11. Whispers in the Wind

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The rest of the classes passed in a haze. I felt extremely anxious as I sat in history class, jiggling my leg nervously as I gazed outside the window. The classroom wasn't much different than at Stonewall, with a high ceiling and rows of desks lined up neatly. The walls were an off white colour, making the room appear brighter than it was.

I could feel several stares shamelessly trained on me and I felt a sharp pain on the tip of my finger. Looking hazily down at the desk, I noticed I was peeling wooden splinters off the desk, the sharp end poking my skin and leaving marks on them. I gulped, hoping no one would have seen my action and pulled the sleeves of my shirt lower, struggling to hide as much of my skin as I possibly could. 

"-and that is the Theory of The End," the history teacher whose name I hadn't caught continued on. I was surprised to see that she seemed to be floating above the ground but found it too crass to ask her what she was. With her somewhat baby face and furiously red, curly hair, she looked a like a larger version of a pixie and I realized with a jolt that she may as well be.

"The theory, of course, states that when Obscura is full to the brim with the eight sins or, Achtsenza, the shadow creatures will gain enough power from the-" 

My attention drifted again when I heard unmistakable giggles. I gazed at a group of girls on the back seat from the corner of my eye. My stomach somersaulted when I realized that they were looking at me. I felt my face burning and glued my eyes to the empty notebook in front of me. I knew I would warrant questions. I hoped that curiosity was their sole reason.

"-negativity and break through the chasm. No one knows when that will be...but a second Dark War is predicted when it does happen."

I dashed out of the classroom right after class was over, afraid that some stranger would apprehend me. By the time it was noon, I was already worried about going to the mess hall. I had endured enough staring, giggling and whispering throughout the entire day. The only positive thing was that none of the teachers had introduced me or called me to the front of the class. 

Some of the subjects did seem mildly exciting, and I could appreciate that had my insides not being gnawed on by my nerves, I would have found them enjoyable. 

We went through three hours of, mathematics (which, I was admittedly surprised to find being taught at Asteria), English (nightmarish due to my limited civil vocabulary), and the theory for the morning class, which was again simply named life skills.

So far, my plan to keep my head low seemed to be working out. I toyed with the idea of skipping lunch just to avoid people, but my stomach was grumbling with hunger. I made my way to the central building. The lunch hours were divided between the students of all the five years. The students from the odd years, first, third and fifth had it from one in the afternoon and the even years from two. Another positive outcome was that I wouldn't have to face Elijah and his cronies. The bad thing was that his dire warning hadn't left my mind since that morning.

The mess hall seemed to be pretty standard. Long rows of benches and a buffet system where food was being put by disgruntled women in hairnets. I was surprised by how ordinary it seemed, somehow expecting something more significant of the academy where so many royals trained.

The food, however, was nothing like I had ever seen. There were what looked like eggs, but the yolk was an acid green colour. Something I would have strayed away from had it not been the only remotely edible looking thing on the menu. 

The food seemed strangely odourless. There were hotdogs, but with stripes on them. A bowl of what looked like oysters which were glowing. Glasses of what looked like eyeballs moving around, squelching in a sinister manner. I was fascinated,  staring at it before a voice behind me called out impatiently. "Move along, would you?" 

I turned around and saw Greenwood, staring at me warily. I stepped aside as he scooped a spoonful of the eye thing onto his plate. He was accompanied by a guy with black hair and brown eyes, who was peering at me with polite curiosity. 

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