I'll Kill You...

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*gojyu, jyugo and Uno was in building 3*

Gojyu: why am I here again?

Kiji: I'm going to get you a new outfit..Yours going be like your original one but with a upgrade..!

Gojyu: ok..

Kiji: anyway why is 15 with you?

Jyugo: I have to stick with gojyu now..just for protection..

Kiji: alright then.

Jyugo: why are you with us uno?

Uno: I'm mostly here for trois and honey, but I would like to see gojyu with a new outfits..!

Kiji: of course..*takes gojyu to a dressing room and give her the outfit*here you go sweetie go on and change..!

Gojyu:alright..*goes in the room then walk out and her outfit looks was a pale white scarf, long black gloves with no fingers, sleeves seems go to her risks,her tabi was longer her kimono was the same but with gold pins around her waist,and some Pierce*

Gojyu: hey this outfit not bad..

Kiji: of course is not is gorgeous!

Uno:*blush*she looks even more cute jyugo~


Kiji: wait stay here I'm going to fix your hair...I'll be right back!


Honey/trois: hello sweet gojyu~

Gojyu: oh hello again you two.

Honey: please miss can you try Awnsering are question... Without getting mad or triggered.

Gojyu: ok..

Trois: please tell us the color of your bra~

Gojyu:of course you guys are perverts..oh well..its blue

Trois: blue like the sky that's perfect ~

Honey: can you answer my question now?

Gojyu: go on..

Honey: what's the color of your panties~

Gojyu: who said I was wearing one..

Honey:*nose bleed*HUH!?

Gojyu: hehehe I'm just joking it's white and black..!

Trois:*blush*such a tricky woman..!~

Gojyu: hehehe!

Kiji: I back! here you go.*put a pen with white Sakura Patel on gojyu hair*

Gojyu: it's cute..

Kiji: uhh 51?

Gojyu: yes?

Kiji: there's something wrong with your eyes..

Gojyu: my eyes?

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