37. Water

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Aahan's blood ran cold.

He crouched down beside the frozen swimming pool, Ezekiel's ghostly pale form floated timelessly as it drifted farther away, nothing but an obscure shadow.

He rose to his feet, his mind working furiously as he glanced around for anything that would help him break the ice. He finally spotted the fire extinguisher at the end of the room and ran over to it.

He removed his jacket hastily, pulling it over his arm and plunged his fist into the glass. After two punches, it shattered to the ground. Aahan's shaking fingers made it difficult to carry the extinguisher as he ran back to the pool where Ezekiel's body was barely visible.

Form. Not body. He corrected himself.

His blood turning to ice, he picked the extinguisher and threw it on the frozen surface with as much strength as he could muster. He had decided to practice his elements once before the Selection and decided to come to the pool in order to be near a water space. He shuddered horribly, thinking what would have happened if he hadn't arrived.

Well, there was still time.

No. He couldn't let himself think that way. 

The ice cracked as he picked the metal canister up again and threw it back, this time, creating a small hole in the ice.

He started pelting it with everything he had, trying to widen up the crack enough that he could slip inside. Once it was barely sufficient, he plunged into the water as his body-sized up in shock from the icy liquid.

He could feel the power surging through him as the water welcomed its wielder. He swam deftly, his speed increased by the water and found Ezekiel lying at the tiled bottom. His eyes closed, and his chest still.


Aahan's blood ran cold as he tried to reach for him and pulled him, finding it difficult to catch a grip in the frictionless environment. Finally, he caught hold of him and started swimming as fast as he could. The water pushed him along happily as he reached the surface and thrust Ezekiel out. Then he followed, shivering uncontrollably. "Ze-Zeke!"

He dragged him out of the icy sheet as his training kicked in. He feared that Ezekiel might be too far from saving. He knew he had to get help. He got up and ran towards the fire extinguisher, setting off the smoke alarm beside it as loud sirens started emanating from everywhere around him.

Ezekiel's skin was white, all blood seemingly drained from him. The stillness of his heart made Aahan's blood run cold.

He leaned over, blowing air into Ezekiel's mouth. He pushed his chest like he had been taught. Compressing in intervals. Water spurted from his mouth and onto the dark floor. "Come on...come on!"

Aahan looked around at the gate, pleading in his mind, hoping someone would get to the source of the alarm fast. However, it remained empty.

A sob escaped his shivering body as he tried harder. He lifted Zeke's head, trying to coax air into his body. He pinched his nose shut, breathing into his mouth desperately as his body remained cold and unresponsive. "Fuck..fuck..fuck!"

Aahan felt ringing in his ears. He couldn't let it happen. Not again.

"For fuck sake...Hey! Is anyone here! I need help please!"

He yelled again, his chattering teeth making it harder to form comprehensible words. He continued his frenzied attempts. He finally stopped, his whole body shivering as tears wet his face. He looked at Ezekiel's still body. And, all air seemed to leave his.

He took a deep breath, standing up with his arms outstretched. He closed his eyes, trying to stop himself from shivering. He pictured the unwelcome water in Zeke's body. He pictured it rising up- leaving through his mouth. He called for it with everything he had. Desperately. Frantically.

The sirens blaring made his heart beat faster, and his fingers clumsier as panic kicked into the highest gear. It was difficult to concentrate his powers enough that the water loss wouldn't impact Ezekeiel's normal body composure, to just extricate the stranger water from the rest of it in his body. He concentrated, focussing on a single goal. 

"What the hell is happening here?" a loud, unfamiliar voice called from the doorway, but Aahan didn't respond. He called the water out of Ezekiel. Again on again till he finally heard the blessed trickle and looked down to see Ezekiel spluttering awake.

His lips were blue, his skin pale, breathing desperately as his entire body racked with the effort. He winced horribly with each breath.

Everhart seemed to read the situation and came over running to the pair of them. She called for some help and soon put a blanket around Aahan's shivering body. She to do the same to Ezekiel's, who flinched away horribly.

"No," he said, his voice strained. "Don't touch me."

More staff crouched down beside them as even more members of the staff and security personnel followed by curious students rounded them.

"Give...give him some air," Aahan said as they mercifully moved away, leaving a path clear.

Ezekiel shivered uncontrollably, his eyes closed as he tried to regain himself.

"What...what happened here?" Principal Beckett had arrived on the scene, her face horrified.

She gasped as she saw them both, drenched in water and shivering maniacally. "Aahan Rana? Ezekiel Hunt? What happened? Arrange for medical assistance immediately!" She called, "And please, someone, shut off the fire alarm!"

Silence ensued a moment later as Ezekiel spoke, "I...don't need...medical assistance." He coughed, his body shaking with the effort of forming words, "I...I'll be okay. I want to go home."

Stunned silence followed his words. "You might be delirious, Ezekiel." The principal said kindly, "You need to-"

"You need to let fucking me go!" Zeke said, finding strength suddenly. He coughed immediately after, his body flinching. "Please." His voice broke." I don't need medical..help. I need...to go back..home."

Aahan removed the blanket, his shivers finally subsiding significantly. "Are you sure? You don't need to see the doctor?"

Zeke nodded, looking at Aahan finally. "Thank you, You saved my life."

Aahan nodded, burning images flashing through his mind. "What happened? How...who did this to you?"

He lowered his voice to a whisper as Zeke averted his eyes, some of the colour returning to his face.

"I...I have to go." He rose to his feet, "I don't mean to be ungrateful, Aahan." He said, his eyes burning with resolve, "I just...need to go. Thank you. For everything."

He walked out of the room, pushing past the stunned crowd and leaving Aahan to collapse onto the ground as he succumbed to haunting memories.

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