~Chapter 5~

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Your eyes slowly drifted open. Everything was dark, it must still be nighttime. Something was pressed against your back. You turned over, Loki's chest coming into view, his arm under your neck.
Covering your mouth before you yelped, you pulled back, trying not to wake him.
Only then did you realize that you had been on his side of the bed. You sheepishly pulled the covers up over your head, sinking into the bed.
Your side was freezing cold, considering the fact that you had been on Loki's side most of the night, but you ignored it as your face heated.
You heard him murmur something and you peeped out of the blanket just for a moment.
His eyebrows were furrowed, he was moving his lips, but saying nothing. You watched him as this went on for a while, until all the sudden he jerked up, sitting, a small flash before he was in full armor, wide awake.
You couldn't hold back a small yelp of surprise as you sat up too.
Loki kept his back to you, but you could tell he was shaking. He ran his hands through his raven hair before glancing down at his body, noticing his full armor was on.
It dissipated and soon he was in a regular T-shirt and pants.
"L-Loki..?" You weren't really sure what to do, so you moved forward so that you were almost right next to him.
He didn't respond, but put his face in his hands before dragging them down.
"Are you ok?" You asked softly.
"I'm fine." He growled.
You were surprised, almost shocked at the way he snapped at you. He'd been almost nothing but nice to you lately and you thought you were past the whole "him being mean" thing.
You sat there for a moment in silence. "Whatever you need, I'm here, Loki." You gently placed your hand on his shoulder before pulling away to lay back down.
"Y/N." He called in a much softer tone.
"Hm?" You kept your back to him, waiting for an answer.
"Do you think I'm...." he hesitated, as if almost scared of what you would say. "Do you think I'm a..."
You knew where this was going. "No, I never did." You replied before he could finish.
He went silent, and your turned slightly to look at him. "I never will."
Loki brought his eyes up to look at you, watching to see if you meant it. Sitting up, you scooched forward.
"You had a nightmare?" You knew you were stating the obvious. "Do you want to talk about it?"
He shook his head.
You weren't gonna push him. "Ok...do you want to go back to sleep?"
Loki glanced up at you, an unreadable expression in his blue eyes. "Yeah." His voice was huskier than usual.
You waited till he was laying back down till you laid down yourself.
You both were on your back. Rolling onto your side, you watched him. His face muscles were still taut, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Loki." You whispered.
He turned to look at you.
"Whatever it was, it was only a dream." You assured, tilting your lips up, attempting a smile, hoping he would return with one of his own.
He pursed his lips, giving a slight smile.
You weren't sure what to do. You'd never seen Loki like this. Heck, you'd only known him for a couple days.
Hesitating only for a second, you slowly reached out, laying your hand centimeters from his. You lifted your pinky finger, wrapping it lightly around his.
Loki looked back up at you and you attempted another smile. He stared for a moment, when all the sudden he pulled away, turning his back to you.
You blinked, hurt. What was that?? Trying not to take it personally, you bit your lip, turning to look up at the ceiling.
Loki's POV~
You looked down at Y/N's small pinky, wrapped around your larger one.
You glanced up at her and she smiled. You felt a rush of heat up your face and you froze.
No one had ever done this. No one ever tried to talk to you. No one had ever cared. You weren't sure how to react.
Panicking, you pulled away, rolling over to hide your burning face from her.
You felt her moving behind you as she sighed. You wanted to turn around, to talk to her. But you barely felt like you could look into her face, let alone say anything.
Y/N's POV~
You didn't want to be pushy, but you didn't want to give up on him.
Maybe it was all in your head. Maybe he is just using you. He probably could care less if you had left him that night.
You shook your head, trying to push those thoughts away. Why did you care anyway? He was a murderer. You reasoned. But he had reasons. And he's hurting. You warred within yourself silently. But he's nothing but trouble.
I don't care. You nodded resolutely.
Just as you were about to turn to him, he turned over, shifting, moving closer to you. "I'm sorry, Y/N." He whispered.
You gulped, laying on your side, facing him. he was only a couple inches away from you now. "I'm sorry too."
His face changed to that of sadness, to one of confusion. "Wha—?"
"For being pushy." You bit your lip.
"It wasn't...that's not..." he sighed. "That's not it."
You waited for him to continue.
"I'm just...not used to it..."
You couldn't fight the smile of relief that crossed your face. "It's ok."
You talked for a little bit before both of you began to get tired, soon enough, your eyes drooping as you began to fall back asleep.
"Good night, Loki." You sighed contentedly.
"Good night."

