Chapter 18

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Before the chapter starts, I'd like to apologize. I didn't start writing this chapter til like July 6.
I have a good reason as to why...ish. I recently discovered Attack On Titans on the 5th and have been watching it ever since (I'm on S3Ep47 at the time of writing this)
So sorry for the late upload, I'm trying to upload once a week, I clearly failed this(last?) week

Warning: Physical Bullying, fighting(?)

[Third Focus]

The Japanese stood still, watching the group of five walking towards him. He recognized all of them. A brown haired taller guy, Hyunwoo, or as everyone calls him, Shownu, stood at the front. Behind him was a whiteish blonde haired girl chewing some gum. Jiwoo. Next to her was Changbin, short but damn, those muscles. Over his shoulder was Seungwoo, pale skin, black hair that stopped halfway into his eyes. Next to him was Jamie, or Jimin. She was...scary.

(Let's say Shownu is 24 and Jamie is too)

   He waited til the group was a few yards away before speaking. "Oh, Hey guys? What's up?". He's never talked much to these five, he's talked with a few others in their friend groups but not much these five. He knew them all through Sicheng, who had introduced the others as them being his friends. So he was genuinely confused for a bit of why they were here.

He heard one of them 'tsk', he guesses it was Jamie, seeing her roll her eyes. As he opened his mouth to as ask again, incase they hadn't heard, he was turning to the left, pain erupting on his right cheek. He bent over, holding the side of his face, eyes widened in shock. Before he could fully look up to see who had punched him, a blue jean cover leg rammed into his stomach, making him jump a bit as the pain felt unbearable. He doubled over whimpering, another kick landed behind his knees, making him kneel over on the brick floor. Long before he could stand, he saw and felt more kicks on his right side, ribs aching and arms bruising blue and red beneath the long sleeves of the hoodie.

Someone grabbed his hair, pain flashing through his scalp, forcing his head to look up, without as much of a glance to the sky, another punch as landed on his right side cheek, causing a deeper bruise to began showing. He could feel the small pain of some rings when some punches were landed, causing small cuts to appear.

He didn't know how long it was before the punching and kicking stopped, he was lying on his side, chest and above turned to the ground, head resting on his upper arms. He panted heavily, sweat dripping down his temples and above his lips. He watched with a metallic taste in his mouth as the five of them walked away, wiping away their slightly bloody knuckles with a shared cloth before throwing it away in a trash can. He was tired, but everything hurt too much to move.

Despite the pain screaming at his muscles, he managed to slowly sit up. He blinked slowly, feeling dazed and dizzy. For moment, he couldn't think straight, or couldn't think at all. What'd, what'd I do? It hurts... With that last thought, his vision when black, body falling back against the brick floor outside.

[Johnny Focus]


As the bell rung throughout the buildings, I made my way to meet Yuta at the fountain, as we always do. I stopped at the snack bar before leaving the building, grabbing water and two bags of chips and two granola bars.

Walking out and into the sunlight, I made my way out from the between the buildings, heading to the fountain. From far I could see a crowd had formed at the fountain, not around it, but next to it. Odd. I planned to ignore it, but both knowing Yuta would most likely be in the crowd and me being curious of what was going on, I made my way closer. Even with my heigh, I couldn't see clearly, I gently pushed through the thick crowd before making it to the front of it, standing behind some other people.

A black haired boy was kneeling beside another, beat up and clothes bloodstained, boy. Tsk, I guess a fight broke out, well, not my proble— I could feel my heart pause for a second as I recognized that reddish purple hoodie. I pushed the two girls in front of me out of the way, sliding on my knees to sit beside the black haired boy, who seemed to be checking his pulse. I gave a small whisper, too shocked, "Yuta..."

The black haired boy turned to look at me, "You know him?" I nodded rapidly, wordy consuming my mind. "Well, he's alive. The med building is closed today, and I would take him home, but I don't know really who he is or where he lives so— ya! I'm a med student, I said that 'cause I wanted to treat his wounds dumbass!" He quickly said as I got suspicious of him. I gave a small nod in understanding. "So, I'm guessing you know him, can you carry him, and perhaps take him home– I'm also coming with because I won't be able to sleep if I don't help, tsk." An annoyed expression showed on his face.

"Well yeah, he's actually staying at my place for a week so, we'll be going to my place. Oh I also should have a first aid kit if that's of use." He gave a hum of approval. "But, I don't have a car—"

"I do, so let's go." He stood up, wiping the dust at his knees. I got on one knee, sliding my right arm beneath Yuta's knees and the left under his shoulders. Lifting him up, he's lighter than I expected. I thought he'd weight some more the amount of food he eats.

   The shorter boy, began pushing through people in the crowd, shouting "Move along dumbasses! Leave and hurry u— I said move fucker!" making a way from Yuta and I to walk through. Eventually, we made it to the parking lot, and towards a grey car. He opened the door to the backseats, I laid Yuat down first, and wen tin afterwards, resting his head in my lap while the other guy sat in the drivers seat, mumbling about "Those fuckers stepped on my shoes damn it tsk."

   As I gave him directions to my apartment, I stared at Yuta's face, Why?


*not edited as always* *spelling mistakes were to be expected*
I made it long ish. Enjoy.

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