Chapters 28-30

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You: Why is it 28-30? That's not how chapters work–

Me: SHUSH. I'm annoyed that I have 29 chapters but there's actually only 27. So now I'll have 30 chapters with, 30 chapters ish.

Which means this is gonna be super long, or at least, longer than normal.

November 20, XXXX Saturday

They had returned the rented bike and were sitting on a thin blanket by the Han River, sun setting and painting the skies blue, purple, and pink, stars littering the sky. The sky soon turned a deep blue, stars scattering the sky like glitter.


Yuta turned away from the scenery of the river, the skyline of the city beautiful, to turn to look at Johnny. "Hm?"

"You," He paused, making Yuta questioningly at him.

"What about me, huh?" His brows went up for a second, eyes round and lips slightly pouting.

"You, you are beautiful as fuck, you know that?."

Caught off guard at the sudden compliment, Yuta's eyes widened even more, blood rushing to his cheeks and the tips of his ears. Of course, many people have called him pretty, beautiful, handsome, cute. But, hearing it from Johnny... it made him feel some certain kind of way.

Which had been happening for a short while now. Not that he'll like to admit it...

"I-I, of course I have!" The Japanese mildly stuttered, feinting confidence. "I'm beautiful as fuck. I'm a little sad you didn't notice sooner." He tried making a snarky remark, by failed do to the obvious blush, even with it being dark with little light from a nearby light post, Johnny could still see the red hues on his cheeks.

"Don't worry, I noticed a long time ago." He gave the other a wink, which earned him an eye roll.

The younger mumbled under his breath, "So cheesy, jeez...". Feeling 'daring' tonight, Yuta moves closer to Johnny, so close that they were shoulder to shoulder. He titled his head to the right, laying his head on the taller' shoulder. "Youngho-hyung~"

   The older felt shookth when the other said his name. Yuta had said his name, his korean name, sleepy and whiny, and airy. It was the first time he had heard the other say his korean name, as mostly despises people when he hears someone –with the exception of his parents– say his birth name, to use and attached to his English name, Johnny. But hearing it being said by Yuta...

"Ah– sorry, I know you don't like that name." The Japanese's head lifted off his shoulder for a second, looking at the expression on his face when he realized a second later what he had called him.

Johnny just looked back at him, smiling, "Yah, but I don't mind it coming for your lips."

Speaking of lips, His lips looks so, so soft. Red and inviting. All day he's been feeling confident. Was that a good or bad thing? For Johnny, yes. For Yuta, no. Yuta would find his heart beating wildly way too often today, more than a heart should on a first date. But, oh well.

   This was one of those moments when Johnny felt a major spurt of confidence. He reached over with his right hand, grabbing a hold of Yuta's left wrist, pulling him towards himself. Not expecting the sudden movements, the younger stumbled at the pulling. And moments later, he found himself straddling the taller's lap, his hand had flown to hold onto the other's shoulder to stabilize himself.

   It was silent for a moment as Yuta realized the position they were in. "Oh my god! I –"

   But he couldn't say any more as Johnny's face leaned closer to his, making him freeze mid-sentence. The older's left hand came up to caress his cheek, the warmth of the large hand spreading throughout his cheek.

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