Green eyed monster

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Ew okay I don't like this oneshot, I'm planning a few other stories at the moment so I feel like I've neglected this one a bit. I'll be back with better oneshots soon I promise :)

Today was the most boring day ever according to El. It was Wednesday and she was currently in maths, her least favourite subject. The only thing that made it better was Will, who moved to sit next to her so he could help her.

It was only 10:30am and El was already falling asleep. The teacher told the students to practice the algebra questions in the book, which El finished ten minutes ago. Although El hated maths, she was good at it. She was leaning her head on the desk, not realising her eyes were slowly closing until she felt something land on her head. She sat up quickly to find a piece of paper on her desk. It read "you look good when you sleep".

El instantly knew who it was from and turned around to shoot a glare at Troy who was sat behind her to the left, he smirked at her. Troy still loved to torment the party, even after Mike punched him in the face for catcalling at El in the hallway last year.

"Are you okay" Wills soft voice said from next to her.

"Yeah, just Troy being a mouth breather." El rolled her eyes and focused her attention back on the teacher who was reading Vogue and could give less of a damn about algebra.

The next half an hour went even slower, making El lose her mind. When the bell finally went she sprinted out of the class and headed to her locker. As she turned the corner she saw Mike, talking to a girl. Not just any girl though, Jennifer Hayes, the prettiest girl in school. Jennifer was so naturally pretty that made El felt inferior to her. Mike knew this and he always tried to tell her that she was more beautiful, El didn't feel it, so El darted back round the corner and watched them.

They were having a normal conversation, at least that's what El thought until Jennifer threw her head back and laughed. What did she find so funny? El's blood began to boil. She felt so angry but she tried to calm herself down. She was almost calm when Jennifer reached out and put her hand on Mike's bicep. Since puberty Mike had become even more handsome, his jawline became more defined, his hair had began to curl, he gained a bit of muscle and he shot up in height and now towered over everyone else in the party. And not to mention his cheekbones and freckles. He was hot and El knew Jennifer thought it too.

El saw red and couldn't take her eyes off Jennifer. El's eyes were glued to the girl until Dustin pulled her out of her trance.

"El! What's going on?" Dustin looked freaked out.

"What do you mean?" El was confused until she felt the familiar trickle of blood fall from her nose. While she was in her blind rage, she caused all of the lockers to open and close, lightbulbs to explode and even set off the fire alarm.

"Did you do this?" Dustin whispered.

"I-I don't know" El began to panic. She turned back to Mike to see him storming over. Jennifer had left just before the lockers went haywire.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mike hissed.

"I-I" El's voice quivered.

Mike grabbed her wrist and pulled her and Dustin into the biology lab.

"Would anybody like to tell me what the fuck just happened?" Mike said sternly as he closed the door.

"We don't know." Dustin said, looking at the floor.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Mike yelled.

"Mike don't get mad. Jennifer, she was all over you and I don't know what happened." El mumbled.

Mike's expression softened, El was jealous. In fact she was so jealous that she completely lost control and her powers went rogue. He felt awful, he never wanted her to feel like that.

"El you have to be careful, people are going to start asking questions so you're gonna have to lay low for a while now." Mike said quietly, feeling guilty that El felt that way. "And Jennifer wasn't all over me."

"Yeah she was dude." Dustin chuckled from behind El.

Mike shot him a surprised look, "no she wasn't?". Mike wasn't even paying attention to Jennifer, little did they know that he was thinking about meeting El at her locker and kissing her.

"She was dude, you're so oblivious you didn't even notice." Dustin rolled his eyes.

El began to get angry again, "so what you like her now?"

"I'm gonna go, good luck buddy." Dustin patted Mike on the shoulder and ran out of the room to find Max, Lucas and Will.

"What? How could you even say that." Mike laughed.

"She was touching you Mike, she clearly finds you hilarious because she laughed at whatever you said." El crossed her arms.

"El I don't care about her." Mike took a step towards her but she backed away.

"Why didn't you tell her to leave you alone?" El's eyes narrowed at him, making his knees shake slightly. He was kind of afraid of her sometimes.

"Because we were just having a conversation, I'm not just going to tell her to piss off for no reason." Mike crossed his arms.

The cabinets began to shake.

"El stop it. You're going to break everything." Mike yelled.

"I'm not doing anything!" El yelled back, only just hearing what he said over the noise.

"Just relax El." Mike said, moving slowly towards her.

"I love you, no one else, you. You're my girl and you always will be. No one will ever change that. Not Jennifer, not anyone." Mike put his hand on her cheek and traced his fingers up and into her hair. El relaxed into his touch, grinning like an idiot.

"I'm yours forever, I promise." Mike smiled, before pulling her into a long and loving kiss.

Neither of them even realised that the cabinets had stopped shaking until Lucas came bursting in, claiming that Troy was crying because the alarm made him jump.

Mike and El had to see this.

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