"Let's talk..."

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*Gojyu was on her way to the cell with crepe and rice for rock*

Gojyu: damn...how much rice dose rock need..

Saiki: Hmph...

Gojyu:*stops*...(is someone..following me..?)*slowly turns around and see nobody and sighs*(I guess not..)*turns back the get caught by saiki and gets neck grabed and drop food*SHIT!

Saiki: hey gojyu...lets talk....*tp them to the arena*

Gojyu: LET ME GO!

Saiki:tch..!*lets her go*


Saiki: that's correct...you know why I'm here...right.?

Gojyu:...yeah..and i think you and him deserved it..💢

Saiki: tch...you are going to regret it!

Gojyu:i regret it enough..you can't make me do no more damage..

Saiki: let's see about that...*control her*

Gojyu: *trying to take back control*you...cant take me...so just...*gasp and gets in control*

Saiki: good...now I want you to hurt everyone you know in this prison...

Gojyu:sure....*goes back in the prison and walks around*...

*building 5 comes in*

Liang:*sees gojyu*oh it's gojyu..

Gogyu:*turns to them*....

Samon: what's up with you-*gets punch in the stomach very hard and cough blood*GAH!!*hits the wall and falls*

Liang: Samon! Grrrr!*attacks her but gets kick in the face hard*ACK!!

Upa:*was about to blast her but gets knock out*Ack....*falls*

Gojyu:*looks at qi*....

Qi: h-hey now i-i did nothing wrong-*gets hit hard*GAH!...*falls*

Gojyu: hmph....*leaves*

Samon: s...shit...!

Gojyu:*is on the way to building 13*

Honey:*sees her*hm..oh is gojyu...she looks angry..

Gojyu:*takes out claws and growl*

Trois: oh that aint good..

Gojyu:*attacks them*RAWWW!!


Honey:*use strings and stop her*

Gojyu:!?!?!?! RAWW!!*struggles*

Trois:miss whats wrong!?

Kiji:*runs up*you two whats going on-..gojyu!?

Gojyu: RAWWW!!

Honey:*tightens the strings*so this is her true form...just like jyugos..!

Gojyu: Grrrr!

Trois: kiji..can you try getting jyugo and the others..maybe they can calm her down..! I don't think honey can hold her long!

Honey: i can hold her long enough dammit!

Kiji:*nods and goes to building 13 and open hajime office*HAJIME!


Kiji: is gojyu she's out of control!

Hajime: dammit!*gets cell 13 then goes to gojyu*

Gojyu:*is quiet*.....

Jyugo:*whisper*what happened..

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