Love and Hate

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*the next day(morning)...the boys was awake talking while gojyu still sleeping*

Jyugo: .....

Uno: you ok jyugo?

Jyugo: yeah I'm fine..just worried if gojyu get mad again we'll be put to blame..or I'll be put to blame..!

Nico: you guys don't think she's the rampage killer...right..?

Jyugo:no..if she was then she would have killed more than that guy..gojyu is apparently like me..

Gojyu*waking up and rubbing her eyes* hey what going on...?

Jyugo: come here..

Gojyu:*walk up to jyugo*whats up..?

Jyugo:*shows blades*see..

Gojyu:the that..

Jyugo:*smirks*it's blades...can cut through anything..

Gojyu: anything huh..


Gojyu: i assume you use that on musashi eyes..



Hajime:*opening the cell door*hey you punks time to work but except you 51 you going to be in building 4 while they work..

Jyugo: dammit...and that's where musashi is..!

Gojyu: okay..

Rock: wait why can't she come with us..?

Hajime: basically because other inmates will keep starting at her and make goo goo eyes at her..

Uno: fair point..

*30 min later*

Kenshirou: your going to be with musashi for now on..

Gojyu:ok pup..

Kenshirou:*approach musashi cell and then open it*hey 634..


Kenshirou:gojyu is going to be here for a while if that's ok with you..

Musashi: sure that fine by me.

*6 min later*


Musashi:you alright there?

Gojyu:yes im fine..kinda sad here..

Musashi:yeah but i can't blame..

Gojyu:*crawls up and lay on his lap*

Musashi: !!*pets and smile*

Gojyu: hey you and jyugo get along?

Musashi: your brother can sometimes be a pain in the ass but yeah we can get along sometimes...why?

Gojyu:he seems to be irritated by you..

Musashi: I guess you can say that..

Gojyu: *feels his blind fold*can I see your eyes..


Gojyu: it's ok if you don't want me to see them..

Musashi: no no it's fine you can see them..*remove blind fold and can't clearly see her but feel her face*..

Gojyu:*feeling his eyelids* they hurt..?

Musashi: n-no...not really..

Gojyu: big brother really did a number on you huh..

Musashi:*look sad*yeah..

Gojyu: sorry..*kiss his eyelids*

Musashi:*starts burning up and blushing hard*

Gojyu: y-your burning up..!

Musashi: S-SORRY!

Gojyu:hehe it's alright..

*musashi hand got on fire and than burn gojyu arm*


gojyu: y-yeah..


Gojyu: hey hey musashi it's ok..

Musashi: b-but I hurt you...wait didn't it hurt?

Gojyu: no not at all..I actually can't feel pain at all..

Musashi:*goes to her and then hug her around her waist*I'm still sorry..

Gojyu:*pet his head*like I said musashi it's ok..


Gojyu: anyway how did you make fire out of your hand..?

Musashi: I was born with it..

Gojyu: that's actually sweet..


Gojyu: yeah..I bet me and the others can make s'mores with it..!

Musashi:*giggles and smiles*thanks..

Gojyu:*smiles but then see Hitoshi peaking at them*oh long you've been standing there?

Hitoshi: hi..not that long. Anyway I'm here to bring back to building 13!

Gojyu: ok*pet musashi*I'll see you later..

Musashi:alright, see you later..

*5 min later*

Gojyu:so you're hajime brother..?

Hitoshi: yeah! hitoshi sugoroku!

Gojyu: its nice to meet you..its kinda a first meeting a cross dresser

Hitoshi: that's ok! I get that alot!

Gojyu:I like your outfit its cute..

Hitoshi: thanks! oh should we go to the infirmary to wrap your arm?

Gojyu: oh yeah we should...anyway my big brother would be mad if he see this..

*20 min*

Gojyu:*comes in th cell*hey guys I'm back..

Jyugo:*angry* come here and give me cuddles..!

Gojyu: alright you grumpy jackass..*cuddle him*

Jyugo:*cuddle back then see her arm wrap up*hey what happened to your arm..?

Gojyu: oh just a cut that's all..

Jyugo: if you say so..

Meanwhile in building 4....

Hitoshi: ooh musashi likes gojyu~

Musashi:*blush and irritated*hush you..we're just like the same things and get along..very well

Kenshirou: is that so..

Musashi:y-yeah..BUT please keep this a secret from jyugo..!


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