Beach Day PART 2

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Uno: hey have any of you seen gojyu?

Qi: yeah I seen her over there sitting with Musashi..

Uno:thanks*goes to her*bey gojyu!

Gojyu: yeah?

Uno: me and the boys going to get ice cream want one?

Gojyu: sure.

Uno: how about you Musashi?

Musashi: nah I'm good..The ice cream will melt quick and I don't want my hand to get sticky..

Uno: if you insist, what flavor you want?

Gojyu: vanilla.

Uno: alright I'll be back.

Gojyu: ok.

Musashi: hey gojyu.

Gojyu: yeah?

Musashi: where are the guards?

Gojyu: hajime told me him and the others going to be in the break while mitsuru, Seitarou and Yamato watch us.

Musashi: ah ok...gojyu?

Gojyu: hm?

Musashi: is there anything special about you?

Gojyu: what ever do you mean?

Musashi: well since your related to jyugo..does that means you also have a ability..

Gojyu: oh yeah I do have an ability..

Musashi: y-you do? can you show me?

Gojyu: use to show when I'm either angry or asleep but I started practicing how to make it appear.*show musashi her big black hand*

Musashi: it ok I touch it?

Gojyu: yeah, but be careful my nails are sharp.

Musashi:*feels her hand*it's smooth, any other?

Gojyu: Mhm..*tickle his nose with her tail*


Gojyu:*giggle*hehehe bless you~

Musashi: was that you? Stop that or I'll sneeze on you..!

Gojyu: ew no*giggles*

Uno: hey I'm back sorry it took long.

Gojyu: it's fine..!

Uno: I'll be with the boys if you need me!

Gojyu:*eat ice cream*Mhm!

*Uno left*

Gojyu:*cover her face with her arm*damn it's hot...hey Musashi?

Musashi: yeah?

Gojyu: is it ok you put suncream on my back for me..I'll do the rest on my own.

Musashi:*blush*s-sure anything for you..


Gojyu*unstrap top and lay on stomach *ok I'm ready..

Musashi: *gulp*( ok can do this)*starts putting suncream on her back and rubs* this fine?

Gojyu: yeah..

Musashi:*accidentally rub gojyu side*

Gojyu: pfft*laughing*

Musashi: oh sorry did that tickle?

Gojyu: haha yeah..!

Musashi: hehe..!

Gojyu:*Italian*Questo è bello~( this is nice)

Musashi: was that Italian?


Musashi:* Japanese*私はあなたがそれを楽しんでいるうれしい( I'm glad you're enjoying it)

Gojyu:*German*Danke, Musashi ( thank you, musashi)

Musashi: no problem~


Gojyu: it's ok jyugo he just putting suncream on my back for me!

Jyugo: why didn't you ask me?

Gojyu: because...i can kinda tell you can't do things.

Jyugo: are you calling me stupid?


Musashi:*finish*alright done..

Gojyu:*straps top back on*thanks..

Jyugo: I hate you musashi..

Musashi:*grins*fuck you too.

Jyugo: what did you say-

Gojyu: now now you two no fighting..

Jyugo: going be with Uno...see yah.

Gojyu: Mhm..

*with jyugo*

Uno: your being protective jyugo.

Jyugo: I'm her big what big brothers do...right?

Uno: yes that right.

Jyugo: ok good.

( sorry... I think it's better make about 4 or 3 parts of this because ideas is rushing in head for it😂)

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