First meeting her.

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While In cell 13

Nico:hey guys check this out!

Uno:what's up nico?

Nico:look..The news says someone went on a rampage killing almost 30 cops..

Rock:holy shit! How's that even possible..?!

Nico:im not sure..but the good news is they actually captured them!

Jyugo: yeesh any guess what the guy problem..

Nico: nope..!


Jyugo: hey you guys want to escape?

Uno: yeah why not..I'm bored anyway..

Rock:sure but I'm just going to get some food..!

Nico: yeah let's go!

*while in the warden office* turns out 15 have a sister...brings supervisor officer, hajime sugoroku from building 13 to my office..I need to speak with him..

Hajime:*comes in*you called me ma'am?

Momoko:yes, you have a new inmate..and she's related to 15..

Hajime: she? Related with 15?

Momoko:*giving him the files*she's 15 little sister. The police couldn't put her in other prison because of her aged and rampage they choose to put her in this prison. She be here tomorrow morning so please get settle with her and put her in cell 13..

Hajime: yes ma'am..

*next day*

Hajime:*is waiting outside then see the helicopter*looks like she's here..

*The helicopter land and then she step out*

Hajime:*sees the girl with black very long fluffy hair thats covering her eyes a little with red tips, wearing a black and white inappropriate kimono, different color eye that change everytime she blinks, and have a 51 on her right cheek. Everything he's seeing is jyugo..But she's adorable and lady like*

Officer:well this is her...I give you a warning please never make her angry...

Hajime:alright, come with me kid..

??? : ok..

*While walking to cell 13..*

???:so..what's your name..?

Hajime:*looks at her then looks at front*Hajime...

???: I'm gojyu..

Hajime:odd name..

Gojyu: yeah..but im ok with it..

Hajime:hmph..did you know you have a brother..?

Gojyu:no..but i am a little excited to meet him..

Hajime: I see..

In cell 13..

Rock: hey I heard there's gonna be a new transfer..

Uno: oh really, what for?

Rock:don't know ask him when he gets here.

Jyugo:oh I know, maybe it's that rampage killer~

Uno: I doubt that..guy should probably be in a mental asylum.

Nico: yeah he's maybe there..!

Hajime:*open the door*hey new cellmate..Come in..

Gojyu:*walks in*h-hello..

Cell 13: A WOMAN!?

Gojyu:*smile a little*

Jyugo:well that's new-..*trembles*hajime...Why does she look like me..?

Hajime:*sighs*it's because she's your little sister..

Cell 13: little sister?!

Jyugo: wait..what do you mean she's my sister..?!

Hajime:i mean she's your better take care of her..


Hajime: hmph..don't make a ruckus..*leaves*

Gojyu:*walks to jyugo*its a pleasure to meet you big brother..

Jyugo: y-yeah..

Nico: that's so cool jyugo you have a sister!

Jyugo: im afraid it'll be difficult to have one..!

Uno: so what's your name~

Gojyu: my name is gojyu..

Nico:it sound like jyugo name but backwards..!

Rock: how old are you?

Gojyu: 16..

Jyugo: really? Are we like twins?

Gojyu:i assume so..

Jyugo: alright then what you in for..

Gojyu: I..don't really remember..

Uno: how come you don't remember?

Gojyu: I can't say...everything black out before I came here..*unlocks handcuffs*

Rock:wow she evens unlocks things like you jyugo

Jyugo: i can see that..

Uno: are you any chance single~

Jyugo: don't even think about it Uno..!


Gojyu: Uno..?

Uno:yup that's my name!

Rock: I'm rock..!

Nico:I'm Nico!

Jyugo: and as you know I'm jyugo..

Gojyu: well it's pleasure to meet you all..

Jyugo:*pets*I actually can't believe I have a sister...even though I don't know much about it..

Gojyu:that's not even sure whats it like to be with others..

Jyugo:you really are like me..

Rock:hey you want to get some lunch?

Gojyu:um..*stomach growls*...

Rock: I take that as a god damn yes!*pick her up and runs off to the cafeteria*

Gojyu: !!!

Nico: h-hey wait for me!*follows them*

*In the cafeteria*

Gojyu:*eating ramen and crying of joy*this is so good..!~

Rock:*smiles*glad your enjoying it!

*Shiro walking up*

Rock:hey Shiro this is jyugo sister!


Shiro:...*pet her then walk on*

Gojyu: that guy is big..

Rock:yeah but he's fine..well as long there's no fight here..!

Gojyu:hehe alright..

*while with???*

???:so when can we do it?

???:soon, but in the meantime we need to get ourselves ready.

???:alright then.

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