You blinked slowly awake, stretching out your legs and arms.
Almost immediately you retracted with a small yelp, curling back into a ball as the cold parts of the sheets brushed your legs.
A chuckle could be heard from across the room and you glanced over at the direction it came from. Loki was walking past the bed, towards the restroom.
"Good morning to you too." He smirked.
You scowled. "Why is it so cold?!"
"I'm about to take a warm shower. You may join me if you like."
"Shut up!" You couldn't help but turn red, pulling the covers completely over your head. "I'll take mine after you."
He chuckled once more before you heard him walk into the bathroom, the door shutting behind him.
You stayed under the covers, never wanting to leave. You had never been a morning person, and you probably never would be.
Some time later he came back out, still damp from the shower, his shirt sticking to him, showing off the toned muscles underneath.
You turned over, stretching again.
"Still in bed?" You could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Yes. I hate mornings." You replied.
"Well, when you should choose to shower, there are clothes laid out for you." He walked out of the room and you sat up.
Truth was, you also didn't want him to see the condition you were in in the morning. You ran across the room, shutting the bathroom door, the steam leftover from Loki's shower warming you.
You swiped a hand across the mirror, examining your reflection. It was not good.
You turned the water back on, and once it was at the right temperature you stripped, stepping in.
The warm water felt amazing as you looked around for any kind of shampoo/conditioner.
The only things there were Loki's products. You shrugged. Hope he doesn't mind.
After showering you wrapped a towel around you, searching for the clothes Loki had mentioned.
"Loki!" You called out, unsuccessful in your search.
"Yes, lo—?" He swung the door open, stopping short when he saw you.
"Loki!" You screeched, hiding behind the shower door, which did nothing since it was glass.
"Why aren't you dressed??" He waved his arms in the air.
"The clothes aren't here!" You shot back.
He frowned, gesturing to the neat pile of clothes folded on the counter.
You ducked your head sheepishly. "S-sorry." You muttered.
He raised his eyebrows in amusement.
"You can leave now."
"Oh. Yes." He nodded, winking before slipping out.
Oh my Gosh. You reached out, grabbing the pile of clothes. Once unfolded, you realized it was only a T-shirt.
"Loki, what the heck?" You muttered, putting your undergarments back on before slipping the T-shirt over your head. Thankfully it came to the middle of your thigh, but you still felt exposed.
You came out of the restroom. Loki was nowhere to be seen. Walking out to the kitchen area, you spotted him sitting at the table.
He looked you up and down, smirking.
You pulled the shirt down further, seating yourself. "It's rude to stare." You mimicked what he had said to you the day he kidnapped you.
For once he seemed taken off guard as he blinked a couple times before bringing his now emerald eyes up to meet yours.
"I need to stop and get clothes." You stated.
He frowned. "Why can't you just wear that?"
"Are you serious?? I don't have any bottoms!"
"Just shut up." You sighed. "Where are we going anyway?"
He shrugged. "Not really anywhere specific."
It was your turn to frown. "What? We can't stay on here forever."
"We can't?"
"Why don't we go back to my place." You suggested.
"Are you crazy?" He practically shouted.
"Woah, calm down." You crossed your arms. "Just think about it. If they were gonna search my place, they would've already done it. It's the last place they'd suspect us to be."
He thought it over for a moment. As he went silent, you took the moment to admire his features. You suddenly felt the urge to reach out and brush your hands through his jet black, damp hair.
"Y/N?" He drew your attention back to his lips.
"Hm?" You responded, still not completely out of your daze.
"Did you hear me?"
"Hm?" You jerked up. "Uh...no."
"I said 'fine'." Loki gave you a weird look before walking back to the command bar.
"Yes!" You jumped up excitedly, throwing your arms in the air. Crap! You lowered your arms again, pulling the shirt down.
Thankfully his back was already turned so he didn't see anything.
15 hours later~
"Are we almost theeerre?" You slumped over in your chair, resting your chin in your hands.
"Yes." Loki glared at you. Most likely because that was about the millionth time you'd asked that.
"How many more minutes??"
"Not very many." He replied through his teeth.
You leaned back, letting out a loud sigh.
"I'm literally landing the ship right now." He shot you another glare, turning back to the command bar.
"Yes! YAY!!" You jumped up, running around in jubilation. "Finallyyyy!"
You heard a small chuckle come from him before he stood, walking to the ramp and lowering it.
"Stay quiet." He motioned with one finger over his lips as he slowly walked down the ramp, you not far behind.

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