A Fight

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*at the cafeteria*

Gojyu: are you guys sure you're okay..

Jyugo: yeah we're fine


Jyugo:*bang the table* hey wake up!

Rock: huh...shiro g-give me rice with chicken on top and make sure it's spicy but not too spicy...ok*snore*

*shiro was behind rock meaning he heard what he said,then go get what he asked*

Gojyu: it looks like you guys haven't slept at all..

Uno: like he said gojyu we're fine..!

Jyugo: anyway gojyu what got you so happy?

Gojyu: only way to not get angry..although today seems calm now..

Jyugo: of course..

Fuji: hello young lady~

Gojyu: oh hi..

Fuji: my name is Fuji and this is my cell mate Kusatsu..!

Gojyu: I'm gojyu..hey big brother you know them?

Fuji and Kusatsu: big brother?

Jyugo: yeah they're from cell 1..

Kusatsu: jyugo you didn't tell us you had a little sister!

Jyugo: yeesh why would I..

Fuji: oh come on don't be like that jyugo..!~

Jyugo: hmph..


Fuji: hm?..oh no..

Sam: your gonna pay..!

Kusatsu: hey now you know the rules in here no fighting..!

Kouji: shut it dumbass...the hell...when the hell was there a woman inmate.

Gojyu:(well jokes on me saying it's going to be calm today)I've been here for a little while...but can you two please go away.

Sam: like hell we'll listen to a freaky lady..

Gojyu: there's no need to be an asshole you know...

Kouji: what you say-

Gojyu:*grab his shirt*you heard me...now I ask again can you two please go away.*hands was starting to turn black again*

Jyugo:(damn) listen guys I wouldn't pick up a fi-

Sam:*punched jyugo in the face*shut up!

Jyugo: OW dammit!


Nico: jyugo are you ok!?

Jyugo: I'm fine..!

Gojyu:*is trying to keep calm*huff huff huff( no no don't get angry...don't get angry...don't get angry)

Jyugo: gojyu I'm fine just stay calm..!

Kouji: what's up with you? Aw you getting angry because he hurt him.

Gojyu:shut up...i kill you both if you don't go away and leave my friends alone...

Sam: you think we're scared of some freak of a girl?

Gojyu: GRRRR!!*punch his nose hard*

Sam:GAH!*hold nose while it bleeds*

The boys: oh no..!

Shiro:*comes back and glares at gojyu*

Gojyu:....*glares back*

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