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It's hard to be a teenager when you don't remember your past.

Dani Linds was left in North Carolina when he was six years old, and he doesn't have a clue where he came from. Not a single person came for him, and he was eventually adopted by a family in Arizona. It's stinging to see all the other kids with parents who know where they're from, while Dani is... blank. All Dani can do is guess where he came from, and the most plausible guess so far?


When his school trip announces the trip to México City, Dani jumps at the opportunity. But in México, his life only becomes more painful, not less. But when his new world is flipped upside down, Dani had to learn to become  flexible, and to let go of the ache he's felt for eleven years.

"This is the Silver Jungle." The strange women said, turning her strangely slitted eyes on him. "It's where we live."
"We?" Dani inquired. "Who's we?"

Hi! So, if you don't know, my name is Carissa Jade, but y'all can call me C.J! I wrote this story for National Novel Writing Month in 2019, and I thought I would finally post it here. This was a lot of research and careful planning, but I am always open to suggestions! If you are more knowledgeable then I am on the culture or mythology I am basing this on, please send me a message! I would be more that happy to change it. There's also gonna be a bit of Spanish and Nahuatl, the traditional Aztec language. I do take Spanish, but for Nahuatl I used a translator. Feel free to correct me!

The beautiful cover is by my best friend and basically sister, Ivy Jay! ( ) I.J and C.J, back at it again!

Myths and cultures that this story includes are:





Native American



Alright, that should be enough for y'all! I really hope you enjoy this story and bear with me!

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