You stumbled and looked up at him. "I—I thought Fury said not to hurt me. You can't take me." You felt a slight tug of fear at your heart as you stared back into his stormy eyes.
"I refuse to repeat myself, Y/N."
For once, he used your real name. You hesitated only a moment before you shakily opened the passenger car door and got in, buckling.
He followed suit on the drivers side.
"Do you even know how to drive?" You tightly gripped the seat.
"Of course I do, mortal. How hard can it be?" He scoffed.
Pressing down on the gas pedal, he placed his hands on the wheel. When nothing happened he frowned looking around at all the levers and buttons.
"You have to have the keys." You felt yourself smirk as you leaned back against the seat.
"Give them to me. Now." He demanded.
You dug them out of your pocket, dropping them in his hand.
He searched for where to put them in.
"Oh my Gosh!" You exhaled loudly. "Move. Let me drive."
"Do you want out of here or not?" You crossed your arms.
He eyed you before nodding.
"Here, climb over here, while I climb over there." You unbuckled, crouching to stand on your seat as you shimmied over, onto the drivers seat.
But Loki sat still. And before you knew it you were sitting in his lap. "Loki! What the heck?!"
"I'm stuck." He growled back.
His long legs were trapped under the wheel, too long to pull them out from under. "Here," you were about pull the lever, moving the seat back when he shoved the keys in your hand.
"No time. Just hurry up and drive." He leaned back against the seat.
"Drive!" He shouted, you could hear a little panic in his voice.
"Ok, ok!" You shoved the keys into the ignition, bringing the car to life.
You swung out, driving much faster than what was allowed for parking lots as you dove around cars, finally swerving out onto the street.
Loki unbuckled, bringing it around over you before buckling it back.
It pulled you down and you couldn't see over the edge. "What the heck? I can't see anything!" You moved the upper part of the belt behind you, leaving the lap part over you, pressing you against Loki's thigh.
You could feel your face heating as you tried to concentrate on the road in front of you.
"Where are we going?" You slowed to the speed limit after a little while, blending in with the other cars.
"There." He pointed straight ahead to a large empty field.
"Stop asking so many questions and just do what I say." He grumbled.
You turned slightly to see his face. His normally pale cheeks had a slight pink tint.
Which made you blush more and you turned around quickly as he made eye contact with you.
It was a matter of minutes before you arrived. You pulled off the side of the road, driving across the field till he told you to stop.
Turning the engine off, you turned to Loki.
He raised his eyebrows at you.
"The seatbelt." You gestured to it.
He cleared his throat before unbuckling. You opened the door, sliding out. He got out a moment after, massaging his legs that were cramped from being folded up.
"Why is your carrier so small??" He muttered.
You mimicked his grumbling silently before turning away.
"So why are we here?"
He didn't answer, but grabbed your arm leading you to what seemed like nothing. Suddenly you were walking up.
You glanced down at your feet and a metal ramp came into view. Looking up, a large spaceship came into view. You gasped, your eyes wandering everywhere as you took in the massive ship.
Once inside, the ramp came up, closing the entrance.
"What are you doing?" You frowned putting some space between Loki and yourself.
"What do you mean?" He sat down in a chair, facing a steering wheel, buttons along a board and all over the wall.
Why are on earth would you need so many buttons?
"Why are you taking me with you?"
"Mm, something told me I might need you sooner or later." He cocked his head.
Why on earth would the god of mischief need you for?? "Why would you ever need me?"
"You ask too many questions." He waved a hand at you and suddenly you were in a chair, hands tied behind your back. "Be quiet or I'll make you."
You bit your lip. He hadn't really seemed as menacing as you thought he would be, but he definitely wasn't the kindest person you'd met.
You sat in silence until he finally got up, walking away from the command bar.
"Please, Loki, let me out. I won't bother you. I promise." Your wrists were getting sore.
He ignored you.
You felt warm liquid drip slowly down into your hand. Your wrists were bleeding. "Please." You didn't mean for it to come out so much as a whimper.
He glanced back at you before the ropes disappeared.
"Th—thank you." You brought your arms around, wincing.
He eyed your wrists for a moment. To your surprise, he tossed a rag to you.
You took it, holding it to your cut. "Thank you."
He ignored you once more, walking back to the command bar.

