Chapter 16

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Chapter dedcated to thewiseone1308 for showing so much enthusiasm in my story. :D

Chapter 16

As I had predicted, Matt had turned into a grumpy old guy. Well, not literally changed into an old guy...that'd just be bad. The students were disappointed, of course. They had enjoyed his mood yesterday and had probably expect that today was going to be the same.

I looked at Matt as he was trying to cool himself down. He knew Mike was definitely joking, but I guessed seeing your girlfriend pretending to be with someone else can be quite frustrating. I was going to have to calm him down later on and make him understand that Mike could be nothing but a brother to me.

As the bell rang, the sounds of the chairs being dragged filled the air, and it wasn't a pleasant one.

''Can I see you after school today, Mike? I need to talk to you,'' Matt asked as he as he stepped in front of Mike.

Mike smirked knowingly and nodded. ''Sure thing, Mr R,'' he replied, winking. Matt glared in return, upset that Mike wasn't taking this seriously.

And to make things worse, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close as he exited the room. ''Let's head over to next class, girlfriend,'' he spoke loudly, with a lot of exaggeration.

Once we were out, I smacked Mike on the chest. Hard. He winced and rub the spot where I had hit him.

''Ow...what was that for?''

''What was that for?'' I asked back with a scoff. ''Why the hell did you just say I was your girlfriend? What about Mel, huh?''

He gave me a sly smile. ''Ahh...that is what I'm gonna talk about later with Matty. You'll be kissing my feet by then.''

I snorted, ''In your dreams.''

Rachel and Morgan were next to us, grinning knowingly. They didn't say anything about Mike claiming that he was my 'boyfriend', so maybe they have a rough idea what's going on in that head of Mike's.


Classes passed in a blur, and before I knew it, Mike and I had ourselves stood in front of a rather pissed off Matt. I smile inwardly at how cute he was just by being jealous and possessive. Of course, I wouldn't tell him that; he would just tickle the life out of me.

''Care to explain why you just claimed that you were the boyfriend of my girlfriend?'' he asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

''Whoa,'' Mike spoke, raising his arms. ''Possessive much?'' When Matt showed no signs of amusement, he laughed awkwardly. ''Okay, okay...I was just thinking about something, y'know. With you two together, there might be a chance of getting caught and all. So if I claim that I'm Danielle's boyfriend at the time, they'd hardly believe what they saw between the two of you was what it seems...get my point?''

Matt's forehead scrunched up in deep thought. He looked so cute I had to dig my fingernails into my palms to stop them from reaching up and pinching his cheeks. Then, as Mike's words processed in my head, my eyebrows shot up. It seemed that Matt finally registered his words too as his eyebrows shot up at the same time as me.

Four words came to my mind that I would have never thought to describe Mike: He was a genius!

"I take it you're seeing where I'm getting at? Mike asked hopefully.

"Oh my god, Mike," I gushed. "I never would have thought you were such a genius!"

He gave me a look. "That sounds like an insult..."

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