you'll forever be a monster

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*the next day gojyu was walking on her own trying to find jyugo and then saw a boy with long blue spiked hair*

Gojyu: excuse me..

Seitarou:hm?*looked straight and not knowing who said that*

Gojyu: down here..

Seitarou:*looks down*o-oh my apologies!

Gojyu: it ok..

Seitarou: hey aren't you the new inmate?

Gojyu: yeah I'm gojyu..

Seitarou: I'm how can I help you?

Gojyu: I can't find my big brother..can you help..?

Seitarou: oh you must be jyugo sister! Sure I'll help!

Gojyu:*hold seitarou hand*thx..

Seitarou:*blush*(is this actually 15 sister?they do look alike..)*walks around with her*so do you enjoy being with your brother?

Gojyu: yes..

Seitarou:( she seems down..Maybe some sweets should make her better. I'll go get her some later.)

*while seitarou and gojyu walking, they saw someone walking up to them and he stopped*

Seitarou: hello may I help you?

???: By Getting out of my way.

Seitarou: w-what?

???:*punch seitarou down*I SAID BY GETTING OUT OF MY WAY!


*??? Grabbed gojyu by the neck and put her to the wall hard making gojyu head bleed*

Gojyu: Who The Hell are you?! LET ME GO NOW!

???: it's weird that you don't remember me gojyu..

Gojyu:*growls and changed to form*I don't even know who you are and I said let me go...

???:*sighs*it's taki...Anyway gojyu I'm here to kill you gojyu..

Gojyu: kill me....why..?

Taki: It's because you nearly killed me and my brother and you never helped us even though we you told you to...That makes you a monster and a betraying Asshole and that you'll forever last words?


Taki: I guess n-

Gojyu:*cuts his head off and grin while crying*....I'm..not a guys made me one...*pass out*

Seitarou:*Gets up*ouch...on no gojyu!*run up and hold her*gojyu are you ok?!

Yamato:*runs up*oh my what happened?

Seitarou: I'm not sure but go get doctor okina and kaguya please.

Yamato: alright!

*20 min later*

Seitarou:*doing rounds*(I hope gojyu be ok...)

Uno: hey crybaby..!

Seitarou:*sighs*yes 11?

Jyugo: have seen a girl name gojyu..I can't seem to find her..

Rock: you need to learn how to stop loosing her..

Jyugo: yeah yeah..!

Seitarou: yeah about her...she's in the infirmary right now..


Seitarou: I actually didn't see what happened because I was punched and knock out..But since I got up I saw your sister past out and the guy who attack me and gojyu dead...There were blood on gojyu hand so I think she killed him..

Nico: he must have make her angry..

Jyugo: she still in the infirmary..?

Seitarou: I believe so yes..

Jyugo: come on let's go..

*the boys went to the infirmary and then saw gojyu hurt*

Jyugo: gojyu?! Is she alright?!

okina: yes she'll be fine but she's going to stay here for a while..her stress went really high so her pressure starts to go bit too high...seems like the person she killed gone to far..

Jyugo: damn it..

okina: you boys go back to the cell and when she's heal up, hajime will bring her back with to you guys..

The boys: ok..

okina: and Nico did you take your medicine?


okina: good..Go on while I heal her..

Rock: see ya..


???: DAMMIT! SHE KILLED HIM! Just wait gojyu you'll be next to die!And I kill your  damn human friends too! I'll kill you all!

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