Chapter 20

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(Note: Im not a doctor so I dunno medical terms or how to distinguish injuries)

[Yuta Focus]



   "So, what the fuck happened?" Dongyoung put down his chicken wing.

   "Well Bunny Boy, if you must know, I don't know." I answered, stuffing ramen in my mouth.

   He stare at me for a second before Johnny spoke up, "What do you mean you don't know?! You couldn't have just, fallen asleep and gotten beaten—"

I lifted my arm, holding up a finger, I swallowed the mouthful of noodles I had before putting my hand down and speak, "By 'I don't know', I meant, I was waiting by the fountain as we said we'd meet and then five guys, well, three guys two girls, whatever, came up and beat the shit out of me! I don't know why!" I waved my arms around, feeling a bit frustrated.

"Do you know them at all? Like, from anywhere, knows someone who knows them or something?" Doyoung spoke up, taking a bite of a French fry in between his sentences.

I stared at him for a second, "Well, yeah. All of them are Sicheng's friends or something. He introduce me to them some weeks or months ago if I remember, something like that—" Before I can say anymore, Johnny interrupted me.

"THATS why! They're his friends. He probably told them to or some shit!"

"Told them? Why would Sicheng have them beat me up? He wouldn't do that." I shook my head, He wouldn't, right?

"Before y'all start yelling and shit, who's this 'Sicheng' guy and why would he get his friends to beat him up, why not do it himself?" Doyoung looked between us, munching on some more fries. Johnny and I paused, staring at him, baffled.

Practically everyone on campus has seen the post, right? "Did you not see the post? On the college's app?" Johnny asked.

"No? I don't have it installed nor do I have the time to mess with social media platforms and shit." I blinked slowly, staring at him, before turning to look at Johnny, him having the same baffled look as I do.

We spent the next twenty minutes explaining to him what happened with Sicheng and I, making sure to show him the post and pictures.

   When we finished showing the photos, he looked at them, silently. "Isn't this like makeup? This picture is more focused and also, he have a long sleeve on right?" Receiving a nod from myself, he continued, "Plus it's on a very fleshy part of the body–the arm, forearm sure you'd do damage, but the upper arm?– , plus the clothing would help cushion the hit as well."

Before I could compliment him and ask how he got that answer he grabbed my wrist, shaking my hand in the air, "I also don't think someone as thin as you could hit so hard to cause such exaggerated damage there, and he some muscle. Yeah no, this one is definitely fake. I can't tell for the others but this definitely is probably makeup or something." Wow, geez thanks.

"How do you know this stuff?" Johnny asked, leaning over the back of the couch where he stood, shoving his face in the space between us.

"I'm a med student dumbass. Third year. I've said this a while ago didn't I?" Doyoung turned around, staring at Johnny, his eyes full of judgement.

   "Perhaps." Johnny took a bite of his pizza, looking at the clock on the wall. "Hey Doyoung, it's late. Shouldn't you go home now?"

   "Yeah, and I will. Thank you for reminding me." He stood from the couch, wiping off non-existent dust from his pants before heading towards the door.

Before he could leave I stop him, "Hey, wait. Can I have your number? —To be friends! I swear!" I answered quickly, noticing the odd look he gave after the question. After giving both Johnny and I his number he left.

It was late so we both went straight to bed, less awkward than last night, but still a bit awkward. I'd say today was a good day— ah no, wait, I almost forgot, I got beat up... pretty bad- I'd say today was a okay, day. We got a new friend so~ yay.

*not edited, as expected*

I dunno how to end it this chapter so there you go. Also, I decided I'll change Taeyong to be 26 and Jaehyun 25 because I decided a college dropout being successful in the world is probably a pretty low chance so boom, they're older and I'm too lazy to change the Characters Profile chapter— actually no I'm not I'm gonna go change it after publishing this

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