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Gojyu:*wakes up*ow..my head..

Musashi: hey..!

Gojyu: musashi...what happened?

Musashi: I'm not sure..

Jyugo: I do...you attacked rock..

Gojyu: w-what..is he ok..?!

Jyugo: yeah he's fine..just a scratch and a some bites..

Gojyu:*show sad eyes*

Jyugo:hey its ok

Gojyu: hmph..why are you two here?

Musashi: we're hiding.. we hate getting our eyes checked out by okina and kazari are crazy..

Gojyu: who's kazari?

Jyugo: his wife..

Kazari:634, 15 WHERE ARE YOU TWO!?

Jyugo: shit..!

Kazari: there you two are..!

Musashi:k-kazari please we-

Kazari:shut up it will only take 20 min...oh hello miss..

Gojyu: hi..

Kazari:you two know her?

Jyugo: she's my little sister..her name is gojyu..

Kazari: I see...well is nice to meet you gojyu..anyway 15 you first.


Kazari: OH HUSH!


Musashi: sorry but no..

Jyugo:YOUR AN ASSHOLE!! Anyway gojyu I see you back at the cell.

Gojyu: ok...

Jyugo: see you later.

Gojyu: bye..

Musashi:..you ok?

Gojyu: yeah...just tired..

Musashi: hmm...*hug gojyu*

Gojyu:hehehe thx musashi


Okina: 634..

Musashi:ah shit i-i see you later..ok?

Gojyu: yeah.

Musashi:*smile and gets drag away*

Okina: you alright 51?

Gojyu: yes..

Okina: alright then I get the deputy supervisor to pick you up..

Gojyu: ok..

*5 min later*

Yamato: hello miss!

Gojyu: h-hi..who are you..?

Yamato: I'm Yamato godai the deputy supervisor of building 13 and here to bring you back to your cell!

Gojyu: oh ok..

*while walking to the cell*

Yamato: I assume you are 15 little sister!

Gojyu: yeah..im gojyu..

Yamato: that's a cute name!

Gojyu: thank you..

*at the cell*

Yamato: alright here we are! Do you need anything while I'm gone?

Gojyu: no thanks.

Yamato: as you wish I'll see you later!*leaves*

Gojyu: ok..*is afraid to open the door but just sigh and open*hey guys..

Uno, nico: gojyu..!

Gojyu: w-where's rock?

Nico: he's with liang now but he'll be back soon..

Gojyu: oh...ok.

Uno: anyway gojyu...do you know a guy named saiko?

Gojyu: I...think so. I'm not sure. Why ask?

Nico: he said you guys are good friends.

Gojyu: good friends?...well anything else about him?

Uno: he's the older sibling of those twins you talked about.

Gojyu:*remembers*oh...now I remember him..i think he always protect me the twins..hmph..

Uno: ...are you ok gojyu..?

Gojyu: yeah...just worried that rock is mad at me..

Nico: he's not.

Gojyu: r-really?

Rock:*is behind her*of course im not!


Rock: hehe whoops sorry didn't mean to scare you shortie.

Gojyu:*tears up*S-shut up and don't called me that!

Rock: aww I'm sorry.

Gojyu: anyway i-im sorry that I hurt you..

Rock: it's ok gojyu besides hajime was worse.

Gojyu: heh...jyugo are you alright?


Gojyu: if you say so...you want cuddles?

Jyugo: please..

Gojyu:*cuddle jyugo and put him on her chest*hehe

Jyugo: gojyu?


Jyugo: I can't breathe...your chest is too big.

Gojyu: hehe sorry.


Saiki: saiko...

Saiko: what you need little bro.

Saiki:*death stare*why were you with humans.....

Saiko:*gulps*(d-damn it) I just gave them a warning to stay out of are way while we kill gojyu or they'll die too..

Taki: oh really...?

Saiko: yup.

Saiki:...well ok then. I'll see you later.*flew off*

Saiko: oh I am so dead..

jyugo's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now