Chapter 12

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~Thor's POV~
"I'm sorry, brother, there's nothing we can do." He spoke up, his eyes laced with concern for Loki.
He looked up, his face stained with tears, his eyes already pooling with more.
"This is my fault. It's all my fault! I killed her!"
He had never seen Loki like this. Locking
Y/N's father in handcuffs, he approached him, laying on hand on his shoulder.
"This is nobody's fault but his." He pointed to her father.
Loki's face hardened in anger as his eyes fell on him. He rose, pushing past Thor, grabbing her father, throwing him down before he was stopped by Thor pulling him back.
"LET ME GO!" His anger was rising by the second as his face began to pale, his eyes turning to an icy blue before going red.
He stopped cold, turning around.
~Y/N's POV~
You opened your eyes suddenly, glancing around. Gasping, you noticed your blood soaked shirt.
You pulled the collar of your shirt away from your skin, looking underneath for a wound, remembering the last thing that had happened to you.
To your surprise, there was not a single mark on your chest.
A loud crash came from your left and you glanced over. Loki had thrown your father on the floor right before Thor grabbed him, holding him back.
"LET ME GO!" Loki sounded angrier than you'd ever heard him.
"L-Loki?" Your voice came out hoarse as you called out, pushing yourself up to stand with a little struggle.
He froze before turning to you. His skin fading from blue to its normal shade.
Loki shoved Thor away as he ran towards you, coming to a stop right in front of you, running his now green eyes over you in disbelief and joy.
"Loki?" You weakly raised your arms, holding them out.
"How...? What..?" He suddenly dove towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist, lifting you off the ground.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder as he tightened his hold, burying his face in your neck as well.
Your tears of joy fell into his hair as he breathed in deeply before letting out a sigh of relief and happiness.

~Loki's POV~
He wasn't willing to let go of Y/N anytime soon. He still couldn't believe she was safe, in his arms again.
She tightened her grip as well, bending her arm to run a hand through his hair—which seemed a habit by now.
Thor cleared his throat and Loki unwillingly lowered Y/N to the ground.

