Chapter 9

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Days had passed, and still neither you or Abi could think of anything that would work.
You scowled in frustration, massaging your scalp, staring at the TV but not really seeing what was happening.
You were jerked back to reality by Loki's voice.
"Hm?" You glanced over at him.
His green eyes reflected concern as he gazed at you.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Um," You sighed. "I don't know."
He stared at you for a moment, not seeming sure what to do.
"I'm fine, it's just late." You covered up, glancing at the time on the TV.
You snuggled into his side, wrapping one arm over his torso. "I'm just a little tired."

<<time skip>>
Beep! Beep!
You sat straight up, glancing around. A peek of sunshine shone through the crack of your closed curtains.
Beep! Beep!
You slid out of the bed, sleepily stumbling over to your alarm clock before pressing the snooze button and slipping back into bed.
Loki wasn't there next to you. "Loki?" You frowned, patting the bed beside you. It was completely empty.
"Loki?" You got up, walking to your door and opening it.
Crossing the hall, you opened the door to his room. It was completely empty.
"He left."
You turned around. Abi?
"Wha—? Abi?" You vision blurred. "Why...why are you here?"
"He's gone. He left you." She repeated.
"No, he wouldn't." You shook your head.
You turned around and the same monster that had appeared in your other dreams stood behind you.
Suddenly you were falling down a dark hole, screaming.
"Y/N? Y/N!"
Warmth surrounded your body and your eyes flew open as you shot up, gasping.
You felt two arms fall from around your waist, one hand moving to rub your back in circles. You turned around.
You were still on the couch, Loki was sitting behind you, and you were in between his legs which were stretched out the length of the couch along each side of yours, a blanket over you.
He leaned forward, brushing your hair away from your face, placing small kisses on the back of your neck and shoulder. "Are you ok?"
You sighed with relief, leaning back, relaxing against him as his arms wrapped around to the front of you, the back of your head resting on his chest.
"Please don't leave." You turned to curl up against him, wrapping both of your arms around his waist.
"I won't, love." He continued to stroke your hair soothingly as the TV played, slowly sending you back
to sleep.
~Loki's POV~

Weeks earlier~
Loki stood, waiting for the man sitting on a throne to address him. He glanced around at the dark walls, bare of any color or paintings, completely opposite to that of Asgard.
"Do you know why I broke you out of Asgard?" The man spoke up suddenly.
"No." He was going to add a smart remark but refrained.
"I hear you've been down to earth."
"Hm... yes, I believe I have."
"I need you to do something. In return I'll give you your freedom, and..." he gestured to a large pile of gold.
"What do you want?"
"There's a girl. On earth. I need you to bring her to me."
"Well that's not very specific. They are many women on earth." Loki raised his eyebrows.
"Her name is Y/N Y/L/N. She works for an organization named some place called New York."
Loki clasped his hands begins his back. "I'm sorry, but SHIELD and I aren't exactly on the best terms. I just destroyed New York City merely weeks ago."
The man slammed his staff down, "I don't care. Just get her to me."
"And what if I refused this offer?"
"Back to Asgard."
He rested his chin on Y/N's soft hair, running his fingers through it.
What on earth had happened to him? This was not supposed to happen. Get Y/N for that man, bring her to him, and get the reward and leave. That was the plan.
He wished she had escaped when he gave her the opportunity on the ship when he sent her to get food by herself. All she had to do was run, but she came back. Any other person would have left.
What did that man want her so bad for anyway? She was a small, delicate mortal.
He was expecting something from him though, and if he didn't deliver....
No. There was no way he was bringing Y/N to him. Who knows what he was planning to do with her?
He battled with himself silently as Y/N slept peacefully on his chest. She trusted him, and he wasn't going to break that trust.
He finally had a purpose to life other than chasing money or power. Something that actually meant something to him. There was no way he was going to destroy that.
She stirred and it brought him back to reality.
He scooped one hand under her legs, the other under her back, standing up with ease as he carried her up the stairs.
Walking into her room, he settled her on the bed, pulling the blanket over her.
~Y/N's POV~
The feeling of your cold sheets brushing against your skin woke you and you blinked slowly, reaching out blindly to grab Loki's arm as he turned away.
"Aren't you staying?" You mumbled sleepily.
He nodded, slipping in next to you. You reached down with your right hand, wrapping your fingers around his hand holding it tightly as you rested your head near his shoulder, your left hand on his chest.
Loki stretched over, kissing you lightly on your forehead before laying back down, gripping your hand tightly his other hand covering yours on his chest.

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