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The general's footsteps were much quieter and quicker. It was almost as if he wasn't even walking against the ground. 

"I don't care what happens to me. What about Brendol?" You managed to build up the confidence to question him. You both took a turn into the command center and took another sharp turn into his office. He closed the door behind you and gestured for you to sit. You slowly grabbed the chair and sat down. He sat on the corner of his desk, staring down at you. 

"We've told your friend that you were being promoted to work on the Finalizer." Your eyes widened at the lie.

"I'm not staying here." You leaned back into the chair. He smirked and brushed his hair back.

"Very well. You could attempt to leave and deal with the wrath of Ren, which would end with you dead. Or you could hear me out and do things the easy way." You grumbled at the ultimatum and gained your posture back.

"That's what I thought." He stood off the desk and made his way to his chair. He sat down gracefully and intertwined his hands.

"The Commander, or Supreme Leader as you know him, has requested that you began training under him. I trust that you can remember back to a month ago when I had requested you and a group of 4 others to scavenge for my missing parts. Well, during your briefing here in the command center, Kylo could sense you and a connection formed between the two of you. Ever since then he could hear your thoughts and sense your emotions." He cleared his throat.
"Having said that, you are to remain on the Finalizer so we can monitor you and he can help you control your... powers." He hesitated on what to call your abilities. His eyes glared at you as if he was waiting for a response.

"Well, I don't have much of a choice do I?" You raised your brows in acknowledgement and slowly looked down to your hands. You watched your fingers twist around each other in attempt to calm your nerves. You heard General Hux sigh as the office door opened and slammed shut. You took a deep breath and tried to refrain from looking up.

"Is she caught up?" You heard a metallic voice that you could only remember hearing in your dreams. You slowly lifted your head to see the helmet. It was exactly like your dreams. Does this mean?

"Does what mean what?" He whipped his head to you. The general stood up and interrupted the tension that built thicker and thicker with each breath.

"Yes! Yes. She is caught up and will comply with our orders. She knows that she will begin training under you and her friend is taken care of." He tugged on the collar of his uniform. 

"So, I'm never going to see him again?" Your eyes pleaded at him. You could sense guilt pulling at him.

"No." His voice was quiet as if he didn't want to answer. You nodded your head slowly and guided your eyes back down to your thighs. You knew that if you uttered a single word you would start crying. Just like that your childhood best friend was taken from you. The only thing that was going right in your life had gone wrong.

"Unless, I need a scrapper to scavenge for a rare part. It will be as rare as the occasion, but I'm sure there will be a time or two where I will need you to report to Bracca." The general radiated in guilt now. Your eyes lit up and Kylo broke his gaze from you to the man who betrayed his order. 

"Th- Thank you, general." Your words were hoarse.

"But like he said, it will be rare." Kylo growled at him. Hux nodded back at Kylo.
"Now that you're caught up you may return to your room. We've supplied you with a wardrobe and please don't be scared to take a shower." You slowly turned your head to your shoulder to get a whiff of yourself and cringed at the scent.
"I'll retrieve you in two hours to begin your training." Kylo glided out of the room leaving the door open. You were left alone with General Hux.

"Thank you." You whispered.

"Please do as Commander Ren requested and return to your room." He stood up and left the room, not letting you get another word in. You obeyed to their orders and returned to your room. As you entered you headed straight to the closet. The wardrobe left for you consisted of tight pants, long sleeved undershirts, and boots all colored black. You sighed, grabbed an outfit and headed to the shower. A cold shower was exactly what you needed in order to digest everything that was just fed to you. You could feel each singular drop hitting your back and sliding down your legs. You closed your eyes and threw your head back, allowing the water to soak your face. In the darkness of your eyes you could see visions of Kylo flashing. His crossguard lightsaber above his head. His dark brown hair gliding in the wind of a desert. His hand held out with General Hux in his grasp. A charred black helmet sitting on a shrine, in front of it was Kylo, head in his hands. Your eyes shot open. The cold water stinging as it poured into your eyes. You threw yourself to the other side of the shower, out of the stream of ice. You panted, trying to understand the things you saw. As you caught your breath you slowly turned off the shower and dragged a towel across your body.