~Y/N's POV~
Loki gently put you down, keeping one arm around you as he turned to face his brother.
Thor gestured to your father.
"One second." Loki growled before turning back to you, his facial expression softening.
He cupped your face, his thumb brushing against your cheek as he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours.
You melted into the kiss, pushing closer.
After a few seconds, he pulled away, but still kept his arm around your waist, his forehead against yours.
"How...?" He glanced down where your wound had been.
"I guess...healing is one of my powers." You still felt kinda tired, which was understandable, considering everything that had just occurred, and you leaned against him, your eyelids heavy.
Loki hugged you to him. "Wha...? Powers?"
"It's a long story... I just want to go home."
"Of course, love." He gently scooped you up, turning to Thor.
"We need to take him to Asgard." Thor pulled your father up.
"You take him, I'm staying with Y/N." Loki really didn't want to have to fight his brother, but he was willing to if that's what he had to do to stay with her.
Thor watched him for a moment. "All right, brother."
He began to walk away, but turned around. "But if I hear you've done anything but good, I'm coming for you."
Loki shrugged in response.
"I'll watch him." You promised, smiling before turning to look at Thor.
"Thank you, Y/N. I bid you goodbye then," he nodded courteously before lifting his hammer as they disappeared behind a wall of colors.
"Shall we return home?" Loki looked down at you.
"Please." You sighed, ready to sit back on your couch with snacks and The Office.
You just wanted to forget this place, your father, and everything that had happened.
He insisted on carrying you down the halls, through the throne room, and out of the palace.
Loki stopped short at the sight that was waiting for you outside.
Crowds of people stood, watching expectantly.
You raised your head off of his chest to glance around. The crowd gasped, slowly lowering till they all were bowing, their heads down.
"Do they know you, Loki?" You looked at him unsurely.
"I don't think they're bowing to me, love." He gently let you down so you could move closer.
Your eyes were caught by a small, malnourished looking child holding out what looked like some alien kind of flower.
You carefully approached him, kneeling in front of him as he handed it to you.
"Thank you." You smiled warmly, reaching out to brush a speck of dirt off of his face.
"Your majesty."
You turned towards the direction the voice came from in surprise.
A man stood, his head slightly ducked.
"Majesty? I'm not—"
"Y/N." Loki called you over to him.
You kept your eyes on the crowd as you walked back to his side. "What?"
"Your father was their leader." He pointed out. "He's gone now."
"He's gone?" Someone shouted from the crowd.
They all began murmuring in excitement.
"Your majesty." The man from before spoke up again.
You glanced unsurely at Loki and he nodded encouragingly.
"Y-yes?" You felt uncomfortable answering to 'your majesty'.
"Is it true?"
"Is what true?" You frowned.
"That he's gone?"
"My father?"
"Yes, your majesty."
"I'm sorry, yes." You bit your lip, not sure how they would respond.
His eyes lit up before he raised his arms, turning to the crowd. "IT'S TRUE!"
They began shouting, running around, hugging each other.
"I don't think they're sorry." Loki whispered into your ear.
"Wha..? What's happening right now?" You watched the people as they continued to shout excitedly.
After a little they calmed, turning back to you. "Are you taking his place as our new queen?"
A long silence followed.
You couldn't even answer you were so flabbergasted. Queen? Not too long ago I was a normal person, with a normal life. And now I'm dating Loki, I find out I have powers, and these people are asking if I'm their queen???
"I'm...queen? I...I don't... I'm not.." you stuttered as the crowd stared at you in confusion. "Loki, what the heck am I supposed to do? I can't...this isn't.."
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, waving his hand over the scenery in front of you, down to the houses scattered across the land, then back to the people in front of you.
"You're telling me you don't want to be queen of this beautiful land, at all?" He watched you closely as you processed his words.
"I don't know the first thing about ruling. I don't even know to eat properly with a fork and knife, Loki. How am I supposed to be their queen?" You reasoned. "I have a whole other life down on Earth, am I supposed to just drop everything and move here?"
He raised his eyebrows. "Y/N, these people are your people. You were born one of them. I think you were intended to have a life here."
"What's keeping you from wanting to stay?"
"I...I don't know. It just seems so ridiculous and unreal. I'm just having trouble taking it all in."
"Well, only you can decide for yourself what happens."
You watched the crowd. This was crazy. Just plain out crazy. What the heck had happened to your life??
You and Loki couldn't stay on Earth, that much was for sure. And you doubted there was any talking to Fury after what had happened last time.
What was waiting for you on Earth anyway? Excepting your friend Abi, you really had no one there. You were at work during the day and spent your nights at home by yourself.
You stood there, rolling your thoughts around in your head before Loki nudged you gently, gesturing to the still waiting crowd.
"You really think I can do this?" You asked.
Loki grabbed you by your shoulders, making you face him.
"Y/N, when I met you, I thought there was a lot you couldn't do."
"Hey." You frowned.
"But then I got to know you, and I realized just what you are truly capable of. I am more than sure that you can do this."
You bit your lip, looking up at him. "All right...but there's one thing."
He frowned slightly.
"I want you here with me."
He stared at you in silence.
You regretted it immediately. "I'm sorry, Loki. I didn't mean to put you in an awkward situation. I—"
He cut you off by pressing his lips to yours as his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
You caught your breath as he pulled away, cupping your face. "Are you sure, Y/N?"
"I'm more than sure." You smiled, liking the sound of this more and more.
His eyes searched yours for a second making sure that you were serious before he smashed his lips on yours again.
"My queen." He breathed after pulling away just enough to brush his thumb across your lower lip.
You blushed slightly at his tone, until you remembered the people waiting for you.
You pulled away mortified. Loki wrapped his hand around yours before raising it in the air.
"Your new queen!" He shouted to the crowd as they went wild cheering.
"See, they already like you." He smiled encouragingly down at you and you returned it.
This was happening. You were gonna be a queen.

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