~Chapter 4~

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You gasped, jumping off. "I'm, um, I'm—I'm so sorry. Uh, be careful that your wound doesn't open."
You rushed out, slamming the door behind you before slumping over into a chair, dragging your hands down your still hot face.
What the heck was that??? What are you doing,
Y/N?? You had never been so assertive in your life time!
He came out later on, fully clothed, but no armor. You exchanged awkward glances before he moved past you to what looked like a kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" He asked, his voice still low, almost calming.
"Um, yeah, I could eat." You almost wished he would mistreat you rather than deal with this awkwardness.
"I, uh, don't really know how to cook...but I think we can find something." He kept his back to you.
"I can sorta cook." You walked over to him.
He raised his eyebrows at you. "Are you sure?"
"What is that supposed to mean?" All awkwardness disappeared as you put your hands on yours hips, tilting your head.
He lifted both hands in the air. "Never mind. Just don't burn down my ship." He warned.
"Shut up." You scowled, looking around the cupboards, figuring out where everything was.
You reached up, trying to grab a can of the first thing that looked somewhat edible.
Stupid top shelf. You grumbled to yourself, grabbing hold of the cabinet before attempting to hoist yourself up onto the counter.
Before you could lift yourself, two hands wrapped around your waist, lifting you up.
"Need help, love?" Loki held you up with ease.
You knew your face was as red as a stop sign. You grabbed the can as he lowered you.
You refused to turn around. "Thanks." You ducked under his arm, moving to the table.
The canned food turned out to look just as weird as the other food. You sighed. "Don't you have anything good here??" You scowled, your stomach growling.
He noted your grumpiness. "Maybe we should just stop and get some food?"
You glanced up. "We can do that?"
"If it makes you be quiet." He replied.
You scowled again. Was he bipolar or something? One minute he was nice, the next he was a jerk.
You waited impatiently as he landed the ship, eager to eat.
"I can't go with you." He said as he lowered the ramp.
"Oh." You replied dumbly. "Uh, what do you want?"
"Don't worry about me." He shook his head, a strange expression on his face. Was it...sadness? Regret? "Bye, Y/N."
You frowned. "Ok...I'll be back in like 15-20 minutes."
He only nodded in reply before lifting the ramp after you stepped off. You made a mental note of the surroundings of the ship, knowing you wouldn't be able to see it.
You made your way to the middle of town. A Little Ceasers pizza place caught your attention. With a pizza, both of you would be able to eat.
You went in and ordered, grabbing two Dr.Peppers as well.
You couldn't wait to get back to the spaceship to eat. You felt like you were literally dying.
Stopping where you'd remembered the ramp being, you called out. "LOKI!"
More silence.
Just as you began to worry, the door lowered.
Loki was on the other side, another weird expression on his face, but you ignored it, brushing past him.
"Since you wouldn't tell me what you want I got pizza. 3 meat. And Dr.pepper. I don't know what you...Asgardians drink." You set it down, turning to him.
"What?" You frowned, why is he acting weird??
"You came back?" He said, barely above a whisper.
"What? Of course I did. I told you I'd be back didn't I?"
"I, but, I'm holding you hostage. And you had a chance to escape. I just assumed you would." He shrugged, making it seem as though he didn't care.
"Wait, this is a hostage situation?" You mockingly pressed your hand to your chest before resuming a more serious face. "I would never just leave anyone like that, Loki. Besides, I don't really mind it here." You gave him a crooked smile.
He cleared his throat, walking over, his face still straight.
"Lighten up." You elbowed him playfully. "Here."
You opened the box, breathing in the smell of the delicious pizza. "Aaah, yeeess." You sighed contentedly.
He snorted, throwing an amused glance at you.
You sat in silence as you both ate. Turns out Loki does like Dr.Pepper, and pizza.
And for once the silence wasn't uncomfortable.

Several hours later~
You yawned, stretching in your chair, your eyelids seeming to get heavier by the second.
"You mortals tire so easily." Loki commented smugly.
"Stop calling...mortal...name...is Y/N." You were too tired to argue about this.
He rolled his eyes but smiled. A genuine smile for once.
"Sleep here." He led you back to his room, gesturing to his bed.
"I can't..." you yawned again.
"Why ever not?" He frowned.
He chuckled. "Don't worry about that." He gave you a gentle push towards the bed.
You flopped onto it, face forward, not moving.
"Seriously?" Loki sighed before flipping you over, lifting you up and laying you back down so that your head was on a pillow.
Pulling the blankets over you, he stepped back, feeling tired himself. Yawning, he turned to walk out.
He turned back to you.
You reached over sleepily patting the empty spot on the bed next to you. "Big enough...for both. Of us."
He looked at you unsurely and you practically slammed your hand back onto the bed.
"Lay down!" You ordered.
Hesitating only one moment, he sauntered over, sliding in under the covers, staying on the far side of his side of the bed.

That's it for this chapter! I'm sorry, I know it was short, I'll try to make them longer. 😬
If you have any questions, feel free to comment or send me a message. 😄

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