Chapter 1

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[3rd Person, Wide Range]

Dark and gray clouds drifted across the sky, showing signs of rain. Under this sky, was a house, a small and cozy two story house with a pair of lovers, Yuta and Sicheng. They were completely in love with one another... at least, one was.


[1st Person ; Yuta]

I was sitting next to Sicheng on the couch, my head on his shoulder and arms around his right. The TV was on, but I only payed attention to the man I'm with. His semi-curled hair matches his sharp eyes well, as did the black sleeveless shirt and light blue jeans.

I love Sicheng, I really do. We've been together for fours years since I met him when we both transferred to the same college college. We both had barely known korean, so we helped each other out along with our other friends who helped. One day he asked me out and now we're here. Living together for two years in a small but cozy house.

Lately though, Sicheng has been...kind of ignoring me in a way. Most time when I ask to cuddle or to go on a date he'd say something like, "I'm too tired right now." Or "I'm really busy lately, I can't Yuta...". He's also on his phone a lot and has even changed the password on it, not that strange but a tiny bit suspicious. I trust him so I'll ignore it...




"Do you want to go on a date next week on, Thursday? Maybe at that coffee shop we used to go to?" I looked up, raising my head from his shoulder, my purple hair falling over my eyes. He looked up from his phone, which he had been messing with.

"Next week? Aish, I'm pretty busy next week. My teacher is having us choreograph something and the restaurant is short on staff this week and the next. I'm sorry baby." He looked at me and pet my hair as I lay my head back on his shoulder, my wide smile I had had faltering.

"You always say that..." I whispered.

"Hmm? What was that?" He glances at me.

"I love you." I smiled up at him, having to hold it before he turns away. I'm starting to get suspicious, sometimes I'd see him smiling or laughing while looking at his phone, and lately he'd been looking at me with cold eyes, not the warm ones I always see.

"Ah, tomorrow im getting my hair dyed after classes and have major overtime at the flower shop, they asked us to send flowers to a wedding and if we could help set them up. So I'll be back around 10:30 P.M at the latest, it's a bit far from here." I got up from the beige couch. "I'll head to bed now, night..."

"Uh huh, night, I'll be there soon." Glancing up for a second he looked back at his phone. Sighing, I headed down the hallway into our shared bedroom. After changing into a oversized white shirt and some shorts, I crawled into the right side of the navy bed and fell asleep.

*not edited*

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