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Hajime : cell 13 wake up..You have work to do..!

Gojyu:*drooling*5...more minutes..~

Hajime: NOW!

Jyugo: ugh fine..!

Nico:*still asleep and laughing*

Rock:*crawl to rock*foxy~

Gojyu:*put him down*am I actually going to work?

Hajime: yes but if any inmates be a pervert Around you let me know..

Gojyu: ok~

*while changing...

Gojyu: uh...big brother?

Jyugo: yeah?

Gojyu:*points to chest*it's a little tight..

Jyugo: hold on*unbutton her shirt a little*there you go..

Gojyu:*jumps*hehe that do feel much better..but im afraid the inmates are going to more perverts..

Jyugo:*pets*its ok rock has your back..


Uno: everything alright?

Jyugo: yeah gojyu just whining about what she's wearing..

Gojyu: NO I WASN'T!

Uno:*blush and look at her chest*it's not that bad~

Gojyu: hmph pervert!

Uno: hehehe!

Hajime: you all will be working here..go to your Dasinated post..

Inmates: hey do you see her...she looks hot...that outfit looks cute on her...hey isn't she's that blade guy sister...yeah I think so...think she have the same thing as he have...nah I doubt that...that woman is actually a murder...are you serious...yeah I heard she killed multiple of guards in her past...that sick..

Gojyu:*glares at them and growls*

Inmates:*shakes and whine*sorry...

Jyugo : you good?

Gojyu: im fine..

Jyugo: you seem more stressed than ever..

Gojyu: yeah I'm sure..mmm*starting blushing*

Jyugo: huh why are you blushing?

Gojyu:*starring at rock muscles*heh...heh..

*it's was hot so rock put his top around his waist*

Gojyu:I should say big brother..i do like muscler man~~

Jyugo: you're weird..

Gojyu:*pouts and tear up*I know..

Rock:*goes to gojyu*hey gojyu want ice cream after this?

Gojyu:*blush hard and gets a little nose bleed*y-yeah..

Rock: a-are you ok..?!

Gojyu: Im just that your hot-*mouth gets covered*

Jyugo: its hot...very hot today..

Gojyu:very!*is burning up*mmm..*pass out*

Jyugo:*holds her*GOJYU! H-hajime!

Hajime:*runs up*shit! What happened!*picks her up*

Uno: Heat syncope..!

Jyugo: its way too hot out!

Hajime:*runs her inside*

*few minutes later hajime came back*

Nico: is she ok?

Hajime: she's fine she's just cooling off now..

Uno: good..*sees a bee and jump on hajime*LETS HURRY INSIDE!!!

*1 hour later...

Gojyu:*has a fan in front of her*ugh...damn heat..

Nico: hehe wanna watch anime with me?

Gojyu :sure sounds cool~

Jyugo: gojyu...shut up..


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