Chapter 16

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The comments from last chapter gave me motivation to make this dlankdnsksba

This = Stressing the word 

[3rd Focus]

The two had finished dressing and ate a quick breakfast, leaving the apartment right after. Yuta wore the hoodie and shorts while Johnny had on jeans with a white shirt and a black bomber jacket.

The cut on Yuta's arm was rubbing against the fabric, he had thrown away the old bandages when he showered and didn't know where to find some more bandages so he left it uncovered under the sleeves of the maroon hoodie. By now it had dried into a long scab on the side of his forearm, but he was sure if he picked at it it would open up and bleed out again.

   Earlier, when Yuta had entered the room while he was changing, Johnny had a clear view of the wound, which had him a bit concerned, but being the reasonable person he is, he decided not to say anything about it. While the wound was not as pleasing to look at as the rest of Yuta, he couldn't get the image of the cut out of his mind. What caused it? Who did it? Did it have to do with that Sicheng guy and that post?

   The two rode the bus in silence, and made it to campus thirty minutes before the first bell would ring. The older could see the other was a little nervous, looking around as if looking for someone or something.

No one came up to say "Hello!" or "Good morning" like the day prior. The two went their way to their class together, to a subject they both agree they disliked, maths.

(A/N: I dunno how college so I'ma make it like high school and whatnot with the core classes [math, history, L.A/Writing, science])

The hall was pretty empty, only a handful of students filling in some seats, Johnny and Yuta sat near the middle row on the right side, close to the exit, but not too close, so that at when the bell rings for the end of class in around an hour they don't look like they're too desperate to leave the horrible class.

The two in the mean time talked quietly between themselves, conversing about their family, Yuta's being in Japan, and Johnny's here in Korea. Both boys didn't notice the lack of student around them, most students sitting farther from them, more specifically; Yuta.

   The day went on like this, both boys going together to their classes, the other student besides a few sitting farther away from them, avoiding them like the plague. In the hall ways people would bump their (read:Yuta's) shoulders and wouldn't apologize or acknowledge them. Quiet, subtle things like that. Glares, whispering and pointing, ignoring and light shoving.

   The Japanese male was immensely sad and almost felt like crying when he noticed Taeil, Jungwoo, and Lucas talking against the vending machines, and went to say and hi and introduce Johnny to them, only to be ignored, Taeil sparing a quick glance, but nothing else. Non of them acted like he was there, and continued talking to each other.

   Johnny had stood back a little, watching the saddening scene in front of him, Yuta circling the three other boys, tapping their shoulders to get them to talk to him, getting nothing in response. Finally giving up he wordlessly came back to walk next to Johnny, lips in a pout, bottom lip trembling and eyes sad.

   They walked outside, where they would split to go to their separate buildings, the older was a bit hesitant to leave Yuta, wondering what would happen to him whilst alone. Alone and in the same room as Sicheng.

[Jeno Focus]

   He stood beside Jisung behind the others, still as he watched his favorite hyung being pushed into the water with a short screech, watching his friend scrambling to help him as he and the others followed Donghyuk to walk back towards their school.

   His mind went back to the images he saw. Chenle had barged into the dorm room he, Jaemin, Renjun, and Donghyuk shared, Jisung following behind him. They had gathered in the small living room, around Chenle's iPad. "Hyungs! Look at this!" He had scrolled to show some photos, an arm with and a horrid gash, bruised jaw that looked oddly familiar, and more.

   "Uh, Chenle, What are we looking at? Some makeup effect from a movie or something?" Donghyuk had asked, a bit of annoyance in his voice, as just before he had been napping, though he should've been studying for an upcoming test.

   "No! It's not a movie thing." The younger rolled his eyes, as if it was obvious, he scrolled back to the heavily bruised jaw. "Look, tell me. Who is this."

   "I don't know? Should I?" Renjun scoffed right after, his patience running low, the test he was studying for for the last hours were stressful enough.

   "Oh my god— this is Sichengie-hyung!"

""""Eh?"""" It finally registered that the person seemed so familiar, was because they were, it was a close friend of theirs.

A second later was filled with chatter, "How?"s, "When?", "Who"s were thrown around. The younger member decided to send the link to the post in to their groupchat, letting read it by themselves.

Jeno sat alone on his bed on the top bunk, hearing the chatter of the other five still talking in the other room. He read over the post a few times. He couldn't help but feel it was, a bit off?


Wow, another update, magically anirighti?

Once again, not edited, and posted right after finishing.

Check out E'last debut song 'Swear', they so ethereal.

Also go watch Ginjo's song 'The Riot' featuring Ten and Xiaojun. It's in English and the vocals, OH THE VOCALS ARE ON POINT

That's it.


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