Memories and pain

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Later at night....

Gojyu:*wakes up*....what..happened?

Okina: seitarou bring you here from getting injured...And since your awake and healed up hajime is going to take you back to your brother..


Okina: mhm..

Hajime:is she awake now?

Okina: yes.

Hajime: alright 51 let's go.

Gojyu:*follows hajime to the cell* you remember what happened 51?

Gojyu:.i killed someone didn't i.. don't sound...upset about it..

Gojyu:what the point..they hurted me first..*rubs head and sighs*

Hajime: hmph...are you remembering gojyu.. still fuzzy..

Hajime: do you know that guy..that you killed

Gojyu:..taki...and he's not alone..

Hajime: who's the other one?

Gojyu:*remembering*..saiki( taki older twin brother)...there here because they wanted to kill me..

Hajime: kill you....why?

Gojyu: taki said because I almost killed them and I never help and I betrayed them..

Hajime: why didn't you help them? more questions..

Hajime: !!..alright 51..*open the cell*hey she's back..

*the boys rush up to gojyu and getting worried*

Jyugo: gojyu are you alright?!

Nico: are you feeling any better?!

Gojyu: y-yes I'm fine..

Jyugo:phew good...i need to stop leaving you alone..

Uno: you damn right you need to stop..

*the group sat down and talk to gojyu about what happened*

Rock: seitarou told us that you killed someone...who was he?

Gojyu: his name is taki..he's my old cellmate and his brother was too..we didn't get along in the pass..

Jyugo: brother huh..seitarou also told us he attack you and him..

Gojyu: its because he was trying to kill me..

Uno: kill you?! For what?

Gojyu: its stupid don't worry about it..

Jyugo:hmph....its getting late talk more in the morning..

Gojyu: alright..

Gojyu:*stand up to go get her futon but trip over something and Her face hit hard on the ground making her nose bleed.*


gojyu:*gets up*yeah im ok..


Gojyu:*feel nose runs down*oh...can someone get a tissue?

Jyugo:*hand her a tissue*here.

Gojyu: thanks.

Rock: wait didn't that hurt..

Gojyu: no...somehow i didn't feel it..

Jyugo:*helping her with her nose*jeez..i guess we have to see the doctor about that too.

*after that they went to sleep*


Saiki: ....

???: hey.

Saiki:..why are you here.

???: a brother can't help?


???: anyway...i scented that taki died.

Saiki:...can you help me kill gojyu?

???: gojyu? Isn't she that fox girl?

Saiki: yeah.

???: ....I guess I can help.


*after that taki flew off*

???: ....I'll see you soon...old friend.

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