You glanced around the ship, bored. Loki had disappeared to the back of the ship a couple minutes ago.
You began to walk back to the room he had gone to, but you hesitated for a moment. He's gonna be angry... you tiptoed a little closer. What could he be doing?
You reached the doorway, sliding through the opening of the cracked door. Loki was nowhere to be seen.
You walked over to another door that was open, what looked like a bathroom, a light on.
Upon entering it, you gasped in horror.
Loki was leaning against a counter, his armor off, only his pants remaining, but that wasn't what made you gasp.
His back had large scrape marks reaching from his shoulder blades to his lower back.
His chest was littered with bruises, one large gash on his lower abdomen.
His head jerked up and he scowled. "Get out."
You blinked, unable to move. For a moment, you didn't think about what he had done, or what he was capable of. All you could feel was sympathy for him, and all you wanted to do was help him.
His eyes changed from a look of anger to confusion as he noted your facial expression.
Only then did you notice the tears that had gathered in your eyes. You walked slowly towards him.
"C-can I help you?" You reached his side, looking up at him.
He blinked, seeming unsure of what to do.
You gently took the rag from his hand. Running it under the cool water, you wrung it out before reaching around, gently pressing it to the scrape on his back.
He winced, his hands balling up into fists.
"I'm so sorry." You whispered.
He sighed in response. His muscles relaxing.
You had him sit on the edge of the bathtub as you cleaned each individual wound, putting a healing salve on afterward.
After you finished his back, you eyed the gash across his toned abdomen. "That will need stitches." You said softly, looking up at him.
His facial features softened, leaving him looking more helpless and lost, than harmful and scary.

His facial features softened, leaving him looking more helpless and lost, than harmful and scary

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"Do you have a medical kit?" You asked, stepping back a little.
"Medical kit?" His voice came out low and husky.
"Never mind. I'll look around for one. Stay here." You gently patted his bare shoulder before moving away to search through the bathroom cabinets. Finally, in the last one, you found a first aid kit.
"Aha, perfect." You brought it over to him.
Staring at him, you tried to think of the best way to do this. "Hmmm...I need you to lay flat on your back..."
"All you needed to do was ask, love." He said in a flirtatious tone.
"I am asking." You retorted, but you were relieved he was somewhat acting like himself. "But you should be on your bed, the side of the bathtub isn't big enough."
He surprisingly didn't comeback with some insinuative comment, but stood.
Loki once more towered over you and you stepped back, walking into the room as he followed.
You helped him lay back on his bed, propping his head up on a pillow.
You readied the needle and thread. "This is going to hurt. Really bad." You leaned over, taking a deep breath before lowering the needle to his skin.
"Dang it!" You sighed. Your shadow blocked any way of you seeing what you were doing.
You looked up at Loki's face. "Don't...don't be weirded out. Ok?"
His eyebrows furrowed. "Why—?"
You swung one leg up, over him, lifting your other leg up onto the bed as well so you were on your knees, one leg on either side of him.
He smirked, raising his eyebrows. "'Weirded out' isn't the term I would use."
You felt the heat rise in your face. "I'm trying to help you." You bent over, your face heating even more as you held your head only inches away from his chest as you carefully slid the needle through his skin.
He tensed under you, taking a deep breath through his teeth.
You winced, continuing.
It seemed an eternity before you finally finished sitting back. You examined your work, running one finger over the it lightly, your knuckles traced down the skin around the wound.
He breathed in sharply at your touch and you jerked your head up. You made eye contact, and you held his gaze instead of looking away.
You didn't realize you were slowly tracing your hand up his abs until he looked down at his chest.

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