Chapter 17

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[Yuta Focus]

   As he walked away from Johnny, giving a wave and a bright smile, he couldn't help but dread his dance class. News always went around fast, a "He said, she said" rumor between a small group of friends could spread though out the whole campas after a day or two. Somehow.

   He knew a large part of the dance class were great friends with Sicheng, always saying how cute and fragile Sicheng was. He had them wrapped around his finger. If those guys ever learned about their Sichengie, how he was in bed and how the taller actually much stronger than him, though it wouldn't seem like it, they probably wouldn't believe him. He swears the man got hidden muscles or trained with some kung-fu master growing up.

Realizing how most in the class were wrapped around Sicheng's fingers, Yuta realized, he's screwed. And seeing the amount of likes and shared the post had... it wouldn't surprise him if everyone in the class had seen it, and maybe Sicheng had already told them.

   Walking through the doors into the dance practice room, where the class was held, he insistently saw heard how the talking quieted or silenced. Eyes turning to look at him. Their eyes burned holes into the side and back of his head as he walked to the corner of the room, placing this backpack on the ledge that stood out in the wall. He was hyper aware of the stares and whispering as he opened one of the lockers that was built into the wall, grabbing the loose dark blue tank top and a grey thin hoodie that he always wore to dance, along with some black sneakers. Closing the small locker, he walked out the room, leaving the burning stares, and headed to the bathroom/changing rooms across the hall, changing into the shirt and shoes. He never bother changing pants, he could dance in anything, and all of the clothes in his wardrobe were stretchy enough to dance in, jeans or sweatpants.

The everyone acted as normal when he walked back in, a few minutes later. Pleasantly ignoring him as he put away the maroon coloured hoodie and converse shoes. The teacher came in right as he closed the metal door. "Everyone, five minute jog, go!"

   The class went by peaceful, besides the few glares. He was ignored by everyone, no one really payed mind to him. He caught Sicheng talking with Minghao, glancing over at him a few times.

   When it was about ten minutes before it was time to leave, the teacher let them change and pack up. The corner and locker area were always crowded, twenty-five to thirty-five students trying to open lockers and grab bags. As Yuta crouched down to unlock his locker, someone pushed him, making his fall to his left, landing on the side of his thigh before falling back on his bum, causing Byeongkwan who happened to be walking pass behind him, to curse and stumble, almost falling if it wasn't for Sehyoon being next to him.

   Quickly turning to apologize, he went back to opening his locker, this time while sitting flat on the ground, taking out the sized Johnny he was burrowing and his shoes. Unlike at the beginning of class, he decided it was fine to change here, as just about everyone else did, and this time, no one was staring him down. He just hoped they were ignoring him enough to not notice the ugly cut on his arm.

   He had already stripped from the sweaty tank top and grey hoodie, spraying them with some freshener, his arms in the sleeves of the bigger hoodie, about to pull the fabric over his head, when he felt someone's slim fingers glide lightly over his neck, making him shiver before looking behind him. No one was there, so he look more towards the left, there spotting the oh so familiar Chinese man walking away, brown eyes looking at him in distain, glaring.

   He focused back on wearing the hoodie, taking a quick sip of water from his water bottle before getting his back pack for the slowly disappearing pile of bags and walking out straight after before the bell could ring, knowing the teacher wouldn't mind. The teacher was chill and let them leave after changing.

   Walking outside the building, he looked at his phone, it was now three in the afternoon, so Johnny would get out of his class in about an hour. Yuta decided to wait by the water fountain, maybe look in the to see if that's where his key dropped perhaps.

He bent over the side on the water fountain, laying flat on his stomach and hands holding onto he edge of the stone to look into the water. He stood back up to move his hair from his eyes and to pull up the sleeves of the hoodie, about to stick his hand in the cool water, when he spotted a group of, five more of less people on the other side of the fountain, walking closer. They looked a bit, annoyed.


Ooo~ cliffhanger.

*not edited*


I made a new book as well, it's call "S • A • L • T" (Salt) and it's a Renhyuck (Renjun x Donghyuck[Haechan]) fanfic, I posted the first chapter a few minutes before this. So enjoy.

And wow, three chapter in one week? Lucky yous

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