"What the fuck." You whispered to yourself as you slid your shirt over your head and tugged your pants up. You tied your boots and placed your dirty laundry in a basket.  You placed a hand on the doorknob but hesitated to leave. Instead the door flew open and you stumbled forward.

"Let's go." His voice synthesized by the mask. You tended to your wet hair and quickly caught up with him. 

"Wh- Where are we going.... Sir?" The mask putting a familiar sense of fear into you. He refused to give you an answer. After what felt like a full blown tour of the Finalizer, you reached the designated room. It was completely empty and looked almost similar to the holding cells. Black with very little light lining the room. 

"Fight me." He ordered as he stopped in the middle of the room, turning to you.

"I- What?" You studied his body to see if he had any tricks on him.

"Hit me. Give me everything you got, you've done it before." You felt a bead of sweat drip from your temple.

"I- You have a lightsaber and the force. For all I know you could kill me." You took a hesitant step back. He sighed and reached for his belt. You threw your hands up in front of your face, knowing he was about to kill you. His footsteps approached you rapidly. 

"Here." You slowly let your hands down and saw him holding a lightsaber towards you.

"M-My.. This is mine." You could recognize that hilt anywhere. You slowly grabbed it and ignited it. Your face and his mask shined green.

"How? I destroyed this." You couldn't take your eyes off the green beam of light.

"Your records said that you were raised on Ahch-To. I went there and found it in a pile of rocks. I don't think throwing this as far as you can is destroying it." He mocked you and took a step back.

"Now, give me everything you got." He opened his arms, giving you full access. You swung the lightsaber behind you and back to your front, getting in a stance. Before you could even charge at him your eyes went black and a memory was projected onto your eye lids.

"Come at me!" Brendol teased at you. He wasn't force sensitive, but he loved training with lightsabers. Every night you would sneak him a trainee lightsaber so you could have small battles. You giggled and charged at him. A white-ish cyan color sparked every time your lightsabers collided. You pulled back and allowed him to catch his breath.

"I know you're better than that. What are you doing? Holding back? Or are you just scared." He laughed.

"You want it all? Here it comes." You ran at him swinging your lightsaber over his head and slashing against his chest. He fell to the ground with a piercing scream. You turned your lightsaber off and threw it to the side.

"Brendol!" You dropped to your knees and took his shirt off. 
"I-.. What do I do?" You asked him as his eyes began to slowly close.
"No, no, no. I can't lose you." You placed a soft hand on his wound and laid your head down. After minutes of mourning he jolted up, pushing you off him.

"What happened?" He laughed. You glanced at his chest and noticed there was nothing there.

"I- I accidentally hit you with the hilt." You put on a fake smile. 

Your eyes shot open. But instead of resting on a familiar cold metal floor, or immediately seeing a blinding ceiling light, you saw him. He rested your head in his lap. You slowly sat up and placed a hand on your head. It felt as if someone was squeezing your brain, ringing every last memory out of it.

"What.. What happened?" You looked around and saw you were still in the empty room.

"You collapsed." He stood up and took a few steps back.
"Lets try again." He pulled his hilt out of his belt.

"I- I don't want to touch that thing ever again." You pointed to the lightsaber resting on the floor.

"Get over it, Y/N. It was just a memory. You can't change the past, but you can change the future." He ignited his lightsaber.
"You're either going to pick up that lightsaber and defend yourself like your life depended on it, or you're going to let me kill you." He proposed. He began marching towards you, raising his lightsaber above his head. Your heart was racing and your breathing heightened. You closed your eyes and threw your hand out in front of you. 

"Open your eyes." He demanded. You did as he commanded and saw his red blade resting inches away from your hand.

"Am I doing that?" You were in disbelief. He turned his lightsaber off and you lowered your hand.

"Whether you can use the force or not, I want to see how your lightsaber skills are. So, lets stop fooling around and actually train." You could tell he was getting agitated. He stepped back a good distance away from you and waited for you to be ready.

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