~Chapter 2~

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You had to speed up your steps to keep up with Nick Fury as you walked silently down the hall.
"M-May I ask why you need me, sir?" You glanced to your left at him.
"You'll see soon enough, Agent." He continued forward.
You bit your lip nervously. Had you done anything wrong recently? Anything illegal??
It seemed an eternity before you finally reached the elevator. Walking in, you stepped into the far left corner, leaning against the wall.
He reached over, pressing several buttons on the button board before stepping back, hands clasped behind him.
You glanced around awkwardly, trying to think of anything to break the silence.
You were unsuccessful in coming up with something before the elevator doors opened, revealing a floor you had never been on.
"Where are we?" You followed him off, walking through a dark hall.
"Underground." He answered shortly.
You continued for a little while before stopping at two steel doors. He placed his hand on a pad, bending down in front of a small camera that scanned his eye as well.
What on earth are they holding here?? You wondered.
The doors opened. Inside, was the last thing you would have ever imagined for Fury to show you.
Loki Laufeyson stood, his back to you, inside of a large glass cage, a keyboard a couple feet away from the cage.

The room was completely empty besides you, Fury, and Loki himself

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The room was completely empty besides you, Fury, and Loki himself.
"Sir, May I ask you why you brought me down here, to see....him?"
"I have a name." Loki snapped before Fury could reply. He turned, a smirk plastered across his face.
"Shut it. You'll speak when I ask you to." Fury growled.
Loki raised his eyebrows before shrugging nonchalantly, but he continued to walk closer to the glass, eyeing you.
You shifted uncomfortably.
"In reply to your question, Agent, I brought you down here to show you what we do. What we protect the world from."
You followed Fury closer to the cage. "This man is an example of what happens when you let a monster loose."
You could've sworn Loki winced when he heard the word "monster", and you glanced over at him. He raised his arm over his head, leaning it against the glass, watching you intently.
You gulped, tearing your eyes away from his piercing green ones, back to Fury.
"We—SHIELD—protect people from these monsters."
Did Loki wince again?? It took everything in you to not look over at him.
"I'm sorry, sir. I don't understand where this is going...?"
"I just want you to understand that in all of this chaos, we are the good guys. No matter what happens, we are here, to help you. To fight with you."
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Why was he telling you this? What on earth did any of this have anything to do with you?
"Umm...ok...thank you, sir?"
Loki chuckled, it becoming deeper and louder by the second.
"What's so funny?" You turned, snapping at him. Afterwards you covered your mouth with your hand.
He seemed genuinely surprised by your outburst.
Before he could answer, Fury pulled you away, leading you out the door.
You watched Loki the entire time, as another smirk slowly spread across his face.
"That's it? That was all you needed me for?" You questioned as you were rushed down the hall, into the elevator.
"Yes, I expect you will be back to work, bright and early in the morning, Agent." He replied.
You nodded slightly, still kinda in shock over the events that had just occurred.
As you drove home, you tried to make sense of what had just happened. As you thought about the face Loki had made when Fury said "monster" you almost felt bad for him.
You had done a lot of studying on him for the past two weeks. You couldn't help but be intrigued by his story.
After everything that had happened to him, you almost understood why he had done what he did. But it still didn't make it ok. He still had to be punished for what he did.

Days went on, everything normal and as it should be. Fury hadn't talked to you again, and you didn't go looking for him.
You stared at the screen of your work computer, not really paying attention to what was on the screen.
Suddenly, a loud clambering of feet running could be heard. You glanced up, looking through the clear glass walls at the hallway as a stampede of agents rushed by, all carrying large machine guns.
What the heck??
You looked over at Abi's desk to ask her, but it was empty. Oh yeah, you remembered. She had left seconds ago to use the restroom.
"Wait a second." You got up, rushing into the hallway. You ran down to the restrooms, jerking the door open.
Abi glanced up from washing her hands in the sink.
"Oh, you're ok." You sighed with relief.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" She frowned.
"Never mind." You walked back out, only to be grabbed, an arm tucked tightly against your neck.
"Don't scream, or move." A low voice whispered close to your neck, cool breath washing over your skin, making goosebumps.
You'd recognize the voice anywhere. "Loki?" You were surprised how calm your voice sounded.
Oddly enough he had you in a headlock but you didn't really feel scared.
There was no answer, only a small chuckle to confirm.
"Y/N??" Abi gasped from behind.
Loki jerked around, tightening his grip on you. "If you want your friend to live, I suggest you get back in that restroom and don't come out."
She stood still only for a moment before glancing at you unsurely.
You nodded. "It's ok."
She ducked back into the restroom, the door slamming shut behind her.
He turned back around, walking quickly through the hall. To your surprise, you didn't encounter any agents.
He shoved you into the elevator, stepping on after you.
As the doors closed, Loki stared at the buttons, confused. He turned his emerald eyes on you expectantly.
"What?" You scowled, crossing your arms.
He jerked you around by your wrist, pressing you between the wall and his body.
"Which one?" He hissed, his eyes changing to a piercing blue as he stared into your own Y/E/C.
"Or else." He finished, his long fingers tightening around your wrist.
Slightly shaken, you reached over, pressing the "1".
He didn't move, just stared into your eyes for a moment before finally stepping back.
You released a breath you didn't know you were holding.
Loki eyed you silently and you returned the stare. Looking him up and down. His armor fit his lean figure perfectly, the green and gold colors complimenting his pale skin.
His hair, as black as you'd ever seen was slicked back behind his ears, contrasting his skin color in an abnormally flattering way. His eyes, even greener than his armor held a disdainful look as he watched you.
It was only when you raised your eyes to examine his face that you realized just how tall he was. He was at least 6 feet tall, probably more like 6'2".
Abi was right. He's really hot.
"It's impolite to stare." His lips tilted to the side in a smug grin.
You blinked, coming out of your daze. Blushing, you turned away.
Thankfully the doors opened before he could say any more and he pulled you back into a headlock, practically running out the front doors of the building.
He glanced around outside, eyes searching. "Where is your....your...." his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he tried to think of the word.
"...car?" You finished for him.
"Yes, mortal, where is your car?"
"First off, don't call me 'mortal'. I have a name." You jerked your shoulders, trying to get away, but it was useless. He was much stronger than you.
Your shoulders slumped. "I won't tell you till you let go."
Loki went silent for a moment, considering it. He slightly loosened his hold, enough for you to slip out.
"Thank you." You straightened you're jacket.
He raised his eyebrows amused.
"Over here." You led the way to your navy blue Ford Fusion.
"Midgardian carriers are so peculiarly small." He commented, cocking his head.
Nick Fury's voice boomed from behind you. You turned just as you were pulled back into a headlock by Loki's side.

I will try to update daily, but I have a busy schedule so I don't know if I will be able to, but I will do my best! 😆

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