29. Cinders to Flames

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Everything hurt.

I couldn't sleep that night. My mind was a turmoil of emotions. It was hard to believe that not a single person seemed to believe me about the assassin, that I had no defence. The sole assurance was that I was returning to Asteria. 

The next morning, I was lying in my bed aimlessly, my mind wandering. A part of me wondered if Elijah was doing any better, but the other more rational part of me told me that it wouldn't be prudent for me to be sighted near him anytime soon. On some level, I derived a masochistic pleasure from being a prisoner shackled by my own destructive thoughts. Knowing, that I deserved it. 

I tried to picture a situation where I would have to return to Stonewall. I imagined walking through the drab grey hallways and back into my tiny room that held nothing apart from a single bed, a table, and a large window.

I sighed, covering my face in my hands and curling up as I lay on my side. It hurt to imagine being back at Stonewall. Especially now, after I had experienced Asteria. Seen the magic and seen my own magic. Even almost made friends. Or confidantes. Or at least people I could trust.
Although I had probably lost them already. Would returning to Stonewall indeed be the more prudent option?

But dad had told me that I would go back to Asteria. He wouldn't lie to me. I hoped he wouldn't. 

A knock on the door pulled me out of my reverie. "Who?" I called, my voice hoarse.

"Breakfast, Zeke."

A soft voice I recognized as my Aunt's floated through. I was so exhausted from everything that I didn't even feel the familiar surge of anger, just a massive wave of sadness.

"It's open," I said as the door gently opened. My Aunt walked into the room, carrying a large tray of food. She set it near the bedside table and sat across from it, at the very edge of the mattress. 

She looked at me, her brows furrowed. "How are you?"

I didn't answer right away. "Are they sending me back to Stonewall?" I asked, idly playing with a stray thread from the blanket, trying to sound casual. 

My Aunt shook her head. "No, honey. They're not." 

Blood pounded in my ears as the dreaded hope ignited. "How...how do you know?" I glanced at her. "Dad also said something about treason...treachery. But he also told me..." 

"Whatever you did...it was passion. You weren't sitting and plotting. Your situation doesn't qualify. The Vartiyahs would want you to return to your education, as soon as possible even. They believe it is high time that you are taken under a Guild."

I let out a short sigh of relief; it all sounded too good to be true. "How's..." I trailed off, wondering if I should be asking her about Elijah at all. "He?" 

"Elijah?" She smiled kindly. "Much better. The doctor says he will be able to rejoin this week." 

I sighed in relief and raked a nervous hand through my hair. I wondered if the healing abilities extended to him as well, but decided not to ask anything. "Thanks," I said and went back to playing idly with the thread, pulling at it and watching in satisfaction as the stitches slowly fell to give way.

"Azure talked to Madam Beckett," she said, naming whom I assumed, was the principal of the academy. "He convinced her to let you in. After two weeks. Half of your original suspension period."

My heart thundered as I looked at her, wondering if this was some cruel joke. "That's ...it?" I shook my head in disbelief. "Why did he petition for me?"

She shrugged, seeming to purposefully avert my gaze. "Like I said. He...seems to think your powers are truly something special, Ezekiel," she smiled. "I think so too. Most of the Deus agree that you need to be trained urgently. And that not doing so is only making the situation worse."

"That's great news," I said, sighing. Although in the back of my mind, I wondered what it was that the Deus thought about my powers being so valuable.

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