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It was dark and misty, and all you could think about was finishing your job and getting back to your quarters. The general had ordered you and a squad of 4 others to assist in finding certain parts off of wrecked ships. Whatever the general was up to, it was urgent. You were tripping over crates and loose wires, cursing to yourself. Brendol could hardly keep his giggles in. You lifted your flashlight slightly above your head to try and see over the mist. There was only one piece left to find so the squad split up into groups of two and three. You and Brendol were paired off, since you were inseparable, accompanied by a stormtrooper. The general insisted that you were to complete your job with supervision. 

"I wonder how the others are doing?" You questioned, pushing a bundle of dangling wires out of your path. You scanned the area with your flashlight.

"Probably better than us. Why did the general choose us anyway?" Brendol hissed. He had been working all day and was mildly irritated to get the news that he would be working much longer than he'd thought. 

"Just shut up and find the band limiter." The stormtrooper pushed Brendol into you with his blaster. You stopped in your tracks. 

"Wait, wait. A band limiter? I thought we were looking for a locking claw." You chuckled and walked into a doorway. A rat ran past your foot, squealing. You sighed and scanned the room with your flashlight. 

"Here!" You spotted a hole in the floor. Brendol and the stormtrooper walked over to you.

"It's just a hole, it's not a band limiter." Brendol crossed his arms.

"The band limiter isn't just gonna randomly appear on the floor. You have to get in the ship." You rolled your eyes and jumped down the hole.

"Y/N!" Brendol instinctively reached out his hand, trying to grab you. You landed on your feet and shined the light up at him.

"Are any of you coming or am I by myself?" You asked, impatiently waiting for their response. The stormtrooper and Brendol looked at each other.

"I'll watch over this scum. Hurry up or we'll leave you." The stormtrooper hit Brendol's shoulder with his blaster. You growled at the attack and crouched down. You tried to examine your surroundings but the mist was much thicker down here. You slowly walked forward, shining your light left and right. After a short while of trying to navigate through the fog, you heard a metallic clang against the ground. You immediately shined your light towards it but saw nothing through the clouds. You grasped your flashlight tightly and walked towards the sound, one step at a time, until your foot hit something. You looked down with your light and saw the one and only band limiter. You grabbed it with relief and began to retrace your steps. 

"Hello?" You called out after trudging through the smog. You were lost, but you don't accept defeat that easily. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Okay." You opened your eyes and began walking in a different direction.
"Hello?" You called out once more.

"Y/N. Over here!" Brendol shouted. You smirked and ran to his voice. You finally found the hole and Brendol kneeling, waiting for you. 

"Catch." You tossed the band limiter up.

"You found it!" He held it up to the stormtrooper. The trooper ripped it out of his hands.

"Get up here so I can take you back to your quarters." Brendol and the trooper began walking away, out of the wreckage. You jumped up and grabbed the ledge, helping yourself up. The whole ship rocked. You quickly got your balance and ran to catch up with them.

"Guys, we gotta go." You grabbed Brendol's wrist and jogged to the exit. As the light of the moon got brighter, you got closer to the exit. You ran out to the landing pad with Brendol and watched the ship fall behind the stormtrooper that was assigned to you. 

"Let's go." The trooper pushed you with his blaster. You lost your balance as the wires holding up the landing pad snapped. Everyone fell to their backs and began to slide towards the void. Brendol flipped to his stomach, trying to grab onto something.  You pushed yourself to the side and grabbed a gate before you could fall off. You were stuck dangling, watching your friend slide to his death. Your instincts kicked in and you let go. You knew where you were going to land and where Brendol wasn't. You threw your arm out and opened your hand toward him. You let out a painful scream as you turned your hand upward and squeezed your fingers into a fist. You landed on the coarse rocky ground as Brendol landed a couple feet away from you. You stared into the sky, heavily breathing. 

"Y/N." Brendol squirmed to his feet and quickly ran over to you, dropping to his knees and putting a hand on your stomach.

"How?" You looked into his eyes and saw fear. You slowly sat up.

"I was born like this. I've only found out a couple months ago. I didn't want the First Order finding out, they could've used me as a weapon." You tried to explain.

"You're a Jedi?" He stood up and offered you a hand. You took it and he pulled you up.

"Not necessarily." You dusted yourself off.
"I can't control it. It just happens when I'm in difficult situations."

"That's so cool!" Brendol shouted. You put a hand on his mouth.

"This stays between me and you. Do you still have the band limiter?" You pulled your hand off his mouth and held it out. He patted himself down and couldn't find it.

"I gave it to the stormtrooper." He sighed, frustrated. 

"Let's hope the other group had better success." You began walking up the hill towards your TIE fighter.

"Well, where's the other group?" You raised your hands in frustration. You both looked around and saw that multiple platforms had collapsed.

"C'mon." You got in the fighter and started it up. Brendol stood in front of your ship.

"Where are you going?" He crossed his arms.

"No one is alive to bring the band limiter to the general, so I'll just have to meet him myself. You in?" You smiled and put a helmet on.  He sighed and got into his fighter.


Hello, just wanted to pop in this one and only time. I hope everyone is staying happy and healthy. I took about a year break from writing and I couldn't find any idea's or energy to write. All of my past stories just didn't spark something in me like they did before... But being in 'quarantine' and 'social-distancing' I just couldn't take it. I wanted to write and I wanted to help you guys escape. It feels sooo good being back :) Big shoutout to @electricdust for giving me an idea and letting me completely run with it. Hopefully you like it electricdust and everyone reading it. Also, I'm sorry that this a fem xReader. It's just easier for me to write with she/her he/him. Hopefully you can replace the pronouns with your own :) Much love♥ (Also, thank you so much for 60k reads on 'Evil rose as we fell'. I have cried tears of joy at every single milestone. 5k, 10k, 15k, etc.)

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