Chapter 5

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Soohyun and Baekhyun had to take two trains and two ferries to get to Jeju Island.They wanted to go by airplane but Joonmyun didn't let them as the two of them need to bond with each other if they wanted to work as a team.Both Soohyun and Baekhyun were highly displeased by the idea of bonding over train and ferry rides.But they couldn't do anything.

It took them a whole day to reach Jeju Island due to ferries being delayed.And the whole trip Baekhyun and Soohyun managed to talk or do a little chit chat.Its not because they wanted to,they had no other options.Their phone batteries had died and there was no other way to pass time rather then have a conversation.

Soohyun managed to hold a conversation with him without getting too annoyed by him or revealing anything about her personal life.They talked about things they liked and disliked.Turns out that Baekhyun really likes guns and motorcycles.Bikes are his everything.They also talked about food they liked.They both got weirdly passionate while talking about food. Baekhyun did most of the talking.He also talked about his gang members,funny stories and all.Turns out he's a talkative person if you spend enough time with him.

All in all Joonmyun's plan was successful as they could bond a bit over this journey.

When they reached Jeju,they were really tired.And it also was quite late.So they decided just to go sleep and start their mission the next day.They were staying at Joonmyun's house in Jeju.He has a house everywhere in Korea.As expected $uho.

Being really tired,they fell asleep that night really quickly.

They started their mission the next noon.They were given the task to get Mark Lee,a genius hacker.Even though Mark is really young he is amazing at what he does.Both Baekhyun and Soohyun didn't understand why they needed another hacker when they had Jongdae.But Joonmyun said it is because he has previously worked for different mafia gangs in Busan.He could come for great help.Jongdae was searching for him for so long and has finally found the exact location he is currently staying in.He changes locations often so they have to be quick.

Baekhyun and Soohyun arrived at the area Mark lives in.He lives in a small apartment in a quite area away from the beach.They didn't have much information about Mark So they don't know how to convince him.

"Do we just show up at his doorstep and ask him to join us?"Soohyun asked.

"What else can we do?"Baekhyun asked.

Soohyun didn't reply just stared at the small building in front of them.Apparently Jongdae was really precise in giving them his location.Mark lives at the 3rd floor of this building.

"Let's just go and try our luck,"Baekhyun said.

"I'm not really good at talking,so you do most the work,Okay?"Soohyun said.

Baekhyun looked at her,"You think I'm good at talking?"

"Judging by the last 2 days,you seem to be good at that."

This irritated Baekhyun,"I only talk when I feel comfortable enough...."He stopped mid sentence and looked at Soohyun.Why did he say that?Was he crazy?

Soohyun smirked,"So you feel comfortable with me?"

Baekhyun was embarrassed.He quickly changed the topic to appear less embarrassed,"Should we keep chitchatting while our target gets away?"

Soohyun smirked again,"Ofcourse not,Sir.Let's get going."

After a few minutes of ringing the door someone opened the door slightly and peaked out,"Yes?"The boy that opened the door asked.

"Are you Mark Lee?"Baekhyun asked.

The boy fixed his glasses,"Look if you came hoping that I'll hack someone for you then I'm sorry.Im taking a break currently.Reach out after 3 months."With That Mark was about to close the door.

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