Chapter 35

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December 13, XXXX Monday

[Jisung POV]

   "Yah hyung, hurry up and upload it!" He was starting to get impatient, watching the older change the title of the post every few seconds.

   "I will I will, but aisssh, I don't know about the title."

   "Jeno, just post the damn thing, we have to leave soon! We better post it now! And who gives a fuck about the title!"

   "Language!" Jeno looked back at the screen of his laptop. He quickly typed something on the headline of the post before pushing 'Done'. ", we'll wait and see what happens, Mark will surely tell us what happened when he comes to hang we us later."

[No ones Pov]

   "Yo! Johnny!" Mark ran over to where Johnny and Yuta were just now entering the gates of the university, having been waiting for what seemed like forever.

Yuta, only having heard Johnny speak of the younger, looked at him curiously as Johnny spoke, "Hey Mark, what's up?"

"Bro, have you seen the video?"

"Video? Which?" Johnny was curious, if Mark had waited for him at the gates instead of in between classes to show him a video, it must mean whatever the content is it's gonna be interesting.

"Bro you wouldn't believe this—" Make dug in his pockets, getting out his phone before moving around on the device, presumingly pulling up the video. In a minute, Mark handing the older two his phone, which shown a Twitter post. "Watch it, it's about that situation you and Yuta have with Kun."

Shock clear in their eyes, they clicked on the video, silently watching it as Mark stood in front of them silently rocking back and forth in his heels. The screen was black, obviously only recorded audio, no footage. Whenever someone spoke captions would appear in the mist of the black screen, one coloured red, the other green. Whoever was coloured green had their voice distorted, the one in red... it was clear as day and noticeable to anyone who knew him.


No names were censored besides whoever was coloured green, making Kun's intentions clears. It disgusted them both how easily he could say it, he believed it was okay to do what he did. Looking at the title of the post, Yuta thought it describes what happened pretty simply.

"College student admits to screwing over Lover's Ex's social life by helping him fake domestic abuse. Disgusting."

   Yuta, Johnny, and Doyoung day at a table by themselves at lunch. The younger two were bickering about something when three boys walked over, two tall, one shorter.

   Yuta pauses when he saw his friends– ex-friends?. "O? Hey...Taeil hyung, Jungwoo, Lucas." Over the last few weekS he hadn't spoke with the three, just like the rest of his friends. The most interactions he's had were when he's caught Taeil's guilty eyes every once in a while while passing by him.

   Thankful, Taeil spoke first from the small bunch, "Yuta...I'm sorry for ignoring you– we're sorry." Sorry? What're they sorry for?

   As if reading his mind, Lucas spoke up, "Hyung, we watched the video... we're really sorry. Neomu sorry."

Jungwoo was the only one of the three who dared to do start skinship , walking over and wrapping his arms around Yuta, speaking into his hair. "yuTA~ I'm sorry too. I was ignorant and foolish to believe them."

Yuta smiles slightly, missing his friend's hugs. He patted the arm that was hugging his chest, "It's fine..."

Johnny watched the four interact, the apologies, hugging. He felt a bit forgotten —Doyoung had decided to leave once he heard them begin their 'sorry's, leaving to find his boyfriend. He was also slightly jealous watching the three hug his lover, who gratefully returned it. I want a hug too...

Deciding be wanted his boyfriend back, he cleared his throat, "A-hem."

The four paused, looking at him blankly before Yuta gasped, "Ah! I'm sorry Johnny! I didn't mean to ignore you!" The younger pouted as he realized what he'd done, making the older coo internally.

"Whatever, mind telling me who these three are?"

Yuta clapped, smiling that fantastic smile of his, "Yes-yes-yes! Johnny, this is Moon Taeil, Kim Jungwoo, and Wong Lucas. They're my friends." He gestured over to each of his friends. "Guys this is Johnny, my uh," Yuta face began to flush as he spoke, sounding a bit hesitant, "my... boyfriend."

As if on queue, the three bagan teasing both Yuta and Johnny to no ends til the end of lunch.

*not edited or proof read*

This story is gonna come to an end (I know, much sad) in a few chapters so I'm thinking of posting a Taekook fanfic or a oneshots/mini-stories book perhaps later this month or after this book ends.

Soooo, vote, would you rather me post:

Begin a Taekook book


Begin a oneshots book

(The oneshots/mini stories will not be limited to NCT ships, but will most likely be mostly NCT, idk yet)

Was this chapter good? This chapter didn't turn out as well as I hoped, buuuut the Luwooil scene I think turned out pretty well.

Also, Resonance albums is AMAZING

'Lightbulb', 'Make a Wish' and 'From Home' are my favorites in the album

See you next week or something

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