Chapter 2

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Dr. Maxwell Connolly was a dermatologist and it was apparent he like to show it off. He framed his degrees on his walls, and it looked like someone dusted them daily. Dani looked closer and realized that some of them were just high school superlatives for  'Most Likely to Become Rich'. Well, Dr. Connolly was probably very rich, with how much Marble went to him.

Dr. Connolly had always known him as the man that Marble went to for her skin care, but Dani had never met the man in person. Right now, he was treating Andrew, while Dani waited in the small circle of chairs that was for guests, watching Marble become more and more frantic.

"Do you think it might be some kind of serious skin problem? Is it related to his hair product?" Marble interrogated the female receptionist. "I just knew he was having worse acne when Evan bought him that new stuff." She started to paced the waiting area, making Dani nervous.

"Marble." He tried to say. "I'm sure Andrew's fine. He probably isn't washing his face after practice again. Nothing to worry about. It's not a problem. Plus, I think you've been reading too many clickbait articles."

"But he has never had acne like this before. What do you think?" This last part was directed to the frazzled receptionist, who was looking a little annoyed, but too nice to tell Marble to shut up.

"Ma'am, I'm not a dermatologist, but I think he'll be fine. My own son had issues with acne when he was about your son's age." The women tried to sooth.

"Oh, I just don't know." Marble put her manicured nails to her painted lips, glancing at the room Andrew had disappeared into.

"Marble. This is Andrew we're talking about. He's notorious for telling white lies. Maybe he hasn't been using the face wash again. There's really nothing to worry about." Dani tried to calm her.

"But he's close to nineteen." Marble looked horrified.

"Most boys get acne until they're in their early twenties, ma'am." The receptionist informed her, giving Dani a 'Is she always like this?' look.

Dani nodded slowly.

"Ah, Mrs. Linds!" A portly, middle aged man, with unnaturally flawless skin, walked into the waiting area, his arms open like he wanted a hug. "So good to finally meet your boys!"

"Yes, hello Doctor. What's the verdict?" Marble asked anxiously. "Is it serious?"

"Not at all, just a bit of oily skin that he hasn't been taking care of." Dr. Connolly beamed, gesturing at a door next to the office, with the words 'WASH ROOM' engraved on the plaque. "He's washing his face now. I've given him a face cleanser that he should use after his sports practice."

Dani gave Marble an 'I told you so' look, one that she frowned at. Marble didn't like being wrong, but she overreacted so much, she should be used to it.

"This must be your other son! Daniel, yes?" Dr. Connolly boomed, still beaming.

"Just Dani. With an 'I'." he responded, moving to get up from his seat. "I have an appointment as well."

"Is that right, Miss Ferns?" the dermatologist inquired of his receptionist. "Do we have an appointment for Dani with an 'I' today?"

The receptionist, Miss Ferns, gave the doctor a nod and Dani an apologetic smile. "Yes, we do, sir."

"Well then, my dear sir, please step into my office." Dr. Connolly made a sweeping gesture with his arm toward the office door.

The office was large, with many posters of skin cross sections, diagrams and print ups of treatment plans tacked to the cream walls. Dani sat down in what he supposed was the patient's chair, and waited for Connolly to close the door. "So, what seems to be troubling you today?" He inquired.

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