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So I told you guys to send me questions and I'm sorry that I took so long to reply to them. All of these are honest anwsers

How old are you? I just turned 18

Do you have any siblings and what are their names and ages ?
older sister, Bethany 19
Little brother, Trevor 4
Little brother, Jordan 7 months

Do you play any Sports?

Do you have any Pets?
One dog he is a Pomeranian corgi! His name is Maximus!!
I also have a horse, he's a buckskin (mustang) and he is three years old.

Do you have any struggles?
I have a lot of struggles.. Who doesn't though.. Right now I struggle with suicidal thoughts, anxiety and stress

What Starbucks drink?
Hot drink - salted caramel hot chocolate

Cold drink ICED TEA!!!
(Try it! It's so good!!)

Do you have any nicknames?
Tay Tay

Whats our Favorite color?
Light blue

Pie or cake?
I like pie better then cake

Any Accomplishments?
I made it this far in life.. That's an accomplishment right?

Have you had any kind of Surgery?
I've had my appendix removed
ACL surgery

Do you have a Car?
I drive a light blue Chevy truck.

Have you Broken any bones?
Ribs - Many times
Back - twice
Arm -once

What's your Favorite song?
Waiting for superman by daughtry

What's your favorite movie?
If I stay or pitch perfect

How do you stay strong?

I'm no where near strong but.. Be surrounded with people that love you. It's much easier to get through things with someone that you can trust and love. Whenever I get suicidal I talk to my friends or my sister. So yeah talk to people you trust!!

How do you handle peer pressure?

I can tell you right now that I SUCK really bad with peer pressure! I've gotten better at it the last two years. I just tend to ignore or pull myself away from those types of things. You can also just say no. I've been offered alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and chew. JUST SAY NO!

Have you ever tried alcohol or drugs?

I have tried alcohol.. It's not as good as people say it is.. Don't drink it! As for drugs I haven't had any type of drug other then medicine.

What keeps you going?

My friends and family keep me going.. Also ALL OF YOU who read my stories and talk to me on her keep me going. I know I'm the example to younger kids..( IM A CRAPPY EXAMPLE)

That's the the questions that got asked! So if you still have a question let me know and I can answer them!!

stay strong (completed) *sequel is Keep Holding On*Where stories live. Discover now