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It was Saturday and Mike and El were snuggled up in Mike's basement watching some of El's soaps (much to Mike's disapproval). He claimed he hated them yet didn't beg her to turn it off once they were on. Today they decided to have the day to themselves, without the rest of the party. They love the party but it is hard to find time to be alone when there was four other lunatics in the basement. So they insisted on having a day to themselves.

After a while Mike began to get bored of the soaps, even though El's eyes were still glued to the screen. He attempted to get up to see if she would notice, she did. As soon as he went to stand up she grabbed him.

"Hey. Not fair." Mike chuckled.

"You don't leave." El said, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Well you seem more interested in the soaps than me so." Mike smirked and tried to get up again.

This time El didn't move, yet Mike was frozen to the spot. For a moment he was confused until he saw a small smirk appear on El's face and the familiar trickle of blood down her left nostril.

"Let go." Mike said, knowing she was using her powers.

"You stay." El turned to him and looked into his eyes, showing him that she was serious.

"Okay fine but can we do something else, I'm bored of soaps." Mike relaxed into the couch as El slowly released her hold on him.

She grabbed a tissue and wiped away the blood, then reached for the remote and turned the Tv off, "like what?" She said, facing him fully now.

"I don't know, we could play a game? I have snakes and ladders, I know how much you love that." Mike smiled and leant forward, putting a stray hair behind her ear.

El smiled but shook her head. She had an idea in mind.

"How about you play your guitar thingy for me." El said excitedly, she didn't really understand what a guitar was and how it worked but she knew she loved when Mike played it.

She had only ever seen him play once when she walked in on him practising in his room. She stood in the doorway and listened to him play the tune to 'Another one bites the dust' by Queen. She was in awe of his talent, how he played with such ease. She found herself falling into a trance and ever since that day she has wanted to hear him play again so bad.

"I don't know." Mike said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Pleaseeeee." El pouted. She knew he couldn't resist the famous pout.

"Fine, you know I can't say no to you." Mike rolled his eyes and headed up the basement steps to grab his guitar.

El just sat there, waiting for his return, she was pleased with herself. Her mind swam with possible song choices.

Mike returned a few minutes later with his acoustic guitar and pick. He plopped down onto the couch next to El and positioned the guitar in his lap.

"The things I do for you." Mike laughed and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

El just smiled and blushed at his silliness, excited to hear him play.

"What song do you want me to play beautiful?" Mike asked.

"You choose." El smiled.

Mike nodded and tuned his guitar. He decided to not tell her the song and let her guess.

He hesitated, slightly nervous about playing in front of her. He began playing the acoustic version of 'I Want To Hold Your Hand' by The Beatles, one of El's favourite songs of all time...along with many, many Madonna songs.

El couldn't help but smile, she knew he was playing this for her.

When he began to sing, she felt like she could cry. His voice was so soft and it sounded perfect.

"Oh yeah, I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand,
When I'll say that something,
I wanna hold your hand..."

She stared at her boyfriend in complete awe of him.

"Oh please, say to me,
You'll let me be your man,
And please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand,
I'll let me hold your hand,
I wanna hold your hand..."

Mike looked up at her while he sang, seeing the tears in her eyes. He just smiled. She was so cute.

When he finished playing he put the guitar on the floor and moved next to her. He placed a gentle kiss on her nose and then snuggled in beside her.

"You're so talented Mike." El said.

"I mean..." Mike began but El cut him off.

"You are! You're amazing!" El sat up to express her feelings. "Has anyone else heard you play?"

Mike shook his head nervously.

"They need to." El insisted.

"I don't know about that El." Mike shifted in his seat.

"Mike" El gently stroked his cheek. "You're so talented, I think you've made me love you even more if that's even possible." El giggled softly.

Mike smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too." El replied. "But you're not getting out of this, you have to play for people, at least the party!"

"What if I said I'd think about it?" Mike said, propping himself up on the arm of the couch.

"I can deal with that." El grinned before jumping next to him and snuggling into his side. Mike kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her. Maybe being a rockstar wouldn't be so bad?

All I See Is You [mileven]Where stories live. Discover now