Practicing (short)

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*this was few weeks ago when gojyu was practicing her ability*

Gojyu:*struggling*come on!

Jyugo: what are you trying to do?

Gojyu: I'm trying to show my form...but I can only show it when I'm angry or sleep...can you show me yours?

Jyugo:sure..*shows blade*

Gojyu: how do you appear it on your own..

Jyugo : don't know...i just show it..

Gojyu:no fair..stoke my head..

Jyugo: huh?


Jyugo: ok ok..*pets her*

Gojyu:*ears shows up*oooh..

Jyugo: hey you fox ears appear..

Gojyu: than you must of made me happy...or my form happy..

Jyugo: I guess you're form appear base on your if you get angry your black hands, strips, and fox form will show...when your happy your ears and tails appear...when your sad your ears show and your eyes turn purple...thats how far I know..

Gojyu: oh really...make me sad..

Jyugo: nope..

Gojyu: aww...i hate you..!

Jyugo: I love you too baby sis.

Gojyu: I'm behind your age dammit..!

Jyugo: your still a baby..!

Gojyu: humph.*eyes turn purple and ears appear*

Jyugo: there you go..

Gojyu: huh..?

Jyugo: your ears appear and your eyes changed..

Gojyu:*look into a mirror and gasp* YES!* fox form appear*

Jyugo: heh you got to excited..!

Gojyu:*starts breaking the mirror*DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!

Jyugo: and there goes her anger form..hehehe

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