Chapter 6

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[3rd Person POV]

   "What the fu–" Before the Japanese boy could finish his sentence, the sound of a guitar was heard. Except this time for much, much longer. Is this man literally playing the guitar, no wait, a guitar isn't that loud— this man I literally playing the bass or something, at fricking what, 5:35 A.M?!?! Let me sleep!

As he whined quietly out loud, his tears drying, but a few still fell. Decided to sacrifice the sleep if other, he banged on the wall with the side of his fist (don't worry he won't wake up Jaehyun or Taeyong as they both left an hour ago to work, Yuta would know as he hadn't sleep the whole night). Along with the banging, he also shouted.

"Will you shut up? People are trying to sleep!" Which was followed by, silence. Thinking the person had finally stopped, he laid back down, to attempt to sleep once more.

On the other side of the wall...

The bass player, Johnny, was plugging in his bass to the speaker. He pushed the speaker in front of the wall quietly. He was already laughing his head off quietly. His old neighbors had enough peace while he was gone. Whoever this was, was probably new here, though he was sure this was were his friends Taeyong and Jaehyun lived... or were they another apartment down?

After settling down and getting comfortable in a wooden stool he often played on, he turned up the volume. He could already imagine the groans of the people in the surrounding apartments. He knew what he was doing was unreasonable but, he just had a habit of playing at five in the morning.

   After what he thought was enough peace, he placed his hand on the bass, feeling the string on his palm, he lifted up his hand...and began playing.

   Johnny had a talent playing the guitar or bass, he loved playing instruments and music in general. He could freestyle and follow sheet music well. He decided his neighbor should enjoy his own work he had been working on, a bass solo with riffs and stuff (I don't know have to play a guitar or bass, I'm in band, I'm making this up).

   He played for about thirty seconds before he stopped, why's it suddenly so quiet? He stood on his long legs, his bass by his side and put his ear to the wall, he heard nothing.

   "Oh? Has he accepted his fate? Hah, I've won today—" Before he could finish his sentence, just a foot away from his chest, a small, old twelve by twelve by twelve inch TV from like, the 1900s came crashing through the wall. Leaving a foot and a half tall and wide hole in the wall.

[Yuta POV a minute early]

   As I was finally about to drift into sleep. This, this asshole began play a whole fricking concert. I jumped up, eyes wide and sleep, that sleep was no more. A fresh way of tears made their way down my cheeks, "I just want to sleeeeppp, God is that too much to ask for?!"

   Suddenly, I got a genius idea. I got up, my tears gone and dried. I walked to the closet at the end of the hallway. I dug around, spotting what I needed, "Taeyong said he needed this gone yeah? Oh well he wouldn't mind, I'll pay him for what I'm about to do..."

   I walked back to the room, in the mist of my annoyance, I threw the old TV at the wall.

   "HOLY FUCK–" A guy peered into through the hole, and damn... he's fine. Of course I was too tired and pissed to give a shit about that.

   "Yeah, now will you shut the fuck up now? I'm trying to sleep." My accent came out more as I spoke sharply, I got into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I thankfully, feel asleep.

Edited? Nah

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