Chapter 1

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It was 10 pm.It was time to close the book store.Soohyun kept her book down and got up to see if any customer was still in the store.

Great.There wasn't anyone left.

Soohyun quickly organized her things,kept the books in their respective shelves and closed the book store.The book store was 10 minutes walk from her home.Every-night she really enjoys her walk home from work.There isn't much crowd or noise.The environment is peaceful.She loves this peace.She puts on her earphones everyday and listens to music while walking.As usual she put her earphones on and was about to turn the music on.But she stopped when she heard something.


Soohyun thought she was mistaken.So she got her earphones out and listened.Nothing.She sighed in relief and was about to put her earphones in again.


This time she wasn't mistaken.She heard the noise clearly.She hasn't heard this noise for almost 2 years but she's sure she heard right.

Someone was shooting someone.

The noise was coming from the bushes not far from her.What was happening?Was someone murdering someone?

"Should I go and check?"Soohyun asked herself.Then she answered herself,"No,Lee Soohyun,you don't want to mingle with that crap again.So do a favor to yourself,put on those damn earphones and go home.Someone else would take care of it."

Soohyun looked around and there wasn't anyone seen on the road.So technically no one would take care of it.


Soohyun decided to just go and check on what was happening.Someone innocent might be getting hurt.So she sighed and got into the bushes.

The bushes were dense and there were a lot of trees there as well.And it was night so it was hard to see or spot anything.Soohyun took a few steps and didn't see anything wrong.So she decided after taking three more steps if she doesn't see anything wrong she would just leave.She prayed that she sees nothing in this three steps and took a step.

And on her second step her foot got stuck to something or rather someone. Soohyun sighed.She looked down and there surely was someone laying on the ground covered in blood.He was shot.Soohyun crouched down beside him to take a closer look.His face was covered in blood.Someone beat him up good before shooting him.Even So...why does he look familiar?

Soohyun thought for a while while starring at his unconscious form.Who is he and where did she see him?Her widened as soon as she remembered who he was.

"Byun fucking Baekhyun?"she screamed but then immediately covered her mouth.

It was Byun Baekhyun.The member of one of the leading mafia groups of Korea,Shades.

Dear lord,why?

He surely wasn't an innocent fellow.Rather whoever shot him should be rewarded.Soohyun slowly got up and turned around to leave as if nothing happened.But Baekhyun opened his eyes and grabbed her leg.

"Help me,"he said.And he looked pitiful.He also looked weak.

Soohyun decided to have a strong heart and leave no matter what.But Baekhyun wouldn't let go.

Gosh,he has been shot.Why is he still so strong?

Soohyun sighed again.She then decided to fuck everything and help him anyway.She knows pretty well that she shouldn't do this and that she would regret this later.But she can't help it.She knows he is a harm for the society but her heart is getting weaker everyday now.Now she can't see anyone in pain.That is the con of leaving the underworld.

She got down and someone dragged him up.He was conscious at that moment so he also helped so dragging him home wasn't as hard as she thought it would be.

Once they got home she practically threw him on the couch and brought the medical kit from her drawer.She sat infront of him and slowly used the medical skills she acquired to get the bullets out of his body.One was at his shoulder and other one was at his abdomen.Thankfully they weren't in deep so it was easy to get them out.He was whining in pain but Soohyun just glared at him and dressed all his wounds.Then she looked at him and said,"Look,please leave before morning.That's the only payment I should get for saving your life.Don't think of repaying me any other way."

Baekhyun was too tired to answer.So he didn't say anything.

And with that she left him on the couch and went in her room.She washed up and sat in front the mirror and looked at herself.

"Dear lord,why am I like this?"


1st chap done.:)

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