Chapter 7

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"So,you're telling me that we would have to climb up the pipe to get to his house?"Baekhyun asked,clearly astonished by what Soohyun just said.

They are currently standing at the back of the building Johnny Suh supposedly lives at.

After they reached Seoul,Baekhyun got really busy.And he wouldn't let Mark and Soohyun go anywhere alone.So they had to wait for more than a week for him to find time and come here.Thankfully they came as soon as Baekhyun got time,cause Mark was going crazy.He was saying something like he didn't ditch them and came to Seoul like a good boy,they should keep their promise.Now that he finally got to come he cant contain his happiness.

"Yeah..Johnny doesn't actually open his door...he doesn't want to meet anyone new or wants any disturbance while he's working.So he only allowed his friends to come to his home by climbing the pipe..."Soohyun replied.

Baekhyun was still baffled by what he just heard,"He doesn't want to meet anyone he so he makes people climb pipes?"

Soohyun nodded,"A lot of people want him to work for their company or gang.He doesn't want to.He likes his freedom.So he decided to not open the door...he told me this pipe climbing method because I'm one of his good friends..."

"This is so interesting,"Mark exclaimed.Pure excitement could be seen on his face.

"This is lunacy!"Baekhyun exclaimed."I am not climbing any goddamn pipes.Do you hear bones are thanking me."

"Adjusshi behavior,"Mark mumbled But Baekhyun heard it and got really angry.

"What did you say,you rude little kid?"Baekhyun asked and was about to smack Mark on his head.

"Baekhyun-ah,stop being a whiny little bitch.If you don't want to climb then stay down over here.We're going."Soohyun said.

Mark was trying to hold his laughter but failed,gaining a death glare from Baekhyun.

"Mark-ah,follow me,"Soohyun said and held the pipe firmly,"Look the Pope's really strong.So you don't have to worry about it breaking,ok?Just follow me and never let go of the pipe."

With that Soohyun started climbing the pipe with Mark following her.Soohyun looked like a professional pipe climber.God knows how many times she climbed this pipe.Mark also wasn't doing bad.

Baekhyun sighed and decided to climb up after them.God knows what more would he have to do.

"Sorry,my bones.I love you all.I will try not to fall."

Hopefully,none of them fell or got hurt.After climbing they came up to Johnny's balcony.It was spacious enough for the three of them to stand.The balcony and the living area was divided by a sliding door and really thick curtains.

"Oh my God,This is so interesting,"Mark exclaimed again.

"What's so interesting about a balcony with a sliding door?"Baekhyun asked,irritated.

"Let Mark be excited,Baekhyun.Stop being a buzzkill.Mark,follow me."Soohyun said and opened the glass door and the thick curtains.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and just followed them.

"Johnny-ah?Johnny-ah?Are you home?"Soohyun called out when they entered through the curtains. Baekhyun was really impressed seeing the house.It was more spacious than he thought.The apartment was also decorated in a modern way.He couldn't believe this house was in this shabby building in an area far from locality.The neighborhood didn't even look great.

"Hey,Johnny???Look who's here!!"Soohyun shouted again.

Right then a really tall guy came out of his bedroom in a bathrobe,completely wet and ran to Soohyun.He hugged as soon as he saw Soohyun.

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