"Don't make me angry..."

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(Play the song if you like...its one of my favorites👉👈)

Hajime: hey 51..

Gojyu:*is cuddling with Nico*yeah?

Hajime: your going to building 3...kiji needs to talk to you..

Nico:*whines*nooo stay~

Hajime: someone take him away..

Rock: alright Nico let go..

Nico: awww!~~

Gojyu: don't worry Nico I'll be back..!

Nico: ok~

*later at building 3*

Gojyu: hey kiji..

Kiji: hello 51...you can go now hajime..

Hajime: I'll be back in a few..

Gojyu: ok!

*in kijis office*

Gojyu: so what do you need to talk about..?

Kiji: well it's...about you..

Gojyu: me?

Kiji: yes...i've been asking hajime about you..

Gojyu: ...so he told you I've been killing people?

Kiji: yeah...b-but don't worry most inmates in building 13 kill people too..


Kiji: *glump* (ok she's seems irritated now...) ...listen gojyu it's just that your a very special and I believe you're powerful girl and..I'm worried about you..

Gojyu: tch...listen kiji i don't really need your help...just let me go back to my damn cell..

Kiji: im not finish with you so that is a no..

Gojyu:..your afraid of me...aren't you kiji?

Kiji: n-no of course not!

Gojyu: hajime must of told you about me killing guards too...right?

Kiji: well...yes..

Gojyu: that damn gorilla...he didn't had to tell you shit..


Gojyu: I want to go back to my cell...now..

Kiji: but I need to talk to you more..

Gojyu: kiji...

Kiji: yes...

Gojyu: if you don't want to die...than don't make me angry...now like I said...i want to go back to my cell..

Kiji: sorry gojyu..

Gojyu: ...

Kiji: but no...as a adult and guard i have my rights to tell an inmate what to do..so gojyu i need to talk to you more...p-please..?

Gojyu: kiji...i've killed many guards...and I don't want you to be one of the victims...so please can I go to my cell-

Kiji: no..you can not go back..

Gojyu:*form shows*kiji...im warning you...

Kiji:!!!*backs up*

Gojyu:i thought so..*walks away*

Kiji: !!*grabs her arm*I said you're not leaving!

Gojyu:*growls then grab his neck and start choking him down*I KILL YOU KIJI!

Kiji: gojyu...stop...!

*just before gojyu about to scratch kiji hajime quickly strikes gojyu neck*

Gojyu:!!*falls and pass out*

Kiji: *coughs* thanks...

Hajime: there's a damn reason to never make her angry...Or either you made her upset..

Kiji: I didn't want to make her angry I...just wanted to talk to her...why so violent...

Hajime:Im not sure...I'll just take her back to the cell...

Kiji: well...when she wakes up tell her I'm sorry...i hope she forgives me..

Hajime:*pick gojyu up*sure..

*an hour later with kiji*

Kiji: please for forgive me gojyu...she have a strong grip..*whines*

*cell 13*

Jyugo: I can't believe he made you angry..!

Gojyu: jyugo it's fine..

Jyugo: no it is not...Damn I should've came with you...did you attack or hurt him?

Gojyu: I may have choked him...thats all..

Jyugo: why?

Gojyu: he asked too much..*gets up and leave*

Jyugo:*sighs and rubs head*

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